
  • 网络airport service
  1. 在机场服务区有通宵洗车服务。

    There 's an all-night car wash by the airport service area .

  2. 重庆机场服务流程再造

    Chongqing Airport Service Business Process Reengineering

  3. PLS回归在国际机场服务改进中的应用

    The Application of PLSR to International Airports Improvement on Service

  4. 机场服务部门打算解雇25名员工,还让19名员工暂时停职,加上在六月份解雇的8名雇员,使得这次处罚成为有史以来TSA争对机场做出的最大纪律处分。

    The agency serve noticed that it intends to fire 25 employees and suspend 19 more , that 's in addition to the eight employees the agency fired in June , making this the single largest disciplinary action ever taken by the TSA at a U.S. airport .

  5. 论文以机场服务机器人为研究对象,对其涉及的移动机械臂的控制问题进行了研究。

    And it studies the control problem of the mobile manipulators .

  6. 请诺玛雷丁到机场服务台签到。

    Will Norma Redding please report to the airport information desk .

  7. 旅客们把行李拿到机场服务台过磅。

    The passengers took their bags to the airport counter to weigh in .

  8. 香港机场服务有限公司载客巴士

    Hong Kong Air Terminal Services Limited vetter bus

  9. 其目的是通过加强竞争来推动机场服务质量的提升。

    The idea is that competition between rival operators would lead to better service at airports .

  10. 本论文研究了民航机场服务的质量管理。

    Therefore it is necessary for us to study quality management of civil aviation airport service systematically .

  11. 为地方和支线航线提供机场服务、期客运航班、空货运及邮件运输。

    Airport services , scheduled passenger flights , cargo and mail transportation on local and regional routes .

  12. 问:你在赤角机场服务的日子里,有没有一些难忘的事情呢?

    Q : during your years of service at the Chek Lap Kok airport , is there anything memorable ?

  13. 桂林机场服务太差,如果你到过北京或者浦东机场,就会知道差异了。

    Guilin airport is terrible , if you come from Beijing or Pudong it 's a very bad surprise .

  14. 我百无聊赖,心绪不宁,随手拿起一本航空杂志,漫无目的地读着上面假日旅店和机场服务设施的介绍。

    Bored and unable to concentrate , I had picked up the airline magazine , passively imbibing information on resort hotels and airport facilities .

  15. 为了避免要坐出租车,定那种提供包接送到机场服务的酒店。

    Avoid having to take a cab or rent a car by booking rooms in hotels with shuttle service to / from the airport .

  16. 加强服务质量管理是提高服务质量的重要手段,旅客服务又是机场服务范畴中最主要的内容。

    Strengthening the management of service quality is an important means to improve the quality of service . And service for passengers is the primary content of service in the airport .

  17. 有规则和措施来训练飞行人员,这些人有的是为飞机和旅客服务,有的是为机场服务。

    There are rules and measurements for training the people who fly , the people who take care of the aircraft or the passengers , and the people who operate the airport .

  18. 其次,文章建立了解决呼和浩特白塔国际机场服务滞后的对策体系,第一、全面开展品牌建设;第二、搭建管控平台,开展四级监督检查;第三、做好投诉受理工作。

    Firstly , launching a comprehensive brand-building ; Secondly , building management platform , and carrying out four supervision and inspection ; Thirdly , doing a good job of complaints received work .

  19. 艾里逊产品用途广泛,包括垃圾、消防、非公路、机场服务设备、轻卡和运货、城市城间客车、旅游车和特种车辆。

    Allison products cover a wide range of vocations including refuse , fire , off-highway , airport ground equipment , pick up and delivery , transit , intercity buses , coach and specialty vehicles .

  20. 机场服务流程再造与设计中,论文对机场服务流程提出了具体的再造和改进的方案,包括服务流程中的组织机构设计和信息系统架构以及流程中的信息集成等方面。

    In the airport service process reengineering and design , article proposed and improved scheme in the reengineering and innovation , including organization of service process design with information system build up and information collection of process service .

  21. 民航业大致可分为航空运输、机场服务、空中管制和服务保障等四个部门,其不同领域的技术经济特征直接导致了对其政府规制方式的变化。

    The civil aviation industry can roughly be divided into four departments air transportation , airport , air regulation and service guarantee , and different characteristics of technology economic of different fields directly result in the change of regulatory .

  22. 宾馆为客人提供机场接机服务。

    Hotels operate a collection service for their guests from the airports .

  23. 最后,完成了针对不同用户权限的基于Web的免费机场接送服务软件系统。

    Finally , the Free Pickup & Delivery Service to Airport System Based on Web is accomplished considering different authorities .

  24. 论文主要描述了基于GIS的机场信息服务系统的设计及实现过程。

    This paper mainly describes the development and realization process of airport information service system based on GIS .

  25. 基于GIS的机场信息服务系统是为了适应机场信息化及旅客对机场地.理空间信息的需求而开发的系统。

    In order to meet the requirements of airport informatization and the demands for airport geography spatial information of passengers ', I developed the airport information service system based on GIS .

  26. UrbanRetreats的董事长乔治•哈默(GeorgeHammer)称,安全措施的加强推动了机场水疗服务的兴起,因为人们抵达机场的时间提前了。

    Heightened security has driven the rise of the airport spa , according to George Hammer , chairman of Urban Retreats , as people arrive at airports earlier .

  27. 该系统综合利用了先进的信息技术、网络技术、无线数字通讯技术、嵌入式控制系统、GPS等,来提高机场加油服务的效率和安全性。

    The system integrates advanced information technology , network technology , wireless digital communication system , embedded control system , GPS technology , to improve the efficiency and safety of the refuelling service in airport .

  28. 面对民航旅客的新变化、新特点、新要求,机场VIP服务作为高端服务产品受到了前所未有的关注。

    Facing new changes , new features and the new requirements of the civil aviation passengers , the airport VIP service as a high-end service products is devalued ever .

  29. 您对本机场的服务是否有过抱怨、投诉。

    Have you ever complained of or appealed to our airport ?

  30. 民航机场;服务质量;质量体系;

    Civil Aviation Airport ; Service Quality ; Quality System ;