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cháo tíng
  • imperial court;imperial government;royal or imperial court
朝廷 [cháo tíng]
  • [imperial court;imperial government] 君主接受朝见和处理政事的地方,也用作以君主为首的中央统治机构或君主的代称

  • 朝廷之臣莫不畏王。--《战国策.齐策》

  • 吾恐上负朝廷,下愧吾师也。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

朝廷[cháo tíng]
  1. 屈原成为朝廷中钩心斗角的牺牲品,因而遭到放逐。

    Qu Yuan suffered banishment as the victim of a court intrigue .

  2. 38岁的时候,他治好了楚王的儿子,并被邀请到朝廷做官。

    When he was 38 , he cured the son of the Prince of Chu and was invited to be an official in that court .

  3. 朝廷派朱隽去围剿,将黄巾军逼至宛城。

    The government sent Zhu Jun to suppress the insurgents .

  4. 在古代,有一个在京城朝廷里做官的人,奉命去外地做官。

    In the past , an official in the imperial1 court in Beijing was appointed to an official post outside the capital .

  5. 有位显贵之人正好路过,出百金买下了这把琴,并把它献给了朝廷。

    It happened that an influential8 personage was passing by . He bought it with 100 pieces of gold and presented it to the imperial court .

  6. 最早开始于宋代,每逢腊八这一天,不论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥。

    Since the earliest beginning of the Song Dynasty , this porridge has been popular in the royal court , local authorities , temples and common families .

  7. 他还将首都从京都搬到了当时的江户(Edo,即现在的东京),将毫无实权的天皇抛在身后。他在江户设立朝廷,并迅速将它从小渔村建成一个大都市。

    He also moved the capital from Kyoto , leaving the powerless emperor behind , to the coastal town that he called Edo and that is now Tokyo , setting up a court there that quickly transformed the town from a tiny fishing village into a metropolis .

  8. 这项研究的共同作者XiuzhenJaniceLi说当时有70万名劳工被招来进行这项史诗般的工程,其中大部分是囚犯或欠朝廷债的人。XiuzhenJaniceLi曾经是伦敦大学的考古专家,现在工作于中国的秦始皇帝陵博物馆。

    The epic effortconscripted 700000 laborers , many of whom were convicts or people who were indebt to the empire , said study co-author Xiuzhen Janice Li , an archaeologistwho was at the University College London at the time of the new work and is nowat the Emperor Qin Shi Huang 's MausoleumSite Museumin China .

  9. 汲黯还是在朝廷里当个小官。

    But he is still a coutling in the imperial court .

  10. 朝廷想要高丽皇室成员臣服于我们。

    The royal court wants balhae 's royal family to cooperate .

  11. 他们分享自己的价值观,使自己参与到朝廷之中。

    and shared values that connected them to the imperial court .

  12. 朝廷被阴谋所困扰,这渐渐破坏了管理。

    The court was beset by intrigue which undermined the administration .

  13. 但是朝廷官员控制十分严密,传递消息很困难。

    But the ruler controlled them too strictly to pass the message .

  14. 朝廷对官员经商所采取的对策。

    The countermeasure by the government to the bureaucracy trading .

  15. 历代兴建的佛教寺庙中,有不少是帝王和朝廷诏建的。

    In buddhist temples built many imperial edict and court is built .

  16. 同时,他们这一群体也享受着朝廷特殊的恩遇,在明代地位较高。

    Meanwhile , they also enjoys a high status and special treatment .

  17. 印度文化的传递者都是朝廷的官员而不是传教士。

    The Indian transmitters were court functionaries , not missionaries .

  18. 羌人竟敢藐视朝廷。

    The Qiang tribesmen have the audacity to despise the imperial court .

  19. 同时,朝廷之上对于权力的斗争也在加剧。

    Meanwhile , the struggle for power intensified in the imperial court .

  20. 但是朝廷已经派出了金弓部队。

    But the golden bow army has been sent already .

  21. 这些礼仪很大程度上得到了统治者的认可,有些甚至成为朝廷颁布的政策或法规。

    Some of the rites even were issued as a policy or regulation .

  22. 灾害危机对朝廷政局产生潜在的影响,如,灾害会使太子的确立产生变故;

    The famine crisis had a potential influence on imperial power or authority .

  23. 当时他正被昏庸的朝廷放逐。

    At that time he was in an exile from a corrupt court .

  24. 汉朝廷从此被卷人混乱的漩涡。

    This threw the imperial court into prolonged turmoil .

  25. 隔壁房间住了朝廷钦差。

    There are royal inspectors in the next room .

  26. 此一时期,民间婚俗构成了对朝廷婚礼制度的巨大挑战。

    Civil wedding customs constituted a great challenge to the traditional wedding system .

  27. 但是两年要向朝廷进贡一次。

    But twice a year it is paid to the government as tribute .

  28. 这时的但以理,已是朝廷中的最高级官员,仅在大利乌王之下。

    This man was Number One in the government next to King Darius .

  29. 明朝朝廷认识到最大的挑战和机遇是在国内。

    Ming court belied that its greatest challenges and opportunities were at home .

  30. 朝廷将这一天定位千秋节。

    The count designated this day as Qianqiu Festival .