
  • 网络organic structure;inverted metal-organic framework
  1. 本文利用X射线衍射分析研究煤的有机结构。

    This paper studies the organic structure of coal by X-ray diffraction analysis .

  2. 有机结构波谱中二级结构效应机理的新探索(Ⅱ)&π→p共轭效应和超共轭效应

    A New Approach to the Mechanism of Second Structural Effect in the Spectra of Organic Structure (ⅱ) & π→ p Conjugate Effect and Ultra Conjugate Effect

  3. 我们是在讨论基于有机结构的冷聚变吗?

    Are we talking about organically-based cold fusion ?

  4. APPLE软光笔&有机结构式输入程序

    Apple soft light pen & a program for input organic molecular structure

  5. 二维NMR技术在有机结构分析中的应用

    Application of 2D NMR Techniques in Resonance Assignments of Organic Compounds

  6. 从而显示出多维NMR技术在有机结构分析中的重要作用。

    These examples show that multidimensional NMR techniques play important roles in structural elucidation for organic compounds .

  7. 亚铁血红素(HEM)是一个多原子、非蛋白质的有机结构,能够将一个铁(FE)离子置于其中心。

    A heme ( HEM ) is a multi-atom , non-proteinaceous organic structure capable of positioning an iron ( FE ) ion in its center .

  8. 进一步分析表明在动态需求下,企业应尽量采用有机结构,并且MO型供应链结构要强于OM型结构。

    The results show that they all have significant impact . The further analysis prove that firms are supposed to adopt organic structure in dynamic demand and MO type supply chain has better performance than OM one .

  9. 将其应用到三区域环型结构电力系统的自动发电控制(AGC)中进行仿真,结果表明应用该方法设计的控制器较直接使用有机结构控制方法具有更令人满意的控制效果。

    The proposed method was applied to AGC of a three-area loop structure power system , and the simulation results show that the performances of the controllers designed by proposed method are better than the one by direct organically-structure control .

  10. 本文主要研究一类扩展结构互联大系统动态输出反馈的有机结构控制问题,并将该理论应用到扩展互联电力系统的自动发电控制(AGC)中。

    Organically-structured control problem for interconnected large-scale systems with expanding construction is studied in this paper , which based on dynamic output feedback . And this method is applied in the automatic generation control ( AGC ) of the interconnected power systems .

  11. 中国古代文论是生命性文论,是一种整体有机结构观。

    Ancient Chinese literary theory is living , and its structure is organic .

  12. 有机结构理论中的图不变量

    The invariants of graph in organic structure theory

  13. 应用有机结构数据库系统研究钼簇合物的键价规律

    Systematical research on the bond valences of molybdenum cluster compounds with Cambridge Structural Database

  14. 气象浑沌难以句摘&中国古代文论的整体有机结构观

    Whole Atmosphere , Difficult to Quote & On the Entire Organic Structure of Ancient Chinese Literary Theory

  15. 形式上它打破了古典主义的格式,超越了现实主义小说的有机结构。

    In format , it breaks out of the limitation or bound of classicism , surpasses the organic structure of realist novels .

  16. 这些生物膜的有机结构可能是造成慢性骨髓炎反复发作、难以治愈的原因之一。

    The organic structure of these biofilms may one of the reasons that cause the chronic osteomyelitis difficult to cure . 4 .

  17. 大学内部权力结构经历了从一元结构向二元结构和多元有机结构演进的历程。

    The power within the university evolved from the monistic structure , to the dualistic and the pluralistic ones in the history .

  18. 评价是教育活动的必要环节,汉字书写水平是为中国人语文素养有机结构的必要基础和重要组成部分。

    On-line real-time assessment on Chinese character writing can be divided into three steps : stroke , stroke order and structures normalization assessments .

  19. 李昌龙是那种承袭绘画玄妙技巧的艺术家,他能够熟练地拿捏画面中的各种因素,连接成一个富有个性和表现力的有机结构。

    As an artist with great technical skills , Li Changlong freely integrates all elements on canvas into different pieces of characteristic and expressive works .

  20. 本文作者对此发表了自己的看法:社会实践发展的动力是由多种因素多个层次有机结构起来的复杂系统。

    This paper 's writer thinks that the motive force of the development of social practice is a complicated system organically structured on various factors and levels .

  21. 由于24KT冷却液为硅基半有机结构,不会乳化,氧化;不会变质,分解;

    Because of its semi-organic silicone structure , there is no emulsification , no oxidation , no transformation , no breakdown , no carbonization , no gel .

  22. 宏观上,坚持校内德育与校外德育相结合,提供良好社会环境,三个层次构成学校主体性德育的有机结构,环环相扣,层层扩散,真正把学生从德育客体推向德育主体。

    The three respects are all linked with one another , spread ring upon ring , and really push students from the moral object to the moral subject .

  23. 同时,本文从成本有机结构角度分析增值税转型对不同类型企业影响。

    At the same time , this article from a cost point of view of organic structure Analysis of value-added tax transformation on the impact of different types of enterprises .

  24. 基于中国文化的整体有机结构,中国古代文论也以这种整体把握的方式去审视文学,建构成一套富有诗性特征的思维方式。

    Based on the entire organic structure of Chinese culture , the ancient Chinese literary theory grasp the literature also with this kind of thought , so it is full of poetic characteristics .

  25. 利用大系统包含原理的约束条件,在有机结构控制的基础上提出一种新的电力系统鲁棒分散控制方法。

    Using the restriction conditions of inclusion principle of large system and based on the organically-structured control , a new control method was presented , which can improve the decentralized control performance of loop structure .

  26. 该类压力机具有机结构平衡性极差,体积笨重,噪声极大,摩擦损失大,力学性能曲线不合理,不便于自动控制等突出缺点。

    Structure of such presses have lots of remarkable shortcomings , such as poor balance , bulky size , noise greatly , big friction loss , mechanical properties of curves unreasonable , and not facilitate the automatic control .

  27. 竞争吸附机理,通过与水分子争抢页岩中粘土矿物上的吸附位置,阻止水分子与粘土反应形成可使粘土膨胀分散的有机结构;

    ⑶ competitive absorbing mechanism , that is , prevent water molecule react to clay to form organic texture which can make the clay expand and disperse through scrambling for adsorption site on clay mineral in the mud shale with water molecule ;

  28. 新批评区分了文学(情感)语言与科学语言、日常语言,依次提出了伪陈述→构架与肌质→有机结构→多层结构等理论界定。

    New criticism distinguishes between the literary ( emotional ) language from science language and everyday language , and makes one by one the following theoretical definitions : " false statements → framework and texture → the organic structure → multilayer structure " .

  29. 随着企业信息化的实施,传统的金字塔式的组织结构已越来越不适应当代企业的发展要求,纵观组织发展的历史,就是一个从僵硬的、无机的结构到灵活的、有机结构的发展过程。

    With the usage of information in modern business , traditional organization structures become more and more difficult to fit the developments and requirement of modern enterprises . The history of organization development is just a process of changing from stern 、 inorganic to flexible , organic .

  30. 一个用于含C,H,O的有机化合物结构解析专家系统

    An Expert System for the Elucidation of the Structures of Organic Compounds Containing C , H , O Elements