
  1. 参与组织编制、核化工试车、体试车及投料试车方案。

    Take part in the compile and review of schemes for chemical test running , general test and feed-test .

  2. 基于RKHS的小波核在化工软测量中的仿真研究

    Study of Wavelet Kernel in RKHS in Chemistry Industry Soft Sensing

  3. 建设核化学化工科研实验平台的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration in the Construction of Nuclear Chemical Technology Research Experiment Platform

  4. 该校在核能技术设计研究院在创建核化学化工科学研究实验平台、创新学科发展、培养相关人才和争取重大科研项目等方面,摸索出一些有益的经验。

    During the platform construction for nuclear chemical technology research experiments , the Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology , Tsinghua University , had gained some beneficial experiences in the creative subject development , creative talents cultivation and in the strive for important research projects .

  5. 交通设施、海岸设施、核电站、化工厂等建筑物经常受到冲击载荷的作用。

    Communication and coastal facilities , nuclear power station and chemical plant buildings are often subjected to impact loadings .

  6. 在电站锅炉、核反应堆以及化工、制冷、石油、冶金等工业中,常常遇到汽液两相流流经联箱并分配到和联箱联接的各并联分支管中的流动过程。

    In power plant boilers , nuclear reactors and chemical , refrigeration , petroleum , metallurgical industry , the process of gas-liquid two phase flow which flow through the header to all of the branches is often occurred .

  7. 由于物理性质的优点,功能梯度材料可用作高速航天器,核工业领域和化工领域的热防护材料。

    Due to its virtue of physical characteristics , FGM can be used as heat-shielding material for the higher-speed spacecraft , nuclear reactor and chemical engineering .