
zhū shì huì shè
  • Co., Ltd;company;stock corporation;business corporation
  1. 本文介绍了日本富士化工株式会社的FRP管道缠绕规律(简称富士缠绕规律),讨论了该规律在我国缠绕机上的应用。

    Filament winding principle for winding FRP pipe formulated by Japanese Fuji Chemical Company is introduced in this paper and its application in filament winding machine made in China is also discussed .

  2. 河北国华定洲发电厂2×600MW一期工程烟气脱硫工程,总体设计由日本川崎重工业株式会社负责,河北省电力勘测设计研究院作为分包商承担烟道的详图设计。

    A Japanese heavy industrial company was responsible for general design of the FGD project of 2 x 600 MW for Hebei Guohua Dingzhou Power Plant , phase I and Hebei Provincial Electric Power Survey Design Research Institute undertook the design of detailed drawings as a subcontractor .

  3. 东光株式会社为所有类型的IC进行匹配评估。

    TOKO performs matching evaluation for all types of ICs .

  4. 位于东京的日本格付研究所株式会社(JapanCreditRatingAgencyLtd.)周四将夏普的债务评级下调了两档至A-。

    Tokyo-based Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd. on Thursday downgraded the rating on Sharp 's debt by two notches to single-A-minus . '

  5. 大容量电阻片、GIS型避雷器和瓷套型避雷器的研发工作都是在株式会社东芝相关技术的基础上进行的。

    , The R & D of high capacity resistance piece and GIS and porcelain-clad metal oxide arrester was carried out based on related Toshiba technology .

  6. 2002年,House食品集团株式会社的科学家们发表了一篇文章,文章中提出一个假设,洋葱中催泪酶的功效可以被减弱,但其原有的口感和营养价值能被保留。

    In 2002 , House Foods Group scientists published a paper in which they hypothesized that tear-inducing enzymes in onions could be weakened while retaining their full flavor and nutritional value .

  7. 东京大型开发商森大厦株式会社(MoriBuildingCo.)的一栋商住两用楼将于今年6月份完工,它将成为东京市场的一块试金石。

    A test case will be a new mixed-use tower to be completed in June by Mori Building Co. , a prime Tokyo developer .

  8. 然而,切洋葱“催人泪下”的历史终于要结束啦!因为日本House食品集团株式会社即将推出世界上首个“无泪洋葱”。

    However , your days of getting teary-eyed in the kitchen may be coming to an end as Japanese company House Foods Group prepares to launch the world 's first tear-free onion to the market .

  9. 此外,文章表示,三菱地所株式会社(MitsubishiEstate)计划在2013年前,在东京成田机场附近开设一家专门针对中国消费者的品牌直销购物中心。

    Meanwhile , Mitsubishi Estate plans to open an outlet mall close to Narita Airport by 2013 , specifically targeting Chinese customers , the story said .

  10. 她告诉我公司的开门生意是一位非阿拉伯的有钱主顾日本伊藤忠商事株式会社(itochucorporationofjapan),对方正寻求在英国购置资产。

    She tells me the company started with a non-Arab paying client , Itochu Corporation of Japan , which was seeking to buy assets in the UK .

  11. 全球最大造船商&韩国现代重工业株式会社(HyundaiHeavyIndustries)上周五公布了创纪录的季度利润,在围绕中国的全球贸易不断增长的推动下,市场对船舶日益上升的需求推升了船价。

    Hyundai Heavy Industries , the world 's largest shipbuilder , on Friday reported a record quarterly profit as increasing demand for ships drove up vessel prices amid growing global trade surrounding China .

  12. 东方乐园株式会社(OrientalLandCo)负责管理东京迪士尼度假村(TokyoDisneyResort)。该公司已经关闭了旗下的公园和酒店,以对损失进行评估。

    Oriental Land Co. , which runs the Tokyo Disney Resort , has closed its parks and hotels to assess damages , but it 's planning to announce a reopening later this month .

  13. 在向香港联合交易所(HongKongStockExchange)提交的文件中,长江实业表示将购买45架飞机,同时与日本的三菱商事株式会社(MitsubishiCorp)组建合资企业,并持有60%的股份。

    In a filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , Cheung Kong said it will buy 45 aircraft outright and buy a 60 % stake in joint venture with an arm of Japan 's Mitsubishi Corp.

  14. 你需要知道这两家大公司:一个是日本最大的铁路公司——东日本旅客铁道株式会社(JREast);另一个是东京最大的地铁公司——东京地下铁株式会社(TokyoMetro)。

    The two big ones you 'll need to know are JR East , the largest railway system in Japan , and the Tokyo Metro , the city 's busiest subway system .

  15. XXX原料从日本天野株式会社进口,是低聚糖中效果最好的品种之一。

    XXX raw material imports from Japan Amano Co. , Ltd. , which is one of the best effect varieties in low polyose .

