
xiào xùn
  • school motto;phrasal school regulations
校训 [xiào xùn]
  • [phrasal school regulations] 综合体现学校办学宗旨、学风的词语,对学生有指导意义

校训[xiào xùn]
  1. 凝聚在校训中的航海期望和航海精神

    The Expectations and Spirit of Marine Navigation Inferred from the School Motto

  2. 的校训校则,在过去的教学过程中,我们获得了

    The school motto is , teaching in the past , we had

  3. 这所学校的校训是:“责任、荣誉、国家”。

    The school 's motto is : ‘ Duty , Honour , Country ’ .

  4. 20世纪80年代,伯顿在威辛顿女子学校度过了快乐的小学时光,她还记得学校的校训:“adlucem”——迎着光明。

    It 's worth remembering the motto at Withington Girls " School , where Burton was a happy pupil in the 1980s : " ad lucem " - toward the light .

  5. 最后提出了校训制定的策略和方法。

    Additionally , the motto making strategies and method are mentioned .

  6. 一直以来高校的校训发展受到了学校和社会的关注。

    The Motto development has been concerned by schools and social .

  7. 我国大学校训中蕴涵的大学理念解析

    Explanation of the Ideas Contained in the Mottos of Chinese Universities

  8. 这所学校的校训是:责任,荣誉,国家。

    The school 's motto is : Duty , Honour , Country .

  9. 学校的校训是让每个学生成功。

    The motto of our school is to make every student successful .

  10. 校训的道德教育价值的研究

    The Research on the Moral Education Value of School Mottos

  11. 大学校训功能及其构建研究

    A Study of the Function of the University Spirit and Its Establishment

  12. 校训:为成功的人生做准备。

    School motto : make preparations for the successful life .

  13. 中国与西方大学校训之间既有共同之点也有迥异之处。

    There are similarities and differences between Chinese and western countries'university mottos .

  14. 大学校训是大学理念和精神的集中反映。

    University ideas and its spirits can be reflected in university motto .

  15. 正式校训:职责、荣誉、国家。

    Official motto : duty , honor , country .

  16. 我国高等学校校训类型及其功能研究

    A Study on the Types and Functions of Moral Instruction of Chinese Colleges

  17. 大学校训刍议

    Brief Comment on School Motto of Colleges and Universities

  18. 论贵州民族学院校训

    On the Instructions of Guizhou University for Ethnic Minorities

  19. 论团结、高尚、博学、创新的云南民族学院校训

    On the Motto of Yunnan University of the Nationalities

  20. 其次归纳了大学校训的内涵和产生方式。

    Secondly summarizes the connotation of university motto and the way of produce .

  21. 你校的校训是什么?

    What is the motto of your university ?

  22. 中国大学校训翻译不仅要尽可能的保留源文本的特征,更要做到满足目标语读者期望。

    University motto translation should not just keep source text features but also meet ?

  23. 有些学校的校训也振奋人心。

    Schools have some stirring mottos , too .

  24. 大学校训具有学术性、稳定性、特殊性和时代性的特征。

    The motto has four features : academic , contemporary , stability and particularity .

  25. 两个学校不同的校训预示了两个学校未来的命运。

    Two different school motto School foretells the future destiny of the two schools .

  26. 诚朴雄伟励学敦行&百年传统与南大校训朴素的大学家具和一张大餐桌,使这一切愈发显得不调和。

    The austere college furniture and the large luncheon table made all the more incongruous .

  27. 复旦大学校训:“博学而笃志,切问而近思”;

    Fudan University School Motto : " erudite and Atsushi , cut near the question thinking ";

  28. 加拿大名校校训

    The Mottos of Top Canadian Universities

  29. 现阶段,在校训建设中我们积累了一些成功的经验,同时也存在种种不足。

    At present we have accumulated some successful experience in the construction of the school motto ;

  30. 英国名校校训

    The Mottos of Top British Universities