
  • 网络ordered set;sorted set
  1. 这种协作表现为对系统中这些要素的消息或操作调用的有序集合。

    This collaboration is represented as an ordered set of messages , or operation invocations , on these elements within the system .

  2. 某种语言所使用的全部字母的有序集合,它包括带有发音符号的字母,但不包括标点符号。

    An ordered set of all the letters used in a language , including letters with diacritical signs where appropriate , but not including punctuation marks .

  3. 大部分编程语言,比如说Java语言,都有数组的概念:相似元素的有序集合。

    Most programming languages , like the Java language , have the concept of an array : a sequential collection of like elements .

  4. 所以,有理由说Java语言中的相似元素的有序集合能够很好地映射到XML中的相似元素的有序集合。

    So it stands to reason that the Java language 's sequential collection of like elements would map nicely to XML 's sequential collection of like elements .

  5. 这种做法非常好,但还能加以改进:XSLTv2中的所有变量都是序列即一组值的有序集合其中可以包含0个、1个或更多的值。

    This is great , but it gets even better : All variables in XSLT v2 are sequences that is , ordered sets of values that can have zero , one , or more values .

  6. 通常由标量的一组有序集合表示的量。

    A quantity usually characterized by an ordered set of scalars .

  7. 面向对象数据库系统中有序集合的索引技术

    An indexing technique for ordered sets in object-oriented database systems

  8. 它是标量的有序集合,因此需要额外的功能来处理它。

    They are sequential collections of scalars , so extra functionality is needed .

  9. 因此一篇种子文本就是一些主题的有序集合。

    A text is some topics set .

  10. 知识链定义为有限个知识资源组成的有序集合。

    The Knowledge Chain ( KC ) is defined as a set of knowledge resource units .

  11. 存放在穿孔卡片上相关数据(计算机文件)的有序集合。

    An ordered collection of related data ( a computer file ) as held on punched cards .

  12. 程序是指令的有序集合,是静态的,而进程是动态的,它强调执行的过程;

    Procedure , which means the ordered assembly of instructions , is static while process is dynamic , meaning the process of executing .

  13. 把操作任务分成多个子任务的有序集合,解决了利用初始态和目标态不易表示含重复操作项的操作任务的问题。

    Through dividing operating tasks into many subtasks in order , the system can utilize initial status and object to express the task including " repetitive operation " .

  14. 其中之一是把所有活动插入到某种类型的有序集合中,按其预先定义好的顺序迭代它调用每个活动。

    One of them would be to stick all activities in some type of ordered collection and then iterate through it invoking each activity in the pre-defined order .

  15. 挖掘算法则利用本地节点动态有序集合枚举树生成方法代替数据库节省了本地空间的占用,大大提高了查找的计算效率。

    The algorithms save occupation of local space by using the generating method of dynamic order set enumerate trees in local nodes to replace database , and the seeking efficiency is improved greatly .

  16. 如果把网络告警信息库看成按时间排列的有序集合,那么序列模式挖掘就可以用来发现频繁出现的告警序列模式,从而导出告警关联规则。

    If the network alarm information base is a time-ordered collection , then the sequential pattern mining can be used to find frequent sequential patterns of alarm , in order to export association rules of alarm .

  17. 基础地理空间数据库具有通用数据库的基本内涵,是有大量具有相同特征数据集的有序集合,基础地理空间数据库利用关系数据库进行管理。

    Spatial database has the basic connotation of general database , it was a sorted marshal of data sets , which have a lot of records having the same character . Spatial database was managed by Relational Data Base Management System ( RDBMS ) .

  18. 水平扩展是通过​自动分片来​做的​,​它允许有序的集合数据分布。

    Horizontal scaling is handled via auto-sharding , allowing for ordered per-collection data distribution .

  19. 自此,几个有序操作集合就能够被同一个系统,同时负载。

    Therefore , at the same time , several ordered sets of operations can be carried out by the same system .

  20. 现有必要对一个有序数据集合重复进行一系列有序操作组成的运算。

    It is necessary to perform an computation repeatedly , composed of a series of ordered operations on a set of ordered data .

  21. 时间序列是一个庞大并且复杂的有序数据集合,在时间序列中蕴含了大量潜在有价值的信息和事物的发展规律。

    A time series is a huge complicated ordered data set which contains a lot of useful potential information and laws of social development .

  22. 本文指出常用辨识框可分为符号集合型、有序命题集合型和实数闭区间型。

    This peper points out that usual identification flame has three types : symbol set , ordered statement set and closed interval of real number .

  23. 基本图形,如点,线,和三角形,被定义为一个有序的顶点集合。

    Graphics primitives , such as points , lines , and triangles , are defined as an ordered set of vertices .

  24. 它将使我们能够定义一个有序拦截过滤器集合,来代表一个给定流程的各个活动。

    It will allow us to define an ordered collection of intercepting filters that represent the Activities of a given process .

  25. 其有序的顶点集合组成顶点模型,有序的边线集合组成边线模型,两者通过形变模型的二阶连续性紧密地结合在一起。

    The ordered vertices form its vertex model , and its ordered edges form the edge model , both are integrated together by the continuities of the deformable model .