
  1. 如果你一定要用Facebook向老板求职,那就说些有趣的话,并用拼写检查工具检查一下拼写。

    If you do Facebook the owner , have something interesting to say and use a spell check .

  2. Audacity使创建播客变得非常简单;您只需要一个麦克风、一个声卡和一些有趣的话。

    Audacity makes the creation of such podcasts a simple process ; you just need a microphone , a sound card , and something interesting to say .

  3. 如果存钱是这麽有趣的话,谁还会想要花钱呢?

    When saving is this much fun , who 'd want to spend ?

  4. 你正准备好以一个有趣的话,来开始你的简报。

    You are ready to kick off your presentation with some hilarious jokes .

  5. 他插嘴说了些有趣的话。

    He chipped in with some interesting remarks .

  6. 说了一句和我有关的,非常有趣的话。

    He made an interesting remark about me .

  7. 用些有趣的话给你的文章增添趣味。

    Spice your writing with funny remarks .

  8. 当副院长出来为医院的医疗质量和这次意外做出解释时,他说了句很有趣的话。

    When the vice president for health care quality at Beth Israel spoke about this incident , he said something very interesting .

  9. 别窃窃私语。如果你有什么有趣的话,大声说出来,我们大家都想听。

    Don 't whisper ! If you have something interesting to say , say it aloud . we 'd all like to hear it .

  10. 我最近看过一本书,它是由一个英国人写的,我还记得书里有一句十分有趣的话,作者认为这句话说明了美国人为什么是这种性格。

    There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently giving what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic .

  11. 那时我们家刚刚搬到马萨诸塞州的安多韦,这之前如果我还算有趣的话,那是因为我爱做些令人不快的蠢事。

    My family had just moved to Andover , Mass . , and up until then if I was funny it was because I did stupid , obnoxious things .

  12. 你应该在电话里说些挑逗的话或者有趣的话或者调调情,说到的内容必须仅限于你和她之间,仅限于你们俩上次遇到时交流过的内容。

    You might say something cheeky or something interesting or flirting on the phone that is specific to you and her andthe interaction that you guys had when you met .

  13. 如果这个计划听上去真的很有趣的话,我会经常说些如“这听上去确实很棒,我多希望自己能加入进来啊。”

    If the project sounds genuinely interesting , I 'll often say something like ," That sounds like a great project , and I wish I could be a part of it . "

  14. 他的微笑、他的饶恕、他那有时有趣的俏皮话,完全是一种可怕的进攻。

    His smiles , his forgiveness , his sometimes pleasant jesting were all a horrible offence .

  15. 鲍勃(Bob)本来有望成为被困井下的伟大智利矿工)——然后选择一两个合适的故事,使你能用有趣或温馨的话来把你的主题讲透。

    Bob would have made a great trapped Chilean miner -- and pick a story or two that let you say something amusing or sweet to slam that theme through the hoop .

  16. 那就是通常意义下的水平面,如果函数本身有趣一点的话,图像也会有趣一点的。

    That 's what you would expect for a horizontal plane just from common sense This is more interesting , of course , if a function is more interesting .

  17. 我说话真的不是很幽默很有趣,我去的话,可能现场很无聊。

    Kyo : I really don 't have interesting and fun things to say so if I come it wouldn 't be fun !

  18. 有趣的是,这些话的潜台词是:我很清楚发生什么事情。这能够让别人对待你的方式上有很大的差别。

    Ironically , the subtext of these lines is , I know exactly what 's going on here , and that can make the difference in how these people treat you in the future .