
  • 网络pole figure;IPFs
极图 [jí tú]
  • (1) [polar graph]∶极坐标中的图形

  • (2) [polar diagram]∶用极坐标表示从某点向某些方向(或一切方向)上某个量的大小(即量作为方向的函数)的作图法;例如方向图、辐射图

  1. GB/T17103-1997金属材料定量极图的测定

    Metal material & Quantitative pole figure preparing method

  2. 用X射线极图估算了薄膜中a/b轴取向晶粒的体积分数,结果约为48%。

    The volume fraction of a / b-axes oriented grains in the films was estimated to be about 48 % according to the X-ray pole figure .

  3. 微形机处理和打印X射线极图

    Data Processing and Plotting of X-ray Pole Figures by Microcomputer

  4. X射线衍射法测定单轴取向结晶高聚物极图

    The Determination of the Pole Figure of Axial Orientation in Crystalline Polymers by X & ray Diffraction

  5. 利用XRD衍射极图织构分析法,分析各道次挤压后试样的织构演变规律。

    Use X-ray diffraction analysis pole figure of texture , investigate texture evolution .

  6. 给出n阶Cordial图的最大边数,关构造了相应的极图;

    The maximal number of edges in cordial graph of n order is given .

  7. 论文介绍了X射线面探测器系统及其在测量极图、计算取向分布函数中的应用。

    A diffraction system based on X-ray area detector and its applications on pole figure measurement as well as corresponding computation of orientation distribution functions are described .

  8. 本文根据X射线实验室织构分析工作的需要,对用组合试样测建完整极图的方法进行了系统地综述和讨论。

    A systematic review and discussion on the method for determining a complete pole figure of metal sheet by the use of a composite sample were made .

  9. 极图数据状态对ODF分析的影响

    Influence of Pole Figure Status on ODF Analysis

  10. 研究了简单图G(V,E)的强色数χs(G)的上界与极图及χs(G)与全色数χT(G)的关系;

    The upper boundary and the extremal graph properties of the strong chromatic number χ s ( G ) of a simple graph G ( V , E ) are studied .

  11. 作者利用X射线衍射所测极图及ODF来分析铸造铝基碳化硅质点增强复合材料中Al基体相及SiC增强相的晶体取向。

    The authors used pole figures and OUFs to analyze the crystallite orientations of SiC and the matrix of a cast SiC particulate reinforced Al-Si alloy composite .

  12. 硒化镉(CdSe)单晶体生长原料的提纯及其标准极图的计算机实现

    The Purification of CdSe Raw Material and the Computer Programming Realization to Protract Single Crystals ' Standard Pole Figures

  13. 所测得的资料可直接用于全极图的绘制以及ODF计算的输入。

    The data measured may be used for plotting complete figures immediately or as the import of the ODF .

  14. 对热轧铝板的织构进行了X射线反射法剥层测量和X射线透射法直接测量。透射法测量时需要对极图数据作绕轧向转90°的坐标转换。

    The texture of hot rolled aluminum plate was measured on decorticated sample by X-ray reflection technique as well as by X-ray transmission technique , in which a 90 ° coordinate rotation around rolling direction is requested .

  15. 用扫描电境(SEM)观察金刚石膜的形貌,用XRD表征晶体取向,用极图和取向分布函数法计算金刚石膜的不同织构,利用三点弯曲法测量金刚石膜的断裂强度。

    The different textures of CVD diamond films were analyzed using the methods of pole figure and orientation distribution function . The fracture strength of the diamond films was tested by three-point bending method .

  16. 利用谐分析法所计算的全极图,结合X射线衍射所测不全极图数据,用极图法计算了轧制钛合金板材的相比例。

    Phase proportion in textured sheet of titanium alloy was calculated using the data of in complete pole figures that were measured by Xray diffraction and the complete pole figures that were calculated by means of harmonic analysis .

