
  • 网络organic pollution source
  1. 大治河有机污染源分析及防治对策

    Analysis and Harness Countermeasure of Organic Pollution in Dazhi River

  2. 研究发现,畜禽粪便流失污染地表水的现象已成为本区郊县(区)最大的有机污染源和最引人注目的非点源污染问题之一。

    It was found that the domestic animal excreta had become the largest source of organic contamination and one conspicuous problem of none-point pollution .

  3. 海洋环境中含有丰富的几丁质,为虾壳、蟹壳的主要成分,这些物质如果不经过处理,还有可能成为有机污染源,海洋的这种特殊生境,使得从海洋环境中分离筛选产几丁质酶真菌成为可能。

    The marine environment is rich in chitin which is the component of shrimps and crabs . If these substances are not treated , could become the organic sources of pollution .

  4. 选用十年雨量的模拟酸雨淋溶拆解残余垃圾试验结果表明:拆解残余垃圾是一个严重的水环境有机污染源,而拆解残余垃圾的油污染也相当严重。

    The result of the analog experiments on ten-year rainfall amount and acid rain leaching out waste shows that dismantled & decomposed garbage residue is not only a serious organic contaminating source to the water environment , but also a serious oil contaminating source .

  5. 挥发性有机物气体污染源监测中直接采样法的评价

    Evaluation on direct sampling methods in monitoring VOCs emission sources

  6. 有机毒物污染点源废水排放控制和风险管理的现状与建议

    Review on Control and Risk Management of Wastewater Discharge from Point Sources of Toxic Organic Compounds

  7. 含有高浓度有机废水的污染源日益增多,所产生的高浓度难生化降解的有机废水给人类的健康及生存造成严重威胁。

    The wastewater sources contain high concentrations of organic is increasing , the resulting organic wastewater with high concentrations and difficult decomposition cause dire threats to human health and existence .

  8. 在此基础上提出黄河三角洲的区域生态风险管理对策因此,仅应用这一传统方法对水环境有机毒物污染点源难以实现有效的生态风险管理。

    On the basis of assessment result , the environmental risk management countermeasure of the Huanghe River delta is advanced . Therefore , applying this traditional approach only was not a valuable measure .

  9. 述评了北美和欧洲国家以及我国在有机毒物污染点源废水排放控制和风险管理领域的进展现状。

    Progress in this field of control and risk management of wastewater discharge from point sources of toxic organic compound in North American and European countries as well as China is reviewed in this paper .

  10. 胶州湾水域有机农药六六六的污染源及分布

    Distribution and Pollution Source of HCH in the Jiaozhou Bay

  11. 粤港澳地区大气环境中有机污染物特征与污染源追踪的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of Organic Pollutants in Air of Guangzhou , Hongkong and Macao

  12. 根据这份公报提供的数字,中国主要河流有机污染普遍,面源污染日益突出。

    According to the report , last year the organic pollution of China 's major rivers was universal and the pollution of surface water became increasingly serious .

  13. 整个南京地区的大气颗粒物中半挥发性有机物的主要污染源为燃煤源、交通排放源、燃油及矿物燃料残留物排放源、焚烧源,其贡献率分别为:44.0%、31.0%、19.9%、4.7%。

    The main pollution sources are coal combustion , traffic emission , the residue of oil or mineral combustion and burning emission which accounts for44.0 % , 31.0 % 19.9 % and4.7 % of SVOCs , respectively .