
  • 网络mechanical coupling
  1. 本文自主设计了Al2O3陶瓷人工半髋关节股骨头磨具的机械联接传动系统。

    Having designed a mechanical system for the grinder of Al2O3 ceramic femoral head for artificial partial hip joint .

  2. 机械联接设计原则与特征描述方法

    Design principles and the characteristic description method of the mechanical joints

  3. 重型机械联接螺钉疲劳强度的一种有限寿命设计方法

    A design method of finite fatigue life for joint boit of heavy machinery

  4. 煤矿机械联接螺栓螺母松动现象分析螺纹联接的优化设计

    Analyzes on Flexible Phenomenon of Thread Connection of Mine Machinery Optimal Design of Bolt Connection

  5. 该文分别从机械联接系统、电气控制系统和计算机测试系统3部分介绍了电驱动测试系统的组成与工作原理。

    The paper describes the structures and principles in 3 aspects , the mechanical connection , the electric control system and the computer test system .

  6. 柱销联轴器在机械轴联接方式上的应用

    The application of pin coupling in the shaft-joint of marine machinery

  7. 通过与其它联轴器的比较,论述了柱销式联轴器在船用机械轴联接方式上应用的诸多优点,并提供设计和应用中的一些经验和数据。

    In comparison with other couplings , this paper gives a lot of advantages of appling pin-type coupling on marine machinery , and offers some experience and requisite data for design and appling .

  8. 一种机械手关节联接结构的改进设计

    An Improved Design of a Kind of Mechanical Manipulator Joint Structure

  9. 冶金机械过盈联接的组装方式及影响因素

    Setting methods and its effect factors of interference connection of metallurgical machinery

  10. 工程机械因关键联接部位(铰接点等)润滑不良而引起的磨损已成为影响其效益的重要因素。

    The abrasion of the engineering machine 's key connection position ( for example the hinge joint and so on ) because of the poor lubrication has become the major factor that affected the mechanical benefit .

  11. 机械设计中螺纹联接件的自动选用

    Auto-selection of Threaded Connector in Mechanical Design

  12. 对煤矿采掘机械重要部位螺栓联接锁紧力达不到要求的原因及其对设备运行造成的危害进行了理论分析,进而给出了预防办法和措施。

    The paper analyzes theoretically the causes for locking strength of the bolt linking of mining facilities not to meet the requirements , illustrates the damage to the equipment , and puts forward the precaution measures .

  13. 螺纹联接是机械设计课程中重要的教学章节,是机械零部件联接中最常用的联接方法。

    Screw thread juncture is the most important part in the mechanical design teaching , which is too common in the aspect in the text .