  16. 横田(YOKOTA)株式会社,以开发油压伺服系统为核心;

    YOKOTA Inc. , take developping the hydraulic-pneumatic servo system as the core ;

  17. 丰田汽车集团(Toyota)旗下的贸易部门丰田通商株式会社(ToyotaTsusho)正在印度和越南开发未开采的稀土矿,以降低对中国供应的依赖。

    Toyota Tsusho , the trading arm of the Toyota automobile group , is developing untapped deposits in India and Vietnam in order to reduce its reliance on Chinese supplies .

  18. 日本精工株式会社(NSK)位于藤泽的这家工厂生产的轴承,看上去很像是500年前达芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)勾画的原型,但该公司的成本仍相当可观。

    The bearings produced by the NSK factory in Fujisawa may look a lot like the prototypes Leonardo da Vinci sketched five centuries ago , but the company still has plenty of costs .

  19. 上海环球金融中心开发商日本森大厦株式会社(moribuilding)首席执行官森稔(minorumori)表示,按照目前的发展速度,上海有可能在10年内超过东京。

    Minoru mori , chief executive of Mori Building , the developer behind the Shanghai World Financial Center , says the rapid pace at which the Chinese city is growing could see it overtake Tokyo in less than a decade .

  20. 学习和借鉴了JR东日本旅客铁道株式会社、北京铁路局发展多元化经营的成功经验,从中得到了有益的启示;

    Study and use JR east railway Corporation , Beijing Railway Bureau development successful experience that pluralism deal in , passenger of Japanese , for reference , have got beneficial enlightenment from it ;

  21. 稻盛和夫是电子产品制造商-日本京瓷株式会社(Kyocera)创始人,在科技界打拼了几十年,曾经担任日本一家最主要通讯公司的董事长。

    The founder of electronics maker Kyocera spent decades in the technology industry and served as chairman of one of Japan 's top telecommunications companies .

  22. 作为日本NACHI中国经销商,得到了株式会社不二越的大力支持。

    As Japan 's NACHI Chinese distributor , has been more support from Fuji Corporation .

  23. 日本东丽工业株式会社(TorayIndustries)生产的高强度碳纤维深受竞赛自行车和喷气式飞机制造商喜爱,它们碰巧又是制造超声离心机的绝佳材料,而超声离心机被用于浓缩制造核弹所需的铀。

    The high-strength carbon fibre made by Japan 's Toray Industries is eagerly sought after by the makers of racing bikes and jet aircraft . It also happens to be perfect for supersonic centrifuges used to enrich the uranium in nuclear bombs .

  24. AmusedByMuse慕斯带来的惊喜东京东急株式会社旗下的慕斯美容美发,想出了一个巧妙地使用染发样品头发的替代方法。那些染过色且被扭绞并编成辫子的头发,曾在染发剂机架上,被公开地展出。

    The Muse Beauty Salon ( c / o Tokyu Agency Inc. , Tokyo ) has come up with an ingenious alternate use for those twisted and braided samples of dyed hair commonly displayed at the hair dye rack .

  25. 日本制药集团海外扩张的努力——包括第一三共株式会社(DaiichiSankyo)以47亿美元灾难性地收购印度仿制药生产商Ranbaxy——也没有带给人鼓舞。

    Efforts by pharma groups to expand abroad , including Daiichi Sankyo 's disastrous $ 4.7bn acquisition of Ranbaxy , an Indian generics maker , have not inspired confidence .

  26. 丹羽曾任伊藤忠商事株式会社(itochu)总裁兼董事长,在上世纪90年代及本世纪初帮助率领该公司向中国扩张。

    Mr Niwa is a former president and chairman of trading house Itochu and helped spearhead its Chinese expansion throughout the 1990s and early years of this century .

  27. 小涌园度假村运营商藤田观光株式会社(FujitaKanto)的一位代表称:9月份,来自中国的订单约有70%被取消了,10月份的前景更加糟糕。

    About 70 per cent of bookings from China were cancelled in September and the outlook is worse for October , says a representative for Fujita Kanto , the company that runs the resort .

  28. 但是能源股例如日本的国际石油开发株式会社(INPEX)的股票表现仍然不佳。

    But energy shares such as Japan 's INPEX Holdings underperformed as oil slid below $ 60 a barrel on concerns that demand could falter .

  29. 韩国是美貌的重要阵地,拥有120亿美元资产的化妆品工厂和国产品牌,有顺应潮流的爱茉莉太平洋集团公司和LG生活健康株式会社,或者说从电视剧到流行音乐等文化输出的“韩流”。

    South Korea is a beauty powerhouse , with a $ 12-billion cosmetics industry and home-grown brands from the likes of Amore pacific Corp and LG Household and Healthcare riding a wave , or " hallyu , " of cultural exports , from television dramas to pop music .

  30. 三共(Sankyo)株式会社在1973年用未试验棉红蜘蛛进行新的杀虫抗生素筛选时,发现该发酵产物对多种害虫有独特的效果。

    Sankyo Co. , Ltd. Screening the new insecticidal antibiotic with not test new cotton spider in 1973 , they found that the fermentation product has a unique effect on a variety of pests .