
róu xìng
  • flexibility;suppleness
柔性 [róu xìng]
  • [suppleness] 柔软的或易弯的性质

  • 柔性处理

柔性[róu xìng]
  1. 同时对扰动的及时处理也增加了供应商和零售商之间利润分配的柔性。

    It also increases flexibility of distribution of profits between suppler and retailer .

  2. 柔性Flexibility的概念及其控制模型

    The Concept and the Control Model of Flexibility

  3. 压缩空气的喷射气流将气垫船浮在地面上,船的四周有柔性围裙来维持气垫并使气垫船稳定。

    Jets of compressed air lift the hovercraft off the ground , and flexible skirts around the craft retain the air cushion , and help to keep it stable .

  4. 索尼也在研究轻薄显示技术,并展示了一种柔性全彩有机发光二极管显示器。

    Sony has also been working on ever-thinner technology , demonstrating a flexible full-color organic LED display .

  5. PLC的定时器类型及柔性化参数设定

    On Type of Timer and its Flexible Parameters Setting within PLC System

  6. 制药行业柔性ERP系统的研究与实现

    The Pharmaceutical Industry Flexible ERP System Research and Implementation

  7. 面向对象的柔性设计与控制理论(III)

    Object-Oriented Free Design and Control Theory ( III )

  8. 工作流柔性化设计提高了系统灵活性OA和实用性。

    Flexible workflow system can improve the flexibility and practicability of workflow system .

  9. 将Agent技术引入工作流管理,提出了一种Agent强化的具有高度可扩展性及柔性的分布式虚拟企业工作流模型,以支持虚拟企业的分布式协同运作。

    An agent enhanced workflow model in distributed VE with high scalability and high flexibility is established to support the cooperation between the partners of VE .

  10. 进入WTO以后,柔性版印刷的环保优势以及其在包装印刷领域的整体发展趋势将十分明显。

    After entry into WTO , the advantage of flexography and the whole development of package printing industries are very clear and highlight .

  11. 全柔性机构与MEMS

    Fully compliant mechanisms and MEMS

  12. 利用统计力学模型讨论了与人类遗传病有关的DNA三核苷酸重复序列的弯曲和柔性。

    We use a statistical mechanical model to discuss bending and flexibility of trinucleotide repeat sequences ( TRS ) which associate with several human genetic diseases .

  13. Sagittal聚焦晶体柔性铰链压弯机构研究

    Bending structure based on flexible hinges for sagittal focusing crystal

  14. 对于组织柔性研究,Arena将是非常可靠的工具。

    Arena will be a very reliable tool for the research of the flexibility of the organization .

  15. RMS的高效率和柔性在很大程度上取决于RMS调度的水平。

    The efficiency and flexibility of RMS depends largely on the level of RMS scheduling .

  16. 由于该仿真电路板价格低廉并具有柔性,可以被开发成产品,也十分适合于PLC控制的演示实验。

    Due to low-cost and suppleness the emulation circuit may turn into the product , and also suits for making a demo experiment on PLC control .

  17. SiO2气凝胶柔性保温隔热薄膜

    SiO_2 aerogel flexible heat insulation film

  18. UPVC管道与W型柔性铸铁管在建筑排水中的应用比较

    The Comparison of Application between UPVC - Drainpipe and W Flexible Joint Cast-Iron Drainpipe in Architect Drain System

  19. Rational公司从当前对软件开发过程的需求及其动向出发,提出了UML柔性软件开发过程的概念,并以Rose为核心创建了迭代式的UML集成化支持环境的框架方案。

    Rational creates flexible software development process for Unified Modeling Language , and establish a iteratively integrated development framework based on UML with Rational Rose as the kernel .

  20. 底层柔性建筑和液压质量控制系统(HMS)的抗震优化设计方法

    Optimal design method for flexible first story building and Hydraulic-mass control system

  21. 首先,针对经典车间调度问题的局限性,研究了FMS环境下,先进制造车间具有路径柔性的优化调度问题。

    Firstly , the thesis studies the flexible job-shop optimal scheduling problem in FMS on analyzing the weakness of classical job-shop .

  22. PAROS给出的柔性铰链绕z轴的转动刚度(柔度)计算公式相比,提出了更为简洁、精确的转动刚度计算公式,使其有利于柔性铰链的设计和分析。

    This will be propitious to the design and analysis of flexure hinges .

  23. 传统的机械CAD系统存在缺乏柔性和自动化水平低的缺点,虚拟现实技术可以提供具有良好沉浸感、交互性和可视化效果的设计环境。

    Traditional mechanical CAD system has the disadvantages of inflexibility and low-level automation , and the technology of virtual reality can supply an ideal environment of good interaction and good immersive visualization .

  24. 结合先进的Multi-agent理论和技术,提出了一种在人与机器之间建立以Agent为中间体的人机协同机制。从而实现人与机器之间的柔性化信息交互接口。

    Combining advanced multi agent technology and theory , a human machine cooperation mechanism with agent as the middle medium is presented which can provide a more flexible information mutual interface .

  25. 同时为进一步将GridServices技术应用于水利系统,增强各个水利部门之间异构系统的集成,并实现具有柔性扩展的水利数据应用服务平台做了必要的技术准备。

    Moreover , this paper does necessary technology preparation for applying Grid Services technology to water conservancy system , enhancing integration of heterogeneous system among water conservancy departments and implementing extensible Water Conservancy Data Application Service Platform .

  26. Si衬底和Si-SiO2-Si柔性衬底上的GaN生长

    GaN Growth on Si and Si-SiO_2-Si Compliant Substrates

  27. MMM柔性调节式电动作动系统

    MMM Flexibly Regulated Electric Actuating System

  28. 依据Kane方程,提出带有多个柔性矩形板的复杂航天器的动力学建模方法。

    Dynamic modeling method of complex spacecraft with flexible rectangular plates is obtained according to Kane 's equations .

  29. SBS防水卷材是以聚脂纤维为胎体,以SBS橡胶改性石油沥青为漫渍涂盖层,以聚乙烯塑料薄膜为防粘隔离层的一种柔性油毡。

    Waterproof coiled materials of SBS are a flexible felt of polyester fibre as casing , SBS modified asphalt as coating and polyethylene film as antiseizing separation layer .

  30. GCL柔性壁渗透仪测试过程中相关问题的探讨

    The Introduction of GCL Flexible Wall Permeameter and Discussion for Its Focused Problems During GCL Hydraulic Conductivity Testing