
  • 网络option theory
  1. 在此基础上,利用实物期权理论建立了RD投资项目决策中实物期权定价模型,并运用以上模型对一医药企业的RD投资项目决策进行了分析研究。

    Furthermore , a pricing model for R & D item is build based on real option theory .

  2. 利用实物期权理论与方法构建高技术企业协作RD网络的战略价值评估模型,得出高技术企业协作RD网络的柔性价值方程;

    Utilizing real option theory and method , we construct strategic value assessment model of high-tech enterprise cooperative R & D networks , and get its flexible value equation .

  3. 实物期权理论及其在城市污水处理BOT项目决策中的应用研究

    The Real-option Theory and It 's Application in City Sewage BOT Project

  4. 根据现代期权理论将投资决策机会视作一种期权,当投资价值(V)和初始支出(C)是随时间变化的维纳过程时,根据Black-Scholes公式给出投资机会的定价模型。

    The pricing model of investment opportunity , regarded as a kind of option on the basis of the option theory , can be formed through the Black Scholes formula .

  5. 应用期权理论进行投资决策分析,给以NPV为基本方法的决策研究提供了一种新的思路。

    NPV method ignores the value of timing and it has some shortages . Applying option pricing theory to analyze investment decision provides a new train of thought .

  6. 运用实物期权理论研究发电商短期内的运行资产价值,并引入了VaR风险价值的概念,对短期内发电商运行的价值进行了风险评估。

    The real option theory was applied to study the generation assets value of the power suppliers over a short-term period and the VaR risk value was introduced for the risk evaluation of the short-term generation assets value .

  7. 其次,本文以学习型期权理论、SCP理论和系统整合理论为基础,演绎了基于学习型期权的财务战略风险监控的影响因素模型。

    Secondly , this paper based on the learning option theory , SCP theory and system theory , builds the factors model of the financial strategic risk monitoring based on the learnig option .

  8. 本文试图结合高科技企业IPO定价的特点,运用实物期权理论来对高科技企业IPO进行定价,通过建立IPO定价模型使其价格真实反映公司的实际价值。

    The paper attempt to combining IPO pricing characteristics of high-tech enterprise , prices the high-tech enterprise IPO by using real option theory , we hope to set up IPO pricing model to reflect the real values of high-tech company .

  9. 针对机会价值的评估,引入期权理论,特别是Black-Scholes的期权定价模型,较为成功地解决了机会价值评估的问题,为网络企业整体价值的评估做了很好的铺垫。

    The theory of option is introduced when value of opportunity is valuated , especially Black-Scholes model , which resolve the problem of valuation of opportunity and lay a good foundation for valuation of Internet enterprise .

  10. 本文利用实物期权理论分析了嵌套于投资项目中的各种期权形式,并以退出期权为例阐释了DCF模型的不足与项目投资决策模型的修正。

    This paper first analyses the types of real options embraced in projects , and the disadvantages of discounted cash flow ( DCF ) and then , taking exit options as an example , explores the revision of the decision-making model of project investment by means of real options theories .

  11. 本文通过对传统的项目投资决策方法的分析,引入了期权理论和贝叶斯理论,提出了一种改进的ENPV法。

    On the basis of analysing traditional decision method , the theories of option and Bayes are introduced for improving the traditional decision method of investment projects and a improved ENPV method is offered in this paper .

  12. 第3章,介绍期权理论和期权定价理论。

    Chapter 3 introduce the option theory and option pricing theory .

  13. 实物期权理论正是这一研究的代表性成果。

    Real option theory is the representative result of the research .

  14. 结合期权理论的双边可选择电力远期合同模型

    Combining option theory with modeling for bilateral optional electricity forward contracts

  15. 期权理论及其在水利水电工程方案选择中的应用

    Option theory and its application of water conservancy and hydropower project

  16. 期权理论在IT项目风险管理中的应用

    Application of options theory to the risk management in IT project

  17. 基于实物期权理论的油田开发方案优选模型

    Optimal model of oilfield development plan based on real options theory

  18. 实物期权理论对矿权价值评估方法的改进

    Improvement of Mining Right Evaluation Method by Real Option Theory

  19. 实物期权理论在高校科技企业估值中的应用研究

    Application of Real Option Theory on University Technology Enterprise Evaluation

  20. 文章首先对目标企业传统价值评估方法及其缺陷进行分析,然后通过对期权理论的探讨,提出了并购具有期权特征的观点。

    Firstly , this paper analyses the limitation of traditional valuation methods .

  21. 基于期权理论的实物投资决策

    Project Investment Decision - Taking Based on the Options Theory

  22. 增长期权理论在企业战略性投资价值评估中的应用

    Application of Growth Option Theory in Business Strategic Investment Appraisal

  23. 实物期权理论是对传统投资决策方法的发展与完善。

    Real options theory is the development and improvement of traditional method .

  24. 期权理论为投资决策提供了一种新型的工具。

    Options theories provided a new tool for investment decision-making .

  25. 实物期权理论定量分析及相关问题简述

    Reviews on Quantitative Analysis and Relevant Problem of the Real Options Theory

  26. 期权理论在股票价值估算中的应用

    The Application of Option Theory in the Estimating the Value of Stocks

  27. 现实期权理论和方法在R&D领域的运用和评述

    Perspective and Comment on Real Option Theory in Management of R & D

  28. 模糊实物期权理论在风险投资项目价值评价中的应用

    The Application of Fuzzy Real Option Theory in the Venture Investment Value Evaluation

  29. 期权理论框架下的货币本质探讨

    Analyzing on the Essence of Money Within the Framwork of the Option Theory

  30. 基于实物期权理论的发电投资决策和容量充裕性评估

    Real Option Based Approach for Generation Investment Decision-making and Generation Capacity Adequacy Analysis