  17. 这些膜的双轴织构用X射线极图分析、φ-扫描作了测定,观测到了MgO[001]方向相对于衬底法线倾斜了31°。

    The biaxial texture feature of the films was examined by X-ray pole-figure analysis and - scan . A tilt angle of 31 ° of the MgO [ 001 ] with respect to the substrate normal was observed .

  18. 用反极图和织构取向因子等方法研究了经300~980℃轧制75%的Zr-4合金板的织构。

    The textures of Zircaloy-4 plates rolled at temperatures from 300 ℃ to 980 ℃ were studied by employing the techniques of inverse pole figure and texture orientation factor .

  19. 研究表明,利用Roe级数展开方法来计算丝织构试样取向分布函数对测量和处理极图数据方面很有优势。

    For fiber texture , Roe 's method was better than that of Bunge in measurement and treatment of pole figures for fiber texture .

  20. 利用极图测试、ODF三维取向分布函数计算和回算极图方法,研究了Bopp晶态膜的择优取向特征。

    The preferred orientation characterize of Bopp Crystalline film has been studied by using pole figures to determinate the ODF and recalculation pole figures .

  21. 给出了根据极图计算YBCO厚膜用Ni基带中立方织构体积分数的原理、计算公式以及实际操作方法。

    Based on X ray pole figure measurement , the principle , formulas , and practical experimentation on calculating the volume fraction of cubic textured Ni in the substrate for YBCO coated superconductor are presented .

  22. 对不同拉拔变形程度及不同温度退火后的钽丝织构,借助极图与现代ODF分析术进行了研究。

    The cold drawing textures of the tantalum wires for different reductions in area and their recrystallization textures at different temperatures were investigated by pole figures and ODF .

  23. 计算结果及分析表明:由失调反射法测定的全极图,可以用于ODF的输入;

    The calculation result and the analysis indicated that the data of complete pole figures collected from the misalignment reflection method may be used as input for ODFs .

  24. 对于0<α<1,我们得到这一图类的最大广义Randic指标值并且给出达到极值的所有极图。

    For 0 <α< 1 , we give the maximum general Randic index and the related extremal trees .

  25. 进一步,Fq上2v+δ维伪辛空间的对偶极图Aδ的相应问题也被解决。

    Moreover , the corresponding problem of the dual polar graph A δ of ( 2v + δ) - dimensional pseudo-symplectic space over Fq are also solved .

  26. 为了考察大晶粒材料各晶粒体积分数对织构的影响,利用级数展开法计算大晶粒材料的定量反极图,并用FORTRAN语言编制了计算程序。

    To investigate the influences of different grain volume fractions on textures in coarse-grained materials , the method of expansion in series is used to compute quantitatively the inverse pole figures , with a FORTRAN program written .

  27. 通过对半镇静钢气瓶用热轧钢板的三维取向分布函数(ODF)的测试与其反极图的分析,研究厂终轧温度和终轧道次变形量对HP255b热轧板织构和深冲性能的影响。

    The effect of the finishing temperature and finishing pass reduction on the texture and drawability of hof rolled plate of semi-killed steel is studied with an analysis of ODF and inverse pole figure .

  28. 通过分析合金取向分布函数(ODF)及其反极图,研究了塑性加工率与时效处理过程对Cu-Cr-Zr合金线材织构组分及其择优程度的影响;

    Texture variation of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy during the drawing and aging process was studied by analyzing the orientation distributing function ( ODF ) and the inverse pole figure of the Cu-Cr-Zr wire .

  29. 最后,我们给出当0<α≤1时的最大广义Randic指标值并证明对应的极图是唯一的。

    Finally , we obtain the maximum general Randic index for 0 <α≤ 1 and we show that the corresponding extremal tree is unique .

  30. X射线θ-2θ扫描、极图分析、Φ扫描结果表明,CeO2薄膜有良好的立方织构,其Φ扫描半高宽(FWHM)为9.0°。

    X-ray θ - 2 θ scan , pole figure and Φ - scan were used to observe the microstructure of the buffer layer . The results show that CeO_2 film has strong cube texture and the FWHM is 9 ° .