
  • 网络bunch;cluster
  1. HLS单束团时序系统的参数测试及在线实验

    Test and experiment on line of single bunch timing system for HLS

  2. BESⅢ触发系统时钟同步与束团产生电路的设计与实现

    Design of clock synchronizing and bunch generation circuit of trigger system of BES ⅲ

  3. 基于CT算法的束团横向相空间测量

    Transverse Phase Space Measurement Based on Computerized Tomography

  4. 周期束团驱动的毫米波及THz源的研究

    Study on the Radiation Sources of Millimeter and THz Waves Driven by the Periodic Electron Bunches

  5. BEPC上离子引起的耦合束团不稳定性分析

    Analysis of an Ion Induced Coupled Bunch Instability in BEPC

  6. 倍频腔法测BEPCⅡ直线加速器的束团长度

    Bunch length measurement in BEPC ⅱ linac by harmonic method

  7. 这一方案不需要使用RF加速器来产生周期束团,降低了源的成本。

    Instead of the rf accelerator , the periodic bunches are generated by itself in this scheme , and the cost of the source will be reduced .

  8. 用于长脉冲多束团直线加速器的SLED系统

    SLED System for Long Pulse Multi-bunch Linac

  9. 用条纹相机测量BEPC的束团长度

    Bunch Length Measurement of BEPC with a Streak Camera

  10. HLS逐束团跟踪监测系统

    Bunch-by-Bunch Tracing - Measurement System in HLS

  11. BPS的束团同步传输方法

    Synchronous transfer of beam in the BPS

  12. 多媒体技术在NSRL储存环束团截面监测中的应用

    Application of multimedia technique in beam profile measurement of storage ring in NSRL

  13. NSRL储存环电子束团截面测量系统及系统测量误差分析

    A beam profile monitor in storage ring at NSRL and error analysis of the system

  14. 为实现合肥同步辐射光源(HLS)单束团注入,研制出一套单束团时序系统〔1,2〕。

    A new precise timing system was developed for single bunch injection in Hefei Light Source ( HLS ) .

  15. 利用相干渡越辐射(CTR)测量短和超短电子束团长度是国际上束测领域新发展的频域测量技术。

    Measurement of electron bunch length through its generated CTR is a new frequency domain technique developed in the accelerator and FEL fields recently .

  16. 正电子储存环在多束团运行时有可能发生电子云不稳定性(ECI)。

    Electron Cloud Instability ( ECI ) may take place in positron storage ring when the machine is operated with multi-bunch positron beam .

  17. 基于隧道二极管单稳态电路、高速可重触发电路、ECL技术等多种高速电路技术设计了BEPCⅡ束团缺口信号提取电路。

    A high speed circuit is designed for obtaining the BEPC ⅱ bunch fiducial signal based on tunnel diode circuit , monostable multivibrator and ECL logic technology .

  18. 利用Vlasov方程研究了非均匀分布情形下的纵向多束团不稳定性。

    The beam dynamics of longitudinal coupled bunch instability with unequal spaced bunches is studied by means of Vlasov equation method in this paper .

  19. 用20GHz数字取样示波器测量束团长度

    Bunch length measured by 20 GHz digital sampling oscilloscope

  20. 利用相干衍射辐射(CDR)光学自相关技术在线无阻拦频域测量超短电子束团的长度是当前国际束测领域的研究热点。

    Measurement of electron bunch length through its generated coherent diffraction radiation ( CDR ) via optical autocorrelation is a new non-intercepting frequency domain diagnostics technique developed in accelerator fields recently .

  21. 首先,详细推导了AVF型回旋加速器中束团粒子在曲线坐标系中的动力学方程(考虑和不考虑空间电荷相互作用力两种情况)。

    In this paper , the equations of motion of particles in an AVF cyclotron in a curvilinear coordinate system are derived for the cases of with and without space charge forces .

  22. 目前获得了18mA的单束团最高流强。

    The single bunch operation is achieved in this way and the current has reached 18 mA at present .

  23. 在离子系统里引入Twiss参量,推导出电子束团串俘获离子的阈值流强的公式;

    The formulas of the threshold current for ion trapping are derived by means of the Twiss parameters in the ion focused system .

  24. 根据PKU-FEL的设计要求,所设计的BPM腔的最小位置响应约10μm,动态范围大于30mm,时间响应小于束团间距。

    The position resolution of the cavity BPM is about 10 μ m , the dynamic range is more than 30 mm and the time response is bunch to bunch , which are sufficient for the PKU-FEL injector .

  25. 分析了合肥800MeV电子储存环单束团运行模式下影响直流流强检测器(DCCT)的机理,并提出了几种改进措施。

    The mechanism of affecting DC current transformer ( DCCT ) is analyzed for Hefei 800 MeV electronic storage ring under single bunch operation . The several methods of improving DCCT are presented .

  26. 由于单光子计数法具有高时间分辨率(2ps)和大的动态测量范围(105)等优点,所以该系统不仅可以测量束团长度,而且可以精密测量单束团的纯净度。

    The single photon counting method has the advantages of high time resolution ( 2ps ) and large dynamic range greater than 10 5.The single photon counting system is most suitable for measuring the longitudinal bunch structure and the single bunch impurity .

  27. 结果表明,当束团的相位宽度大或能散大时,z-code在计算空间电荷作用时会引入相对较大的误差,从而应该使用t-code来进行动力学模拟,以获得更准确的结果。

    The results show that when the phase spread or energy spread of the bunch is large , relatively large errors could be introduced in z-code during the calculation of space charge effect . Therefore t-code should be adopted instead in the dynamic simulations for more accurate results .

  28. 直线加速器中几何因子随电荷束团密度分布的变化

    Variation of geometry factor with the density distribution of bunched beam

  29. 磁压缩器中相干同步辐射对束团品质的影响

    Impact of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Beam Qualities in a Chicane

  30. 改进的合肥光源逐束团流强测量方案

    Improvement of bunch-by-bunch beam current detection system in Hefei light source