- 名antipersonnel weapon

Dynamic Analysis for a Structural Model of Portable Area Antipersonnel Weapon
The anti-radiation weapon is a kind of hard antipersonnel weapon which discoverys , traces and destroys the radars by making use of the radar radiations .
Organized and controlled as botnets , these systems are essentially Internet weapons of mass destruction .
Warren Buffett , the legendary investor , described derivatives as financial weapons of mass destruction .
Colin Powell 's feeble presentation to the United Nations about Saddam 's WMD programme was an embarrassment .
The structure model and optimization of portable point and area weapon
Instead , they produced financial weapons of mass destruction that almost destroyed the world .
By2004 , it was clear that any WMD Saddam Hussein possessed had been destroyed in the1990s .
The traditional structure model is broken through in structure according to particular requirement of portable point and area weapon .
The technology was developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Department of Defense 's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate .
As a hard killing weapon in electronic warfare , the antiradiation missile is wide in tactical application , strong in penetration .
Electro-conductive fibre bomb is a soft-killing weapon that is arisen in recent years for the special purpose of attacking power system .
The Anti-Radiation-Missile ( ARM ) is an important lethal weapon in the electronic war . It can destroy the enemy radars effectively .
And the human impact on the global environment -- greenhouse warming , mass extinctions and so forth -- is unprecedented , too .
Placing two such weapons of rampant destruction , the Elephant and rockets together can only be the work of a soon to be hated madman !
But no weapons of mass destruction were ever found , despite thorough searches of the Iraqi countryside by U.S. soldiers and teams of weapons specialists .
As a new hard kill weapon in the electronic warfare ( EW ), the anti-radiation unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ) has become an important defense penetration force .
The objective was to topple Saddam Hussein 's dictatorship - accused by the United States and its coalition partners of possessing and actively developing weapons of mass destruction .
This is now a universally understood term or you might think WMD is proliferating , it 's deeply frightening , and it 's coming to a cinema near you .
The tactical operation and effective zone of the softkill and hardkill weapon systems were analyzed , and the coordination criteria of the softkill and hardkill weapon systems were presented .
The risk with autonomous weapons is that people will use them as a kind of poor man 's weapon of mass destruction - a poor man 's nuclear weapon .
Under the pre-emption doctrine , touted by the Bush Administration , an enemy that is in the process of acquiring weapons of mass destruction can be attacked before using those weapons .
Using the special effectiveness to blended nanometer aluminum powder and fuel to realize the damage to engine , is a pivotal technique to seek after the characteristic of nanometer aluminum powder .
In the middle of January , experts at one facility that was related to weapons of mass destruction , those experts had been ordered to stay home from work to avoid the inspectors .
Through analysis of terminal guidance radar counter technology , electro-optical counter technology and electronic hard kill weapon confronted by anti-warship missile in the modern sea battle , countermeasure technology of anti-warship missile is introduced .
In a notably smug editorial written on the eve of the war with Iraq , the editors of the weekly standard wrote : " the war itself will clarify who was right and who was wrong about weapons of mass destruction . "
Protective structures are engineering structures that are used to resist destructive weapons . Protective structures used in field operations are often constructed by steel and concrete , and different sizes of holes are set for shooting , watching , ventilation and access .
The draft resolution , to be debated and voted in Congress , states that the objective of military strikes on Syria should be to " deter , disrupt , prevent and degrade the potential " for future uses of chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction .
Weapon of mass distraction is a pun-perfect play on weapon of mass destruction . The latter phrase ( in its plural2 form ) was voted word of the year for 2002 by the American Dialect Society .
Apparently the UN Inspectors who were searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq never actually made it to Iraq .