
  1. 丹桂村南食水配水库

    Tan Kwai Tsuen South Fresh Water Service Reservoir

  2. 社员们决定开垦村南的那片荒地。

    The commune members decided to open up the stretch of wasteland south of the village .

  3. 刘庄遗址位于河南省鹤壁市淇滨区大赉店镇刘庄村南地。

    The Liuzhuang site is located in the south of Liuzhuang , near Hebi city , Henan .

  4. 下魏洛遗址位于陕西省旬邑县赤道乡下魏洛村南的黄土台地上。

    Xiaweiluo site is located at a loess tableland of the southern Xiaweiluo Village , Xunyi County , Shaanxi Province .