
  • 网络Tributary system;Tribute;Tribute System
  1. 东亚朝贡体系的文化内涵&与西方殖民体系的比较

    Cultural Connotation of the Tributary System of East Asia & Compared with Western Colonial System

  2. 朝贡体系的历史遗产及其对中国与周边国家关系的影响

    The Historical Legacy of Tributary System and Its Influence on Relations between China and Its Circumjacent Countries

  3. 朝贡体系中的华侨华人(1000-1500年)&一种世界体系视野的分析

    Overseas / Ethnic Chinese under Tribute System ( 1000-1500 ): Analysis from a World-System Perspective

  4. 故而清王朝必然会主观地把英国归入朝贡体系之中。

    Therefore , it was inevitable the Ch ' ing Dynasty brought Britain in the tributary system subjectively .

  5. 伦人与天下&解读以朝贡体系为核心的古代东亚国际秩序

    " Human Relationships " and " All Under Heaven ": An Interpretation of the Ancient East Asian International Order under the Tributary System

  6. 下面将不止一次地提到朝贡体系,我们也应回到海上运输这个话题上来。

    The tributary system will be referred to more than once below , and we will also return to the practice of seaborne trade .

  7. 在这一历史活动中,中国人和欧洲人分别采取了建立朝贡体系和建立殖民地体系两种对外关系模式。

    Moreover , during those historical expeditions , Chinese and Europeans adopted different modes of diplomacy which are tributary system and colonial system , respectively .

  8. 这种利益认知使得东亚朝贡体系内那些农业生产条件不利的半岛、群岛国家对中央王朝统治者缺乏吸引力:得其地不足供给。

    This cognition made peninsula or island states in tributary system unattractive to the emperors of ancient China because their lands were not good for farming .

  9. 幕府为了实现这一目标,准备接受明帝的册封,重新加入以明朝中国为中心的册封朝贡体系。

    To achieve that goal , Tokugawa shogunate was prepared to accept title-conferring from the emperor of China and rejoin in the title-conferring and tribute-paying system with China as its center .

  10. 目前,学术界关于朝贡体系的研究共有四种主要研究路径,即费正清的朝贡体系研究、朝贡制度史研究、朝贡贸易研究以及国际社会机制研究。

    Currently , there are four main academic perspectives on the tributary system , including Fairbank tributary system pattern , historical studying of tributary system , tributary trade research method , and international institution approach .

  11. 第一部分将重点阐释朝贡体系的由来及其如何保持区域国家间的和谐关系。

    In the first section a focus would be on the tributary system and how it came into being and how it was able to maintain relatively harmonious relations with its neighbors in the region .

  12. 16世纪初至19世纪初,东亚处于朝贡体系之下,以中国为中心的商品贸易曾几度繁盛。

    From late 16 ~ ( th ) century to early 19 ~ ( th ) century , East Asian countries had an estranged relationship under the political system of tribute paying . China became a prosperous center of trade under the system .

  13. 总之,本论文在学习和吸收中外优秀成果的基础上,对明代朝贡体系和十六世纪西人入华策略关系这一课题,进行一个在视角上略有新意的详细的历史考察。

    In short , based on the outstanding achievement home and abroad , the thesis , aiming at the relation between tribute system in Ming dynasty and western 's tactics in entering China in 16th century , will do a historical research with a new view .

  14. 传统朝贡贸易体系的崩溃和条约口岸贸易体系的逐渐形成开始将中国推上近代化的快车。

    The tributary trading system has collapsed and the treaty port trading system was established , which brought China into the beginning of modernization .

  15. 隆庆元年,漳州月港的开放标志着朝贡贸易体系解体,朝贡贸易也随着衰败,其解体的经济原因主要是贡品对国内经济发展价值不大;

    There are some economic reasons for the disintegration of the system : First , overseas tributes are not of big value to the domestic economic development ;

  16. 或许它希望用一个以中国为中心、其它国家根据实力大小朝贡的体系来取代当前的多边贸易体系?

    Might it want to replace the multilateral trading system with one based on tribute relations , with China at the centre and others defined in relation to its power ?

  17. 这一时期东北亚关系进入一个相对稳定的时期,高丽对于宋之文化渴求显得的更加强烈,于是,在这一时期,二者建立了一个非常特殊的基于非朝贡册封体系的外交关系。

    This period into a period of relative stability in Northeast Asia relations , Corea Song cultural desire seems more intense Thus , during this period , both to establish a special system of diplomatic relations based on non-tributary canonized .