- Fruit stalk;carpopodium

As to heredity of the heavy of fruit and the length of carpopodium , HS-22 makes female parent be superior to HS-20 .
Changes of the pedicel structure and Ca , Mg , K levels during apple fruitlet development
When GO gene was transducted in cotton , the cotton plant became dwarf , the boll stems became longer , the number of bolls increased and the fiber attributes improved .
ABA and ethrel spray treatment sharply decreased the attachment of stem to the fruit .
The gradient of endogenous IAA content followed the pattern of pedicel > basic part of fruit > de-seeded fruit .
An orthogonal design experiment was used to investigate the effects of a combination of 6-BA , GA3 , 2 , 4-D at different concentrations on juice sac granulation of Guanxi pomelo fruit .
Compared with pedicel , the expression of alkaline form II decline with the change of the RFOs content in the fruit , suggesting that it may be involved the unloading of the stachyose .
The Relationship between Structures of Fruit Stalks and Fruit Dropping in Litchi
Sucrose was the main sugar in the internode and peduncle vascular bundle .
Fruit water uptake via its pedicel showed a positive relation with fruit transpiration rates .
Test and Study on the optimization of cutting parameters of the corms of Chinese Pine
And the skin is not the only healthy bit we discard & stalks and cores can also be packed with nutrients .
They were also observed in thin sections of pedicels and tender fruit stalks of diseased apples . 7 . Peduncles , pedicels and bracts ;
Numbers and the differentiation speed of tissues and cells of fruit stalks at different stages during seed development in litchi were observed by means of comparative anatomy .
The results indicated that fruit shape , size , color and length of carpopodium have great morphological diversity with the variation coefficient of more than 10 % .
Numbers of first generation are very few in the field , larva of generations 2 ~ 6 eats fruit stalks , and fruits , causing serious damages .
Comparing with open pollination , pollinating with single kind of pollen shortened the length of fruit handle and changed the index of fruit shape of female parent fruits .
Sucrose in the stalk of the vascular bundles forms a certain concentration gradient from vein to carpopodium , which ensure that the sugar transport from the source to sink .
Although VIGS can be performed in tomato fruit by all of the means mentioned above , the most effective method is to inject the TRV-vector into the carpopodium of young fruit attached to the plant about 10 days after pollination .
The content of Soluble candy , the content of seed oil , the heavy of fruit , the density of fruits , the length of carpopodium the five properties belong to quantity properties heredity too , take on hereditary variation inclination of low parent .
We report that either by syringe-infiltrating the TRV-vector into the surface , stem or carpopodium of a tomato fruit attached to the plant or by vacuum-infiltrating into a tomato fruit detached from the plant , TRV can efficiently spread and replicate in the tomato fruit .
The silique length and the pedicel length is larger in mutants than that of wild type , and slightly smaller in overexpression lines than the control ;
This paper briefly introduces cultivated varieties and features of Chinese wolfberry , analyses on the nutritional ingredients and medicinal components of its fruit , leaf and fruit stem , and expounds the application of Chinese wolfberry in aspects of modern medical research and clinical research .
The results showed that the activity of peroxidases which was higher in the lateral fruits than that in the king fruits correlated with CO2 production of IAA oxidation .