
  • 网络fundamental of mechanical manufacture;Machinery Manufacturing Foundation
  1. 《机械制造基础》CAI课件开发与应用

    The Development and Application of CAI Courseware of Mechanical Manufacture Base

  2. 论述了CAI在《工程材料及机械制造基础》,这门技术基础课面向21世纪的教学改革中的作用。

    This paper discusses what role CAI plays in the teaching reform facing the 21st century in such a basic course of technology as Engineering Materials Manufacturing .

  3. 介绍了《机械制造基础》多媒体课件的设计过程以及运用多媒体著作工具Authorware进行软件系统开发的方法。

    This paper introduces the design process of the multimedia courseware for Mechanical Manufacturing Basis and gives the software system developing methods using Authorware .

  4. 《机械制造基础》多媒体课件的设计与开发

    Design and Development of the Multimedia Courseware for Mechanical Manufacturing Basis

  5. 机械制造基础课程项目教学法的探索与实践

    Research and Practice of the Project Teaching of Mechanical Manufacture Basic Course

  6. 《机械制造基础》课程网络教学的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Network Teaching For the Course " Machine-based "

  7. 机械制造基础课程网络多媒体教学的组成及现状

    Composition and current situation of Machine Building Course given by network and multimedia

  8. 军队院校《机械制造基础》课程教学改革实践

    Reform Practices for " Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing " Teaching in Military Academies

  9. 《机械制造基础》课程试题库系统开发

    Development of Examination Question Database System on the < Mechanical Manufacturing Basis > periment

  10. 谈我校机械制造基础课程试题库建设

    Discussion on Establishing the Test Questions Storeroom of Machinery-building Foundation Curriculum in our University

  11. 关于机械制造基础课程教材的探讨

    Inquiry about the textbook of machinery making

  12. 《机械制造基础》是机械类专业或近机类专业的一门主干专业基础课程。

    Mechanical manufacturing basis is an important basic specialized course of enginery or near enginery speciality .

  13. 大工程观下《机械制造基础》课程的教学改革与实践

    Teaching Reform and Practice of the Course of Mechanical Manufacturing Fundamentals from the Large-scale Engineering Perspective

  14. 《工程材料及机械制造基础》课程多媒体课件的研究与应用体会

    The Research and Application of Multimedia Courseware on " Engineering and Base Materials of Mechanical Manufacturing "

  15. 《机械制造基础》课件针对《机械制造基础》课程内容的灵活性、综合性、实践性很强的特点而设计的。

    CAI courseware of Mechanical Manufacture Base is specially designed on the characteristic of the flexibility , comprehensibility and practicality of this course .

  16. 文章介绍了《工程材料及机械制造基础》课程多媒体教学软件的研究开发和实际应用过程中的一些经验和体会。

    This paper presents the authors ' experience of researching and using in teaching the multimedia courseware on the Engineering Materials and the Base of Mechanical Manufacturing .

  17. 本文为院级重点教改课题,总结了高职机电技术应用专业《机械制造基础》课程改革的探索与实践。

    This paper is a part of teaching reform research of a institute-level key course , and summarizes the explorations and practices of the teaching reform of Essentials of Machinery Manufacturing .

  18. 该文介绍作者对《机械制造基础》系列课程进行的改革,提出工程训练立体化教学体系的构想,以及对该构想进行的实践与探索。

    This article introduced the reform to the series courses of the Fundament of Mechanical Manufacturing , proposed conceiving to multidimensional teaching system of engineering training , and carried on practice and explore for this conceiving .

  19. 介绍利用多媒体工具软件Authorware开发研制机械制造技术基础计算机辅助教学系统的总体框架、功能和方法。

    This paper states total frames , functions and means to develop a CAI sysytem for the basis of manufacturing technique with Authorware software tool .

  20. 关于本科类机械制造专业基础理论课教学方法的探讨

    About Undergraduate Machinery Manufacturing Professional Basic Theoretical of Teaching Methods of probe

  21. 面向21世纪编写《机械制造技术基础》新教材

    Facing the 21st Century to Edit the New teaching Material Mechanism Manufacture Technology Basis

  22. 机械制造技术基础课的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of Mechanism Manufacture Technology Basis

  23. 高职高专《机械制造工艺基础》课程教学方法的探讨

    Research into Teaching Methods of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology Base of Vocational and Technical College

  24. 《机械制造技术基础》双语教材模式探索

    Exploration adn Practice for the Publication Mode of Bilingual Textbook " Fundamentals of Machine Manufacturing Technology "

  25. 关于机械制造技术基础课程在独立学院改革的探索与实践

    The Discovery and Practice of the Course Reform in Independent Colleges of The Foundations of Machinery Manufacturing Technology

  26. 机械制造企业基础信息的管理与应用模式研究电子信息工程专业基础实验教学模式的探索

    Research on the Model of Mechanical Enterprise Fundamental Information Management and Application Explore of Foundation Experiment Educational Model Based on Profession of Electronic Information Engineering

  27. 本文结合作者对《机械制造技术基础》双语教材的规划、组织与编写等环节的探索与实践,提出一种适合国产双语教材建设的模式。

    In this paper , the publishing mode suitable for national bilingual textbook is proposed based on the exploration and practice in programming , organization and writing of the textbook " fundamentals of machine manufacturing technology " .

  28. 文章讨论了《机械制造技术基础》课程在教学学时减少后面临的问题,论述了采用PRO/E进行夹具设计教学的优势及实现方法。

    The issues are described after teaching hours of the 《 Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing Technology 》 have been decreased and the teaching advantages and methods of jig design by use of PRO / E are researched on in this paper .

  29. 本文在简要分析多媒体教学优越性和应用软件系统的基础上,重点论述了开发机械制造技术基础课程设计中的多媒体教学软件研制素材的采集与处理方法等。

    Based on the advantages of the multi-media instruction software , the authors analyzed the applying sortware system , and discussed the material collections of the multi-media instruction software and handled method about the course design of the mechanical manufacturing technique foundation .

  30. 。我们计划继续巩固在这些国家的业务。预计今年我们在印度的销售额会达到20-30亿元。”以机械制造为基础,三一重工也发展出了自已的物联网平台,能够通过数据网络连接自已所有的设备。

    plan to continue to solidify our businesses in these countries . We have two to three billion yuan worth of sales this year in India . " Based around its manufacturing expertise , SANY has also developed its own platform for the Internet of Things , connecting all its equipment with its data network .