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  • plant;individual plant;root and stem of a tree above the ground
  • 露出地面的树根:守~待兔。~连。~戮。

  • 棵儿,指整个的植物体:植~。

  • 量词,指植物:一~桃树。


(露在地面上树木的根和茎) root and stem of a tree above the ground:

  • 根株



(植株) individual plant; plant:

  • 幼株

    young plant; sapling



  • 两株梅

    two plum trees;

  • 三株树

    three trees

  1. 株型指标为:株高80-85cm;

    Plant type index were : the tallness of individual plant was 80-85cm ;

  2. 以后每年春季结合换盆行一次短截修剪,以保持株形丰满,树热旺盛。

    Later annual spring union changes a travel short cut clip , in order to carry individual plant form plump , tree heat is exuberant .

  3. 这些鳞茎植物是三五株在一起种植的。

    The bulbs are planted in threes or fives .

  4. 这株植物开了一朵美丽鲜红的花。

    The plant has a beautiful bright red flower .

  5. 蚜虫的确能把一株植物吸干。

    Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry .

  6. 一株植物凋谢了,另一株又会盛开。

    As one plant fades , another comes into flower .

  7. 你得自己把那株植物挖出来。

    You would have to dig up the plant yourself

  8. 整株药草有种独特的味道和气味。

    The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour

  9. 整株植物都覆盖着细茸毛。

    The whole plant is covered with fine down .

  10. 把这株植物放在一个阳光充足、上方有遮盖物的开阔处。

    Stand the plant in the open in a sunny , sheltered place .

  11. 按要求经常给每一株植物浇水。

    Water each plant as often as required .

  12. 用至少4加仑的水浸湿每株灌木周围的土。

    Soak the soil around each bush with at least 4 gallons of water .

  13. 这株玉米抽穗很好。

    This corn ears well .

  14. 本品对试验动物肿瘤瘤株u27、s180、抑制艾氏腹水癌,并有镇痛作用。

    In animal studies , this product can inhibit u27 , s180 tumors , ehrlich ascites cells and relieve pain .

  15. 小河边只有几株稀落的柳树。

    There are only a few scattered willow trees by the stream .

  16. 数万株树木遭损毁。

    Tens of thousands of trees were damaged or destroyed .

  17. 那男子用斧头砍倒了一株矮树。

    The man hacked a shrub down with an axe .

  18. 他在花盆里填上土,栽了一株玫瑰。

    He filled the pot with earth and planted a rose in it .

  19. 几株红梅把雪后的园林点缀得格外美丽。

    Embellished with red plum blossoms , the garden looked even more beautiful after the snow .

  20. 众所周知,单全异株,或者更通俗一些说,雌雄杂生为最适交配打下基础。

    Cases are known where trioecy or , more generally , heteroecy , provides for an optimal mating system .

  21. 这情形就像看着一株憔悴的植物吸进水份一样,眼看着她和自己在一起吸收着友谊。

    It was like watching a starved plant draw up water , to see her drink in his companionship .

  22. 当你在美国和欧洲的树木园或公园采集时,很难找到一株典型的纯种树。

    It is difficult to locate a tree typical of a pure species in the arboretum and park collections of the United States and europe .

  23. 否则,树也不可能从一株秧苗成长起来。

    Otherwise , it would be unable to grow from a seedling .

  24. 对高活性突变株M14的细胞转化和发酵转化条件进行优化

    The conditions of fermentable and enzymatic conversion of M14 were optimized .

  25. 前面是一个大坝子,种了许多株高大的松树

    Before them stood a grove of tall cypresses .

  26. 我必须是你近旁的一株木棉,

    I must be a ceiba by your side

  27. 株高、冠幅、花径是矮牵牛的重要观赏性状。

    Height , breadth and diameter of corolla are the important ornamental characters of petunia .

  28. 那是一株杂交的四季开花的蔷薇。

    That is a hybrid perpetual rose .

  29. 让我们从樱桃树上摘下一株美丽的樱花。

    Let us pluck one of the pretty white flowers with which each cherry-tree is covered .

  30. 曾几何时,这株樱花还只是一个绿色小球般的花蕾。

    Once this flower was only a bud , and then it looked like a little green ball .