
  • 网络Berlin Museum;Altes Museum;Museumsinsel
  1. 苏菲·盖德是约克大学的毕业班学生,她在柏林博物馆发现了这幅画作。

    Sophie Gadd , in her final year at the University of York , spotted the artwork in a Berlin museum .

  2. 柏林博物馆岛&艺术与科学的圣殿

    Museum Island in Berlin : The Sanctuary of Art and Science

  3. 建于19世纪的柏林博物馆岛新博物馆,是德国普鲁士时期重要的新古典主义建筑代表作。

    The Neues Museum in Berlin , built in the19th century , was one of the most important monumental structures of Prussia .

  4. 线之间&里勃斯金德的柏林犹太人博物馆

    Between the Lines ── Jewish Museum , Berlin

  5. 柏林犹太人博物馆是解构主义建筑师里勃斯金德的一项力作。

    The Jewish Museum is one of the most important works of the deconstructionist architect D.

  6. 解读柏林犹太人博物馆中霍夫曼花园

    E.T.A.Hoffmann Garden in Berlin Jewish Museum

  7. 因为其中一个被柏林佩加蒙博物馆永久展览,这对宝物长年千里遥望。

    Its twin had long been part of the permanent display at the Pergamon museum in Berlin .

  8. 吐鲁番发现的四件西夏文佛经残片中,最完整的一件藏于德国柏林民俗博物馆,编号为T。

    Among the four fragments of Tangut Sutras , excavated from Turfan , the most complete one , T.

  9. 建筑设计中的非理性因素&体验柏林犹太人博物馆

    Irrational elements in architecture design : the experience of Jewish museum , Berlin Jews of Shanghai non-compact flow

  10. 本文介绍了柏林犹太人博物馆的设计概念及作者的空间体验。

    This paper describes the concept of the Jewish Museum in Berlin and the perception in the space .

  11. 解构主义的经典作品:柏林犹太人博物馆

    Jewish Museum in Berlin

  12. “水墨新境”&中国当代水墨展(德国柏林国家博物馆、德累斯顿国家艺术收藏馆);

    New Scene : The Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Ink Paintings Berlin National Museum & Dresden National Art Collection Museum .

  13. 本文通过分析解构主义的经典作品&柏林犹太人博物馆,透视出作品非理性表象下,理性的思考过程。

    Through the analysis of Jewish Museum in Berlin , the article opens out the cause of logical thought under the irrational phenomenon .

  14. 柏林电影博物馆的罗尔夫·吉森博士告诉记者,这部电影冲破了德国电影的禁区。

    Dr Rolf Giesen , from the Film Museum in Berlin , told reporters that the film had broken taboos in German cinema .

  15. 获得苏丹的允许后,祭坛被送到德国,成为柏林佩加蒙博物馆的镇馆之宝。

    With the sultan 's permission , the altar was sent to Germany and became the centrepiece of the Pergamon museum in Berlin .

  16. 这些单元的电影将收入柏林电影博物馆,目的在于为这次些当代电影做历史性的记录。

    Both of these sections , which are curated by the Berlin Film Museum , aim to place contemporary cinema within a historical context .

  17. “艺术品”问题应该是现在驻留在柏林新博物馆的,对伟大的古埃及奈费尔提蒂半身像的复制品问题。

    The " artwork " in question was supposed to be a replica of the great ancient Egyptian bust of Nefertiti that resides in Berlin 's Neues Museum .

  18. 对这位充满激情却又性格乖张的画家,当前举办的两场画展做出了重新评价。展出的作品均来自柏林的犹太博物馆。

    Now two shows , drawn from the Jewish Museum in Berlin , offer a reassessment of this passionate and difficult artist .

  19. 这幅作于帆布上的油画是由约翰·巴提斯·兰匹于1794年完成的,它目前在柏林的德国历史博物馆展出。

    The oil on canvas was completed in 1794 by Johann Baptist Lampi . It now hangs in the Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin , Germany .

  20. 在柏林的德国历史博物馆举行的展会“希特勒和德国人”自上周五开幕以来,已经吸引了一万多游客前来观看。这场展会对“创造出”希特勒的社会进行了调查研究。

    Hitler and the Germans , " an exhibition in Berlin 's German Historical Museum which investigates the society that created Hitler , has seen more than 10000 visitors walk through its doors since opening on Friday 。

  21. 站在展示柏林墙碎块的博物馆里,她悲叹道:“正当网络延伸至全球各国时,虚拟的墙正不断冒出来,取代看得见的墙。”

    Standing in a museum that displays chunks of the Berlin Wall , she lamented : " even as networks spread to nations around the globe , virtual walls are cropping up in place of visible walls . "

  22. 2014年2月,藏家马尔佐纳(他是GoingPublic项目的参与者之一)把自己收藏的372件20世纪先锋艺术品转让给了柏林市政府。2002年,他已经把自己收藏的很大一部分艺术品赠送给了柏林的多个博物馆。

    In February 2014 , Mr. Marzona , one of the participating collectors in " Going Public , " transferred ownership of 372 pieces of 20th-century avant-garde art to the city of Berlin , having already given a substantial proportion of his collection to the city 's museums in 2002 .