
  • 网络thaad
  1. 星州郡位于韩国首都首尔东南方135英里处,那里的居民顶着炎炎烈日聚到一起,谴责政府把所谓的末段高空区域防御系统(TerminalHigh-AltitudeAreaDefense,简称“萨德”)的部署地点选在自己的家门口。

    Villagers rallied under a sweltering sun to condemn the choice of their county , Seongju , which is about 135 miles southeast of Seoul , the capital , for the so-called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system , known as Thaad .

  2. 这些担忧情绪出现之际,中国官方媒体还在继续发出警告,表示针对韩国上月不顾中国强烈反对部署“末段高空区域防御系统”(THAAD,简称:萨德)的决定,中国政府可能会发动经济报复。

    The concerns come as China 's state-run media continue to warn that Beijing could launch economic retaliation against South Korea over its decision last month to deploy the terminal high-altitude air defence platform , or Thaad , despite China 's strong opposition .

  3. 今年3月,在韩国部署末段高空区域防御系统(萨德)后,途牛、同城等国内知名旅行社均暂停了赴韩跟团游。

    In the wake of deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense ( THAAD ) , well-known Chinese travel agencies like tuniu.com and ly.com suspended their group tours to South Korea in March .