
  • 网络Unfinished modernity
  1. 未完成的现代性:谈信息时代的图书馆职业精神

    Unfinished Modernity : Core Values of Library Profession in the Information Age

  2. 它未完成的现代性体现在理论建构上主体间性的缺乏;思想内容上向现代主义文学和生命美学的未完全展开。但毕竟胡风文艺思想已经具有了两种现代性。

    The unfinished modernity of Hu Feng ' sliterary theory lies in two sides : the lack of inter-subjectivity in light of theoretical construction , incomplete development of modernism and life aesthetics .

  3. 而且作为对现代性(包括启蒙现代性与审美现代性)的反思,实践美学是一项未完成的现代性工程。

    Practice Aesthetics not only has modernity and is the authentic modern aesthetics , but as a project reflecting on modernity , it remains unaccomplished .