
  • 网络LENS;Lance;RC Lens;LANG'S
  1. 墙壁是什么颜色,朗斯?

    What color are the walls , Lance ?

  2. 布朗斯在香港待了一周,拍摄了60余个指示牌。

    Blance spent a week in Hong Kong and photographed more than 60 signs .

  3. “我喜欢霓虹灯的美丽、手工制作、老派的特点,”布朗斯说道。

    I love the beautiful , handcrafted , old-fashioned quality of neon , says Blance .

  4. 作为得克萨斯州布朗斯维尔市的第三代人,米尔德里德•加尔扎从不乐意搬走,甚至当她的女儿和儿子要求她搬到圣安东尼奥帮助他们的孩子时,她也礼貌地拒绝了。

    As a third-generation native of Brownsville , Texas , Mildred Garza never pleased move away , Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help their children , she politely refused .

  5. 该片演员阵容包括汤姆?哈迪、肯尼斯?布莱纳、马克?里朗斯、斯里安?墨菲、费昂?怀特黑德以及OneDirection组合的哈利?斯泰尔斯。诺兰的老搭档汉斯?季默为该片配乐。

    The ensemble cast includes Tom Hardy , Kenneth Branagh , Mark Rylance , Cillian Murphy , Fionn Whitehead and One Direction 's Harry Styles , and long-time Nolan collaborator Hans Zimmer provides the score .

  6. 至少我也要拍个罗尔德·达尔(RoaldDahl)的小说改编的电影吧,我的下一部影片是《友善的巨人》(BigFriendlyGiant),马克·里朗斯演那个友善的巨人。

    Or at least Roald Dahl 's , which is my next movie , " Big Friendly Giant . " With Mark Rylance playing the big friendly giant .

  7. 那个世界与其说是一款游戏,不如说是一个生活着巫师、机器人和赛车手的豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯(JorgeLuisBorges)式宇宙,它是由詹姆斯·哈利迪(JamesHalliday,马克·里朗斯[MarkRylance]饰)创造的。

    That world - less a game than a Jorge Luis Borges cosmos populated by wizards , robots and racecar drivers - is the creation of James Halliday ( Mark Rylance ) .

  8. 荷兰企业家巴斯•朗斯多普(BasLansdorp)提出的火星一号计划,是一项更快但也更邪门的计划,它对所有人开放,但没有返程票。

    Mars One , brainchild of Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp , is a faster and dirtier affair , open to all comers - and offers no ticket back .

  9. 不知道朗斯达夫在华盛顿的稠人广众之中干些什么。

    I wonder what Longstaff was doing in that Washington crowd .

  10. 温顺的服从;温顺的像老鼠-朗斯通.休斯。

    Tame obedience ; meek as a mouse - Langston Hughes .

  11. 朗斯多普在研究任务耗费近十年心血。

    Lansdorp spent nearly a decade researching the mission .

  12. 朗斯达夫还是那么潇洒出众吗?

    Is Longstaff still so handsome and distinguished ?

  13. 入籍仪式将于当地时间周二下午在德克萨斯州布朗斯维尔市的联邦法院举行。

    The naturalization ceremony will take place Tuesday afternoon in a federal courtroom in Brownsville , Texas .

  14. 亚瑟死后,朗斯洛去找圭内维尔,得知她已经进了修道院。

    Lancelot returned to Britain after Arthur 's death and learned that Guenevere had become a nun .

  15. 其他著名的圆桌骑士还有朗斯洛、拜德维尔、博斯、加位哈德、珀西瓦尔、莫德雷德等人。

    Other famous Round Table Knights included Lancelot , Bedevere , Bors , Galahad , Perceval and Modred ..

  16. 一见朗斯洛风驰电掣而来,我就把右臂一挥他认出我那块破布了我扯下的绳子和绷带。

    I waved my right arm as Launcelot swept in-he recognized my rag-I tore away noose and bandage .

  17. 亚瑟王发现朗斯洛与妻子私通后,这对情人仓皇逃到朗斯洛的城堡。

    After Arthur discovered the love affair between Lancelot and his wife , the lovers fled to Lancelot 's castle .

  18. 步行路线是免费的,当天过生日的人还可以在布朗斯酒店享受一杯免费饮料。

    The walk is free , and those who come on their own birthday get a free drink at Browns .

  19. 该片由汤姆.哈迪、马克.里朗斯、肯尼斯.布莱纳,斯里安.墨菲以及哈里.斯泰尔丝出演。

    Tom Hardy , Mark Rylance , Kenneth Branagh , Cillian Murphy and , er , Harry Styles , star .

  20. 一些人可能会认为,这是个大胆的目标,原因在于我们的学校位于布鲁克林的布朗斯维尔地区

    Now to some , this was an audacious goal , because our school is located in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn

  21. 是的,出生在布鲁克林的施纳贝尔年轻时曾在得克萨斯州的布朗斯维尔住过;

    Yet , as it happens , the Brooklyn-born Mr. Schnabel also spent part of his youth in Brownsville , Tex. ;

  22. 2003年,巴特沃斯将其首部剧本&《耶路撒冷》的初稿交给里朗斯,剧本与“无序和权威”的主题有关。

    In2003 Mr Butterworth sent to Mr Rylance the first draft of a play called " Jerusalem ", about anarchy and authority .

  23. 其中一个诈骗犯就是用这幢位于布朗斯的大楼作为邮寄地址,用盗窃的信用申请了支票和信用卡。

    One scamp artist used this building in the Bronx as a mail drop for checks and credit cards ordered with stolen identities .

  24. 一个叫做伊莲的美丽姑娘也爱上了朗斯洛,但朗斯洛很快抛弃了她。伊莲由于失恋,郁郁而终。

    Lancelot was also loved by Elanine , a beautiful girl , but he soon deserted her and she died of a broken heart .

  25. 艾伦其中一个诈骗犯就是用这幢位于布朗斯的大楼作为邮寄地址,用盗窃的信用申请了支票和信用卡。

    ALAN One scamp artist used this building in the Bronx as a mail drop for checks and credit cards ordered with stolen identities .

  26. 超普图伊科和比勒陀利乌斯大学的佛朗斯模拟了这种碰撞,并得到了极其复杂的相对论的详细数据。

    Now Choptuik and Frans Pretorius of Princeton University have simulated such collisions , including all the extremely complex mathematical details from general relativity .

  27. 自那多年来,他一直怀揣一个梦想,有一天他可以环游世界亲眼看看朗斯特莱德所说的奇迹。

    For years afterward , he had cherished a dream that one day he would travel the world and see Longstrider 's wonders for himself .

  28. 六年前,里朗斯运营着泰晤士河南岸的莎士比亚环球剧场,在那里他以饰演克里奥帕特拉和哈姆雷特而声名卓著。

    Six years ago Mr Rylance was running Shakespeare 's Globe Theatre on the south bank of the River Thames , where he distinguished himself by playing Cleopatra as well as Hamlet .

  29. 巴斯·朗斯多普是火星一号任务的联合创始人,这个非营利性基金会希望能把自己的宇航员送往这颗红色星球并且一步一个脚印实现电视转播。

    Bas Lansdorp is co-founder of the Mars One mission , a nonprofit foundation that hopes to send its own astronauts to the red planet and televise every step of the way .

  30. 现在正在寻找那些接触过小男孩的人,他是从墨西哥城来边境城市布朗斯维尔市走亲戚。

    Now the hunt is on to find anyone who came into contact with the little boy while he visited relatives in the border city of Brownsville from his home in Mexico City .