
  1. 简述了高清晰度数字电视的技术标准及未来数字时代阴极射线管(crt)型高清电视的发展方向。

    This paper introduces the technological criteria of HDTV and indicates the development tendency of HDTV using CRT in digital future .

  2. 主要从IT与TV产业的整合、媒体产业的分工模式以及未来数字媒体的内容形态等方面探讨数字媒体的发展趋势。

    In this article , its development trends are discussed through three aspects : integration of IT industry and TV industry ; the work division model of media industry ; the content form of future digital media .

  3. IPTV通过IP网络实现视频直播、点播、时移以及各种数据增值业务,是未来数字家庭的核心业务之一。

    IPTV , which consists of video live broadcast , VOD , time-shifting , and various kinds of data appreciation service in IP network , is one of the core businesses in future data family .

  4. 谷歌(Google)在美国与图书出版商和作者达成的一项具有里程碑意义的法律协议,在欧洲正面临日渐高涨的反对之声。这项能帮助确定未来数字图书业格局的协议面临新的挑战。

    Google is facing growing opposition in Europe to its landmark US legal settlement with book publishers and authors , raising a fresh challenge to an agreement that could help determine the future structure of the digital books business .

  5. 文章主要探讨了GIS、RS技术在我国城市规划与建设中的应用,并对3S集成技术在未来数字城市建设中将发挥的作用做了展望。

    This paper discusses the application of RS and GIS technique in city planning and building and analyzes the effect " 3S " integration will make in the construction of " digital city " in the future .

  6. 数字矿山特征及未来数字遥控采矿系统模型

    Features of Digital Mine and the Model of Future Digital Remote-control Mining System

  7. 最后,对未来数字水印的重点发展方向做了展望。

    Finally , we propose several directions of development of digital watermarking in the future .

  8. 未来数字图书馆参考咨询服务前瞻

    Reference service of future digital library

  9. 未来数字成像器件的展望

    The Emerging Digital Imaging Devices

  10. 它是现代复合图书馆和未来数字图书馆开展计算机网络化信息服务的物质基础。

    It is substantial to develop computer networking information service in the modern hybrid libraries and digital libraries in the future .

  11. 在业界的未来数字10年里,手持设备也是极为重要的组成部分。

    In the next ten years of the development of digital technology , the handle device is also a very important part .

  12. 随着机器人技术和信息技术的不断发展,面向家庭应用的智能服务机器人必将成为未来数字家庭的主导。

    With the development of robot and information technology , intelligent service robot will play a key role in future digital home .

  13. 最后,通过对已有研究成果的总结,对未来数字影像质量评价及管理的方法做出了展望。

    Based on the research mentioned above , the thesis points out the quality evaluation and management of digital image in the future .

  14. 这场战争以及智能手机硬件和操作系统之间竞争的结果,将决定未来数字世界的模样。

    The outcome of this battle , as much as the clash of smartphone hardware and operating systems , will determine the shape of the digital future .

  15. 图书馆应该积极面对这种挑战,将电子图书的采集、加工、管理与服务作为未来数字图书馆建设的重要任务。

    Libraries should meet the challenge actively by taking the electronic books ' collecting , processing , management and services as the important task of future digital libraries ' construction .

  16. 与其它显示技术相比,该技术具有高清晰度、高亮度、高对比度、潜在的低成本等特点,必将成为未来数字电视的主流技术。

    Compared with other display technologies , LCOS features high definition , high brightness , potential low cost and must be the leading technology of digital TV in the near future .

  17. 可以预测,移动计算模式必将成为未来数字信息时代的重要成员,并对人们使用计算机的方式产生深远的影响。

    It can be predicted , mobile computing mode will become the important member in the future information ages , and take the profound influence in the ways of using information .

