
  • 网络JEAM
  1. 杰迷如果能这么轻易动摇就不叫杰迷了,我永远支持你,支持壹基金!

    I ` ll support Li and the One Foundation forever !

  2. 即便李连杰是火星籍,杰迷一样会支持他。

    Even if he became a Martian I 'd still love him .

  3. 大陆的杰迷请进。

    Continental fans just come in .

  4. “移居”至腾讯的他还在微博里向杰迷、好友们广播,欢迎大家来新家作客。

    " Migrates " to he who leaps the news also in micro Bori to the outstanding fan , the good friends broadcasts , welcome everybody to come the new home to sojourn .