
  • 网络service user;service-user;service client
  1. 启动Windows安装服务用户接口时有错误。请与技术支持人员联系。

    There was an error starting the Windows Installer service user interface . Contact your support personnel .

  2. 一旦Web服务用户拥有WSDL文件,他或者她就知晓接口的细节。

    Once the web service user has the WSDL file , he or she knows the interface details .

  3. 利用Agent代理技术可以更好的服务用户,强调提供用户个性化服务,实现复杂多样的服务控制;

    It can better offer users with personalized service and realize various complicated service control to adopt Agent technology .

  4. ESBGateway的主要目标就是为服务用户提供功能。

    The ESB Gateway 's primary purpose is to provide functionality to service consumers .

  5. 因此本行是通知soapserver对象将该函数公开为Web服务用户可用的操作。

    So this line informs the soap_server object that you are exposing this function as an operation available to consumers of the Web service .

  6. TivoliSystemAutomationManager的Web2.0自助服务用户界面允许云管理员添加和删除云用户。

    The Web2.0 self service user interface of Tivoli System Automation Manager allows cloud administrators to add and remove cloud users .

  7. 云服务用户希望IaaS能支持面向服务体系架构(SOA)。

    Cloud service customers expect an IaaS to support services-oriented architectures ( SOA ) .

  8. XML是Internet数据表示和数据交换新的标准,正是XML的特性使得基于其的Web系统集成成为可能,从而更好地服务用户。

    And XML is the new standard for the data expression and data exchange on Internet , and also , just the character of XML makes the Web integration possible .

  9. 服务用户、服务中介和服务提供者的基本SOA设计原则是松散耦合的外部和内部参与者的良好基础。

    The basic SOA design principle of service consumer , service mediator , and service provider is an excellent basis for loosely coupling external and internal participants .

  10. 云服务用户期望拥有开放式的云计算接口,而OpenGridForum(OGF)通过发布云接口标准满足了他们的期望。

    Cloud service customers expect open cloud computing interfaces . Open Grid Forum ( OGF ) has met their expectations by publishing a cloud interface standard .

  11. 本文设计实现的分布式代理系统是对原来分布式VOD系统一个有力的补充,提高了整个系统覆盖的范围和服务用户的数量。

    The proxy system of this paper is a supplement to the original distributed VOD system , the system can serve even larger amount of users spreading around an even wider area than before .

  12. CDN能对流媒体资源进行有效的管控,并通过在互联网中架设若干分散的边缘代理服务器来缓存流媒体内容,服务用户请求。

    CDN which can effectively control the streaming resources is set up on the Internet through a number of scattered edge proxy servers . These proxy servers cache the streaming media content which user requests .

  13. 名孚人将再接再砺,不断努力。完善品质,服务用户。

    We will try harder to improve our product quality and service .

  14. 所有这些操作都可以通过一个自助服务用户界面控制。

    All of this can be controlled through a self service user interface .

  15. 应用程序会转到另一个任务继续服务用户吗?

    Does it go to another task to continue service to the users ?

  16. 在选择的位置(如代理服务用户主目录)创建ODBC.ini文件。

    Ini files in a location of your choice , such as your broker service user home directory .

  17. 服务用户可以在服务被删除以及切换到另一个服务时收到通知。

    Users of services can be notified when a service is removed and switch to using a different service .

  18. 而由于文件副本的存在则必须部署一致性策略才能保证服务用户的是最新数据。

    And because of the existence of documents copies , Consistency strategy must be deployed to ensure the data is the latest for the users .

  19. 作为直接与最终服务用户接触的最后环节,该系统为现有应用服务提供了良好的展示平台,并通过开放,实现了服务资源使用价值的最大化。

    As the last link of the direct contact with the end service user , the system provides a display platform , maximize the use value of service resources .

  20. 介绍了建立组播服务用户控制机制的必要性,详细阐述了组播服务用户控制机制中四个领域的研究内容:接收者访问控制、组播源访问控制、组播源鉴别和组内信息区分技术。

    Then the focus is on the four research area about multicast user control : receiver access control , source access control , source authentication and division of group information .

  21. 开发人员和技术维护人员必须与云服务用户沟通,了解他们对云服务性能的预期,以便在问题发生之前发现它们。

    Developers and technical maintainers must communicate with the cloud service users on how they expect the cloud service should perform so performance problems can be found before they happen .

  22. 但是这些网站究竟有没有达到预期目标?如何更有效的建立门户网站,服务用户成为一个重要议题。

    However , if these university portal websites perform as they are expected ? How a university portal website should be built efficiently to serve the customer better is a key issue .

  23. 再通过分析目前中国服务用户最多的互联网企业腾讯公司的案例,对网络广告的投放应用等做一个全面的分析总结。

    Furthermore , I made an overall and complete summary on the application of releasing internet advertisments after studying the case of Tencent company , an internet enterprise which owns the largest users in China .

  24. 他们向申请重新接通服务的用户收取66.10英镑的费用。

    They charge a £ 66.10 fee for reconnecting cut-off customers

  25. 23日,亚马逊正式推出了一个新的包月服务,用户每月支付12元(1.84美元)即可阅读所有可以阅读的电子书。

    Amazon officially unveiled a new monthly subscription1 service on Tuesday that offers all-you-can-read digital books for 12 yuan ( $ 1.84 ) per month .

  26. 数字图书馆采用Web技术对外提供服务,用户可通过任何一台接入互联网的计算机进行访问。

    Users can access the digital library with computers connected to the Internet .

  27. 但是,这会使调用Web服务的用户客户机有所不同。

    However , it may make a difference to the user clients that make calls to your Web service .

  28. 网上营业厅是电信系统的运营公司将自己的电信业务通过Internet技术服务于用户的软件系统。

    The INTERNET BOSS ( Business Operation Support System ) is an Internet software system on which the Telecom carriers provide their services .

  29. 热备份配置就是其中所有服务器都具有可运行的、服务于用户事务和查询服务的DB2数据库。

    A hot standby configuration is one in which all servers have operational DB2 databases that service user transactions and queries .

  30. Web2.0环境下图书馆个性化信息服务与用户的良性互动

    Benign Interaction between Personalized Information Service and Consumer of Library under the Web 2.0 Environment