
  • 网络Golog
  1. 青海省果洛地区地方病防治现状和展望

    The Present State and Prospect of Preventing Endemic Diseases in Golog Area , Qinghai Province

  2. 目的是在青海果洛地区,通过在退化的草原上限制放牧来减少沙漠化。

    The goal is to reduce desertification by limiting grazing on the shrinking grasslands in the Golog region of Qinghai .

  3. 5月21日夜间到5月22日凌晨,云南大理州漾濞县和青海果洛州玛多县先后发生地震,引发全国关注。周末发生在云南和青海省的地震已经导致3人遇难,多人受伤。

    Earthquakes that rattled the provinces of Yunnan and Qinghai over the weekend left three people dead and dozens injured .

  4. 几个小时后,5月22日凌晨2点04分,青海果洛藏族自治州玛多县发生7.4级地震。该地区海拔在4000米以上。应急管理部表示,有11人在地震中受轻伤。

    A few hours later , at 2:04 am Saturday , a 7.4-magnitude quake jolted of Emergency Management said 11 people had minor injuries.The county is located over 4000 meters above sea level .

  5. 果洛州2002年生态足迹多样性指数和发展能力低,而GDP生态足迹较高,反映该区域生态系统结构单一,稳定性差,资源利用效率低。

    The ecological footprint diversity and development capacity is lower and GDP ecological footprint is higher , which reflect the ecosystem stability and resource utilization efficiency are lower .

  6. 果洛州高寒湿地资源现状评价与发展对策

    Evaluation of resource condition and development strategy for alpine

  7. 1934年的边疆面孔庄学本的果洛之行

    Frontier in science the face of the frontier

  8. 千百年来,青南地区(玉树、果洛两州加黄南部分县乡)均为游牧区。

    Since lots and lots of years , the south area of Qinghai Province is nomadic area .

  9. 对果洛州玛沁县雪山乡10头经产、初产家牦母牛一个夏季的挤乳量进行了测定。

    Milk performance of10 primiparous and delivered domestic female yaks was measured in a summer in Snow Mountain country , Maqin county .

  10. 主要阐述了果洛阿什姜部落的历史渊源及部落法规《红本法》的制定过程。

    Luo Ashi on the main fruit of tribal history of ginger and tribal laws and regulations " red this law ," the formulation process .

  11. 传统习惯法的存在对果洛阿什姜部落地区维护社会安定、强化社会秩序起到了重要作用。

    Traditional customary law the existence of fruit Luo Ashi Jiang tribal areas to maintain social stability and strengthen the social order has played an important role .

  12. 青海省果洛州达日县在国家政策的扶持下,电线、公路通到了牧区的门口,当地在日新月异的变化。

    Wires and roads has reached the door of pasture region , Dari County , Guo Luo State , Qinghai Province is changing quickly by the support of government policies .