  18. 本文研究的街镇网格化管理系统是浦东新区作为全国试点应用单位,在已有的城市网格化管理系统基础之上向街道、乡镇层面延伸,也是未来数字社区信息系统建设的重要载体。

    PuDong district is selected as the national pilot unit by Street-Township Grid Management System . And the System will be an important carrier of " digital community " information system in the future .

  19. 重要的是开放存取方式也为解决数字图书馆建设方面存在的版权解决不彻底问题提供了一个较好的选择,不失为一种未来数字图书馆建设模式的选择。

    More importantly , the open access mode is a good choice to solve the problem of the copyright of the digital library and a good mode of the construction of digital library in future .

  20. 介绍了数字图书馆的特点及发展历史,从一个案例分析了数字图书馆的构造及采用的技术,并预测了未来数字图书馆的发展趋势。

    The paper introduces the characteristics and development history of digital library , analyzes the configuration of digital library and the technique to be used , and forecast the future tendency of developing digital library .

  21. 城市门户是城市管理信息化的重要环节,是电子政务发展的核心动力,是未来数字城市的总入口。

    City Portal is a key process of management on city information system , it is also the core driven power of development on E-Government affairs and the main way leads to the future digital Cities .

  22. 经过实验和调试,实现了预期的目标和功能,达到了有很好的展示效果,实现了一种可体验的未来数字家庭控制系统。

    After making experiment and debugging , we achieve the preplanning goal and function . It is a intelligent digital control system that is a miniature of the future family modern life , showing satisfactory display results .

  23. 未来数字媒体技术的发展重在智能化、多样化,实行有效管理必须从采集、传递、储存、加工、维护和使用等方面加以考虑。

    To be considered in the future development of digital media technology focuses on intelligent , diverse , efficient management must proceed from the collection , transmission , storage , processing , maintenance and use of such areas .

  24. 本文首先研究和分析了国内外数字城市的研究现状和发展,指出三维数字城市是未来数字城市建设的必然。

    This paper is firstly to study and analyze the status quo and development of digital city in home and abroad , and pointer that 3 D Digital City is the direction of construction of future Digital City .

  25. 阐述了大众传媒的意义,介绍了图书馆的信息功能与教育功能,指出了未来数字图书馆是现代文化传媒的中心。

    This paper expounds the significance of the mass media , introduces the informational function and educational function of the library , and points out that the future digital library would be the center of the modern cultural media .

  26. 通过介绍关于医学影像的变革与发展问题来提升医学影像方面的知识,还讨论了绿色医学影像的意义及其在未来数字医学影像上的前景。

    This essay introduces digital reformation and developing trend of medical photography in order to improve the knowledge about medical photography , this essay also discusses the meaning of green medical photography and welcome the coming of digital medical photography .

  27. 与单标准数字电视解调方案相比,多标准数字电视解调方案具有低成本、高集成度和便于管理维护的优势,成为了未来数字电视解调方案的首选。

    Compared with the single-standard DTV demodulation solution , the multi-standard DTV demodulation solution has the advantages of low cost , high integration and convenient maintenance and management , and has become the preferred solution for the future DTV demodulation .

  28. 为了满足移动通信系统对高质量语音和大容量系统的需要,用变速率语音编码来提高频带的有效利用程度,将是未来数字蜂窝和微蜂窝网的必然发展趋势。

    To meet the needs of the third mobile communication system for higher speech quality and greater system capacity , it is trend of digital cellular and micro cellular network to improve utilization extent of band using variable rate speech coding .

  29. 从我们身边的VCD、DVD到未来的数字电视数字技术,必将更广阔而深远地改变我们的生活方式。

    Digital technology ( such as VCD , DVD amd future digital television ) is widely and profoundly changing our life style .

  30. WhatsApp和CandyCrush最近加入了成功高科技初创企业的行列,这推动通常回避科技股的投资者开始寻找未来的数字巨擘。

    WhatsApp and Candy Crush recently joined the big leagues of technology start-ups done good , prompting tech-shy investors to join the hunt for the digital giants of the future .