
  • 网络Platonic philosophy;Platonism;platonic
  1. 在19世纪,柏拉图哲学曾风靡一时,安徒生的爱情观就深深地打上了被伏尔泰称为形而上学爱情的柏拉图思想的烙印。

    The Platonism once was the rage in the 19th century and had branded " Metaphysical Love " into the Andersen 's love view .

  2. 你甚至可以看到一点柏拉图哲学的影子,例如《希伯来书》,或者《约翰福音》

    You might say that you see traces of Platonism in , say , the letter of Hebrews , or in the Gospel of John .

  3. 有人说过一切哲学都不过是柏拉图哲学的一个脚注而已。

    It have is say that all philosophy is a footnote to plato .

  4. 柏拉图哲学王思想探究&对于哲学王思想批评的回应

    A Response to the Criticism of the Thought of " Philosopher King "

  5. 柏拉图哲学思想的核心

    The Core of Plato 's Philosophical Thoughts

  6. 观念的,理念的以原型或固定形式出现的,特指柏拉图哲学中的观点或概念学习动机、自我概念是教育心理学的重要概念。

    Existing as an archetype or pattern , especially as a Platonic idea or perception . Academic motivation and self-concept are most important terms in Educational Psychology .

  7. 爱是柏拉图哲学中一个非常重要的概念,他认为,真、善、美都是爱的追求对象,爱同时又可以划分为世俗之爱和神圣之爱。

    Love is an important conception of Plato ¢ s philosophy , who thought , Truth , Good , Beauty all are objects of love . Love includes Agape and Eros .

  8. 柏拉图哲学王思想的本质是哲学与政治的结合,这其实是指理性、知识与政治管理的结合,而非现代人理解中以权力为核心的政治统治观念。

    The thought of philosopher king is , in nature , a combination of philosophy and politics , i.e. a combination of reason , knowledge and political government , but not a concept of the political rule centering on the power , as modern people understand it .

  9. 正义观念是柏拉图政治哲学中统摄一切的原则。

    The concept of Justice is a dominant principle in Platonic political philosophy .

  10. 哲学王何以可能&柏拉图政治哲学引论

    Why is " Philosophy-King " Possible ? & Discussion on Plato 's Political Philosophy

  11. 从当代中国的实际看柏拉图“哲学王”思想

    Plato 's Political Theory and China 's Reality

  12. 柏拉图的哲学王思想探析

    On the Plato 's King Well-versed in Philosophy

  13. 柏拉图语言哲学探析

    On Plato 's Philosophy of Language

  14. 哲学与政治的关系是柏拉图政治哲学的一个基本问题。

    The relationship between philosophy and politics is a basic problem of Plato 's political philosophy .

  15. 让他们坐在教室里,在20岁时教他们柏拉图的哲学

    Sit them in a classroom , tell them about Plato at the age of 20 ,

  16. 真的,我读过,柏拉图的哲学

    It 's true . I read about it . It 's all in Plato . It 's called philosophy .

  17. 然后让他们去当管理顾问当40年,而他们也不会忘记柏拉图的哲学

    send them out for a career in management consultancy for 40 years , and that lesson will stick with them .

  18. 你们有一些人也许已经在别的课程上学习过柏拉图的哲学思想了,所以这应该会很简单。

    Now , some of you may have studied Plato ' s philosophy in some other course , so this might be easy .

  19. 对于柏拉图,哲学的首要任务,是透过对我们的欲望设限,来治疗我们的激情。

    For Plato , philosophy was in the first instance , a therapy for our passions in a way of setting limits to our desires .

  20. 从中我们可以看出弗洛伊德的学说与柏拉图的哲学思想在非理性主义本质上存在着深厚的渊源关系。

    Through analysis , we can see there is a deep original rela - tion of irrationalism between Plato 's philosophy and Freud 's theory .

  21. 柏拉图的哲学观点对奥古斯丁影响甚深,他的想法显然不同于当前基督教理论,他宣称自己的观点是建立在说理的前提之下的。

    Under the philosophical influence of plato , and distinctly unlike much of the christianity of today , augustine 's view is grounded , he claims , in reason .

  22. 他们的思想以及柏拉图主义哲学,印度教和佛教,波斯的思想家们的观点都深深地影响了爱默生的超验主义哲学。

    The ideas of these men , along with those of Plato and some of the Hindu , Buddhist , and Persian thinkers and German idealists and the English romantics had a great effect on his development of the philosophy of " Transcendentalism " .

  23. 波爱修的存在(Esse)概念,既是对柏拉图和亚里士多德哲学思想的融会,更是对《出埃及记》中上帝之言的倾听。

    Boethius ' conception of Esse is not only an understanding of Plato and Aristotle but also the obedience to God 's words in Exodus ( 3 : 14 ) .

  24. 普罗塔哥拉与柏拉图的政治哲学的阐释与比较

    Comparison and Interpretation of Philosophy of Politics Between Protagoras and Plato

  25. 属于、关于或代表柏拉图或他的哲学。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy .

  26. 论柏拉图的政治哲学思想及其波普对它的批判

    Plato ′ s Political Philosophy and the Critique of Pope

  27. 苏格拉底的学生柏拉图是西方哲学史上另一个非常重要的人物。

    One of his students , Plato , would go on to become another major figure in the history of Western philosophy .

  28. 列奥·施特劳斯主张回归柏拉图的苏格拉底哲学,重估西方哲学史,并将其改写成回复自然权利的政治哲学史。

    Leo Strauss restores Platonic Socrates , reevaluates western philosophy 's history , and rewrites it as history of political philosophy the returning of natural right .

  29. 如古希腊柏拉图的“哲学王”治国,现代西方国家的文官制度、公民道德教育等。

    For instance ancient Greek Plato " s " philosophy king " runs a country , the systems of the civil officials of the modern western countries , citizen " s moral education and so on .

  30. 西方哲学史上,从柏拉图起,哲学一词就意味着召唤人们追求超感性的实在而疏离现实的感性世界,哲学成了形而上学的同义语。

    The word " Philosophy " in the history of Western philosophy since Plato is almost synonymous with " Metaphysics " which suggests an absolute distinction between the sensible and the supersensible , and regards the latter as the highest reality .