
  1. 关于我国权力机关行政法制监督的思考

    Reflections on the Administrative Legal Supervision to the Organs of State Power

  2. 国家机关行政财务管理改革探讨

    Study on the Reform of the Financial Management in the Government Organizations

  3. 关于国家安全机关行政执法权的思考

    He Thought of Law Executing Power of Safety Organs of the State

  4. 论赋予水上交通安全主管机关行政强制执行权的必要性

    The necessity to give the compulsory execution of administration power to the waterborne traffic safety administrations

  5. 你想问的应该是机关行政编与机关事业编的区别吧?

    Should your inquisitive be mechanism administration makes up the distinction that makes up with office facilities ?

  6. 可以考虑通过完善我国的公共预算体制来达到控制政府机关行政成本的目的。

    Can be considered by the Improvement of the public budget system to achieve control of the government agency administrative costs .

  7. 会议管理是高等学校行政事务管理的一个重要方面,是高等学校机关行政工作的重要部分。

    As an important part of school administrative management , meeting arrangement should be prioritized according to their characteristics , nature and goal .

  8. 法院对行政机关行政自由裁量行为的审查的确与对羁束行政行为的审查有很多差异。

    The examination that the court exerts on administrative organization differs greatly from the examination that the court exerts on strict administrative act .

  9. 而对有权机关行政撤销权进行有效的法律控制,则是限制和制约公权力的重要途径。

    The restriction to the revocation power to concrete administrative behavior is just the main way to control and to limit public power .

  10. 运用激励理论,确定东北师大机关行政人员绩效考核指标体系,并在调查研究基础上,拟定了相应的权重。

    By using motivation theory , conforming the performance evaluating system of Northeast Normal University , based on investigation , it draw up weight .

  11. 政府机关行政成本过快增长有众多原因,但政府财政预算约束软化是根本原因。

    Administrative costs of the excessive growth of government has many reasons , but the softening of the government budget constraint is the fundamental reason .

  12. 分析了东北师大机关行政人员现行薪酬体系存在的问题,提出具体改革意见。

    The problem of existing salary system of the administrative staff in Northeast Normal University are analyze and the concrete perform advice are put forward .

  13. 加强国家机关行政财务管理对于节约经费开支、提高办事效率和资金的使用效益具有重要的意义。

    It is very useful for the financial management to cut down the government expenditure , to improve the working efficiency and the benefit of using funds .

  14. 阐述了高等院校机关行政工作的特点及其地位与作用,剖析了东北师范大学机关行政工作存在的问题及产生问题的原因。

    It states the characters and status as well as role concerning college administrative staff , analysis the problem existed and reasons caused during the administrative work .

  15. 只有那些违反国家规定中的特定主管机关行政许可、并由承担填补空白构成要件的规范性文件限定有刑罚后果的严重扰乱市场秩序的经营行为,方能以非法经营罪论处。

    Only those unlawful operation acts which seriously disturb the market order , necessary of penal , should be punished by the crime of unlawful business operation .

  16. 同时,探索在检验检疫部门开展人力资源开发管理的经验也能为我国政府机关行政管理改革、人力资源开发,提供借鉴和参考。

    The exploring of human resources development and management in inspection and quarantine department will surely provide experience and reference for the government reforms of our whole nation .

  17. 但在本岗位中被提拔升任副科(局)级以上职务,也会直接转为机关行政编。

    But be promoted in this post preferment secondary division ( bureau ) class above post , also can turn to be made up for mechanism administration directly .

  18. 补偿费稽查对于进一步规范征收机关行政执法行为,促使补偿费纳费义务人知法、懂法,自觉履行纳费义务,具有十分重要的意义。

    Checkup for the compensation fees is important for standardizing official 's enforcement action of imposition department , urging taxpayer to understand relevant laws and consciously pay the fees .

  19. 该子系统包括简易/当场处罚程序模块、一般程序案件模块、流程回退功能模块,用来处理工商行政管理机关行政执法案件。

    This system is called the subsystem of the administrative law enforcement that includes the punishment on the spot modules , the ordinary cases modules , the reversible process modules .

  20. 在德国,客观行政诉讼包括规范审查之诉、机关行政诉讼、对己诉讼、团体诉讼和宪法诉讼。

    In Germany , the objective administrative litigation includes the Body suit , The public lawsuit and the civil litigation , the review of the specification and the review of constitution .

  21. 此类案件不仅涉及到房屋登记机关行政行为的效力问题,还涉及到当事人之间的房屋权属纠纷以及法院审理此类案件的司法审查范围等问题。

    Such cases not only involved the validity of administrative action of house registration authority , but also involved the disputes of housing ownership between parties and the scope of judicial review .

  22. 本文围绕S市政府机关行政效率这一主旨,着重阐述以下几点内容:首先,明确研究对象和相关理论。

    This paper focuses on the administrative efficiency of municipal authorities S City this theme , focusing on the following elements : Firstly , the clear object of study and related theories .

  23. 民告官模式的行政诉讼制度对于保障相对人的合法权益,监督行政机关行政行为的合法行使,起到了重要的作用。

    Administrative lawsuit of the " citizen litigating official " mode has played a important role to safeguard the administrative right of the other and supervise the legal act of the administrative department .

  24. 第二十六条工会协助企业、事业单位、机关行政方面办好职工集体福利事业,做好工资、劳动保护和劳动保险工作。

    Article 26 Trade unions shall assist the administrative authorities of enterprises , public institutions and government organs to organize employee collective welfare matters and wage , labour protection and labour insurance work .

  25. 首先分析国内外基层税务机关行政效能的差距,进而对这种差距产生的原因进行分析,包括我国特有的历史发展环境这一重要因素进行客观分析。

    This chapter firstly analyzes the difference in administrative efficiency between basic tax authorities at home and abroad , and then looks for the reasons behind the difference considering the specific historical development environment in China .

  26. 从我国历年来基层税务机关行政执法的实践来看,税务机关行政执法工作正在不断完善和加强,但是仍有许多不尽人意的地方。

    Looking from the practices of law enforcement of the basic units of tax authorities administration in our country over the years , the law enforcement work is consummating unceasingly and strengthening . However , there still are some unsatisfactory place for improvment .

  27. 但就国家安全机关行政执法权而言,其执法所依据的国家安全法及其实施细则,还存在许多空白、不足和问题,需从立法上予以解决,以便国家安全机关更能有效地履行职责。

    For the executive power of executing the law , the safety laws and practices based on have many blanks and problems , which must be solved on the basis of the legislation so that the organs can more effectively exercise their functions .

  28. 行政效率是行政管理的有效性,是行政管理活动的出发点和归宿,也是衡量行政管理水平和效果的关键指标,提高行政效率是政府机关行政管理活动追求的最高目标。

    Administrative efficiency refers to the effectiveness of the administration , administrative activities is the starting point and destination , is also a measure of executive management and key indicators of effectiveness , administrative efficiency is the administrative activities of government agencies to pursue the highest goal .

  29. 国家公务员作为行使国家行政权力、执行国家公务的人员,其整体素质的高低,直接关系到政府机关行政效率的高低,影响行政体制改革目标的实现。

    The national civil servant carries out the personnel of the national public affair as exercising national administrative power , the level of its whole quality , the level of the direct administrative efficiency of government bodies of relation , influence the realization of the administrative system reform goal directly .

  30. 情节较重的,对有关责任人员由其所在单位或者政府主管机关给予行政处分。

    in a serious case , the persons responsible shall be subject to administrative sanction by the unit to which they belong or by the competent department of the government .