
  • 网络Clothing production;The Apparel Manufacture;Costume Production
  1. 而传统的服装生产方式已经不能够满足企业的要求,服装PDS系统(服装纸样设计系统)作为服装CAD的重要组成部分,对服装企业的产品丌发能力有着重要意义;

    But the traditional clothing production method already could not satisfy enterprise 's request , the clothing PDS system ( clothing paper type design system ) which take clothing CAD the important constituent has the vital significance to the clothing enterprise 's product development ability ;

  2. 虚拟服装生产企业的供应链运作机制研究

    Study on the Supply Chain Operational Mechanism of Virtual Clothing Production Enterprise

  3. 基于WEB的服装生产集成管理

    Garment Manufacturing Integrated Management System Based on WEB

  4. 但是,时尚精品服装生产商HugoBoss却预计,今年在西班牙赚取的利润将超过2007年。

    Yet posh suit maker Hugo Boss expects to make more money in Spain this year than in 2007 .

  5. 研究这一产业内企业的发展战略,对于我国在加入WTO之后的服装生产企业有着非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , studying the prospect of this industry , there are very important meanings to our country 's development of garment manufacturing enterprise after the accession into the WTO .

  6. TPP谈判国中包括越南。这个服装生产大国严重依赖从中国进口的布料。

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership includes Vietnam , a large garment-manufacturing nation that relies heavily on fabric imported from China .

  7. 德国豪华运动服装生产商HugoBossAG周二称,公司在华销售情况有所恶化,第二季度同比仅增长了1%。

    German luxury sportswear maker Hugo Boss AG reported Tuesday that its sales in China decelerated , growing just 1 % on-year in the second quarter .

  8. 基于6R的绿色服装生产决策及其应用

    6R Production Decision-Making in Green Costume Manufacture and Application

  9. 设计美国奥运队服的拉尔夫•劳伦公司(RalphLauren)拒绝透露是哪家中国工厂拿到了服装生产业务。

    Ralph Lauren , which designed the U.S. Olympic uniforms , won 't say what factory in China has the work .

  10. 目前耐克利润率低于多数直接竞争对手,高于阿迪达斯(AdidasAG)和服装生产商UnderArmourInc.。

    Nike 's margins are now lower than most of its direct competitors , rival Adidas AG ADS.XE 0.00 % and apparel maker Under Armour Inc.

  11. 接着在论述服装生产工艺编排方法及特性的基础上,简单介绍了服装CAPP系统,并探讨了在服装行业需大力进行CAPP研究的原因。

    Then based on explaining the method and characteristic of process planning in garment production , simply introduced the garment CAPP system , and indicated the reasons why to study CAPP in garment industry .

  12. 香港服装生产商联业制衣(TAL)的客户包括布克兄弟(BrooksBrothers)和博柏利(Burberry),该公司表示所用机器至少80%都是Juki。

    TAL , a Hong Kong apparel maker whose clients include Brooks Brothers and Burberry , says at least 80 per cent of its machines are Juki .

  13. 服装生产商VFCorp。的首席执行长怀斯曼(EricWiseman)说,电子产品占据了普通家庭开支预算的大头。

    ' Electronics has taken a huge chunk out of the average household spending budget , 'said Eric Wiseman , CEO of apparel maker VF Corp.

  14. 中国作为全球最大的纺织品和服装生产国和出口国,进入国际市场的方式相对单一,主要以直接出口和OEM方式。

    Though China is the largest production and export country of textiles and garment , the entry method to international market is relatively simplistic , with direct export and OEM as the main ways .

  15. 国际环保组织绿色和平(Greenpeace)对TheNorthFace、哥伦比亚(Columbia)和巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)等户外服装生产商的环保资质提出质疑,谴责它们未能清除自家产品中的有毒化学物质。

    Greenpeace , the international environmental group , is challenging the green credentials of outdoor clothing makers including The North Face , Columbia and Patagonia , accusing them of failing to eliminate toxic chemicals in their products .

  16. 最近有消息称,日本服装生产商优衣库(Uniqlo)提高了价格,部分原因就是中国薪资上涨,这使上述数据更具可信度。

    Recent news from Japanese clothing manufacturer Uniqlo that it is raising prices in part because of wage rises in China lend credence to the data .

  17. 本课题研究的重点是FMS的一部分,即在当前多品种小批量生产模式下服装生产管理中工序编排与质量管理如何达到快速反应。

    This paper is a part of FMS what is to say how to realize the quick reaction on garment quality control and procedure arrangement in the production management under the mode of " many variety , small quantity " .

  18. 佛罗伦萨附近的普拉托市(Prato)已成为欧洲的一个服装生产中心,在中世纪的城墙外面,就坐落着唐人街。

    In Prato , a city near Florence that has become a European hub for mass garment production , the Chinese quarter lies outside the medieval walls .

  19. 基于ERP的服装生产信息管理系统将会为服装企业实现全面现代化、信息化管理,提高企业的经济效益,增强企业的生存力和发展力进行了有益的探索。

    The clothing business enterprise resources information management system regarding the system of ERP as the foundation is a beneficial quest for clothing business enterprise to realize modernize completely and the information management , increase the economic performance of the business enterprise and strengthen the business enterprise exists and developing .

  20. 现在布多夫金先生正在同西方的公司就推广Vitas品牌,安排服装生产线的事项进行谈判。

    Poudovkin is holding negotiations with western companies with a view to creating and promoting the VITAS brand , arranging production of his own line of clothing .

  21. 一家中国纺织品制造商将控股日本最知名的服装生产商之一Renown。这将是中国投资者对一家日本上市公司最大手笔的投资。

    Renown , one of Japan 's best-known clothes makers , is set to come under the control of a Chinese textile maker in what would be the biggest investment by a Chinese investor in a public Japanese company .

  22. 战争时期北方的服装生产量翻了一番

    Production of clothing in the North doubles during the conflict .

  23. 某服装生产厂房整烫车间余热回收利用分析

    Analysis on Excess Heat Recycle of Steam Ironing in Clothing Factories

  24. 服装生产销售闭环系统分析

    The Closed loop System Analysis of the Garment Production and Marketing

  25. 近代服装生产技术的发展趋向及其主要特征

    Development Trend and Main Characters of Modern Apparel Manufacturing Technology

  26. 服装生产流水线工序合并与平衡的研究

    Study on Merger and Balancing of Working Procedures in Garment Assembly Line

  27. 服装生产组织与品质管理的快速评判研究

    Quickly Assessment Study on Apparel Production Organization and Quality Control

  28. 优化我国中西部地区针织服装生产的思考

    The Approach to Optimize the Knitted Garment Production in the Midwest China

  29. 排料过程是服装生产过程中的一个重要环节。

    Arrangement of clothing material is an important process in making clothes .

  30. 中国是世界纺织服装生产大国。

    China is a large textile and garment producer in the world .