
  • 网络mechanical deformation;distortion
  1. 计算机辅助平面构成&机械变形与广义对称

    Computer Aided Plane Construction & Mechanical Deformation and General Symmetry

  2. 用激光双参考光两次曝光法检测机械变形

    Measuring Mechanical Deformation by Detachable Double - reference - beam Double - holography EXPOSURE

  3. 基于机械变形的压力连接技术及其在汽车车身制造中的应用

    The Pressurized Clinching Technology and Its Application in Automobile Body Manufacturing

  4. 柴油机气缸盖机械变形和应力的精确三维分析

    Precise 3-Dimensional Analysis of Mechanical Deformations and Stresses of Diesel Engine Cylinder Head

  5. 辅助干版微角位移调制全息法测机械变形方向

    Measurement of Deformation Direction of Object by Auxiliary Plate Micro-angle-displacement Modulation Holographic Method

  6. 用材料的机械变形因子可以很好地解释两种聚合物薄带的磨损特性差异。

    The deformation factors show good explanation of the wear resistance of polymer tapes .

  7. 新型微机械变形反射镜研究

    Research on Novel MEMS Deformable Mirrors Micro-Optics

  8. 用三维模型计算整体活塞机械变形及应力的研究

    Study on Calculation of One-Piece Piston Mechanical Deformations and Stresses with 3-Dimensions Finite Element Model

  9. 提出用辅助干版微角位移调制全息法测量物体的机械变形的方向。

    The method of measuring deformation direction of object by auxiliary-plate micro-angle-displacement modulation method is proposed .

  10. 基于机械变形的钣金件连接过程实时监控方法的研究和应用

    Research and Application of Real Time Monitoring Method for Mechanical Deformation Based on Clinch Joining Technique

  11. 一种静电驱动微机械变形反射镜

    Electrostatically actuated microelectromechanical deformable mirrors

  12. 机械变形连接是一项起源于德国的钣金件连接技术。

    The clinch forming process is a new branch of sheet joining technology which originated in Germany .

  13. 该文叙述了如何应用计算机进行平面构成设计,着重说明了机械变形及广义对称。

    The use of computer in the design of plane construction , especially of the mechanical deformation and general symmetry , is stated in this paper .

  14. 择优取向或晶体学织构强烈影响材料的各向异性,它通常是机械变形与热处理产生的结果。

    Preferred orientation or crystallographic texture , which strongly influences the anisotropy of material properties , frequently develops as a result of mechanical deformation and thermal heat treatments .

  15. 给出了一般情况下用本技术测量和计算材料机械变形方向的方法,列出了本技术测量的实验数据和结果。

    Using the proposed technique the measurement and calculation method of material mechanical deformation direction is described . Finally , the experimental results and test data are given .

  16. 分析了活塞的受力情况及销孔的机械变形和热变形情况,确定了销孔机械变形、热变形及综合变形的计算方法。

    Analyze piston force receipted and mechanical & thermal deformation of pin bore , ascertain calculation method of mechanical formation , thermal deformation and integrated deformation of pin bore .

  17. 由于其本身固有的电场、机械变形之间的耦合效应,压电材料作为传感器、驱动器广泛地被应用于智能材料结构中。

    In view of the intrinsic coupling effects that take place between electric fields and mechanical deformation , piezoelectric materials have been extensively used in intelligent and adaptive structure systems as sensors and actuators .

  18. 盘元在涂敷、气吹、烘干的过程中均为直线形,不发生机械变形,涂层完好地沾附在盘元上,更好的满足了拉拔要求。

    The rod is in beeline shape in the process of applying , blowing , and drying , no machinery distortion , the coat is perfectly attached on the rod , better fulfill the drawing requirement .

  19. 单晶硅(100)的划痕损伤与其接触区的应力状态和环境气氛密切相关,表明其损伤初期凸结构的形成应当是摩擦化学与机械变形共同作用的结果。

    The scratch damage of silicon ( 100 ) is closely related to the contact stress and the environment , which suggested that the initial formation of upheaval is induced by friction-chemical action and mechanical deformation . 3 .

  20. 基于机械变形压力连接技术是汽车钣金件连接的新技术,它能够很好地解决传统焊接技术在薄板件连接以及新型材料连接中遇到的技术难题,具有良好的应用前景。

    Clinching based on mechanical deformation is a new technology of joining automotive metal sheets . It has a good prospect as it can effectively solve technological problems when using weld to join thin sheets and new material sheets .

  21. 所得活塞的温度场,与热塞法实测的结果非常一致,所得的热变形和机械变形与利用复合材料快速磨合所得的裙部外形面非常吻合。

    The resulting temperature field agrees sufficiently well with that measured by the thermal-plug method . The resulting heat deformation and mechnical deformation agree sufficiently well with the piston shirt Profile which is obtained , by rapid running-in with some composite material .

  22. 光干涉法测量微机械零件变形的研究

    Study on Micro-Deformation Measurement for Micro - Mechanical Parts with Optical Interferometry

  23. 组合柔性机械臂变形及滞迟特性分析

    Deformation and hysteretic property analysis on combinative flexible mechanical arm

  24. 机械密封变形的研究

    Study on the deformation of mechanical face seal

  25. 包装机械零件变形故障机理及其清除措施光面、预裂爆破成缝原理

    Deforming Mechanism & Solutions for Packing Perts The Mechanism of Smooth and Pre - Cracking Blasting

  26. 精密机械热变形计算中,通常只考虑温度在零件中的分布状况对零件变形所产生的影响。

    The conventional calculation of thermal deformation of precision mechanism involves an exclusive consideration of the influence of temperature distribution on part deformation .

  27. 其次,针对机械产品变形设计领域中常见的部分结构参数精确获得困难等问题,以某一典型结构消声器为研究对象,提出了将反演设计技术应用于消声器内部结构参数反求分析的方法。

    Secondly , for the problem to get the exact structure parameters of mechanic products , a typical muffler was taken as example .

  28. 机械密封变形的研究在聚乙烯的机械密封连接中特别要注意聚乙烯容易蠕变的特性。

    STUDY ON THE DEFORMATION OF MECHANICAL FACE SEAL This specificity of polyethylene materials must be attracted attention whenever the mechanical connection methods for PE pipe are concerned .

  29. 基于Pro/E平台下的机械密封热变形分析

    Thermal Distortion Analysis of Mechanical Seal Based on Pro / E

  30. 人字形螺旋槽机械密封热变形及力变形

    Thermal and Mechanical Deformations of Herringbone Spiral Groove Mechanical Seal