
  • 网络ballast track
  1. 针对高速铁路,有砟轨道和无砟轨道各有优缺点。

    Against to high-speed railway , ballast track and ballastless track have their own merits and drawbacks .

  2. 较大的轮轨冲击力又将导致轨道变形加速,稳定性降低,因此在有砟轨道施工过程中要不断降低轨道系统的各项管理值。

    The lager impact force between wheel and rail will accelerate the rail deformation and reduce the stability of the rail . Therefore , during the construction of the ballast track , the management value of the rail system need be reduced constantly .

  3. 长远来看,其经济性优于有砟轨道。

    Ballastless track is more economic than ballast track in long run .

  4. 高速铁路路基上有砟轨道与无砟轨道过渡段研究

    Research on Transition Section between the Ballasted Track and Ballastless Track on Subgrade of High-speed Railway

  5. 高速铁路桥上有砟轨道力学特性及结构选型研究

    Research on Mechanical Characteristic of Ballasted Track Structure on Bridge of High-speed Railway & Structure 's Selection

  6. 铁路有砟轨道下沉及高低不平顺发展预测研究

    Study on the Settlement of Railway Ballasted Track and the Growth Forecast of Track Vertical Profile Irregularity

  7. 由于无砟轨道比有砟轨道更适于在高速铁路上铺设,无砟轨道在高速铁路上大量使用已成为发展趋势,因此将会有越来越多的大跨度桥梁铺设无砟轨道。

    Ballastless track is more suitable for high speed railway , so it has become a trend for widely laying ballastless track on high speed railway and long-span bridges .

  8. 与传统的有砟轨道相比,无砟轨道具有结构高度低、维修量小、无道砟飞溅、稳定性好、耐久性好、弹性均匀等特点。

    Compared with the traditional ballasted track , the non-ballasted track has the advantages of lower structure height , less maintenance , non ballast splashing , better stability , better durability and equal flexibility .

  9. 相对于传统的有砟轨道,无砟轨道具有少维修、结构稳定性好、结构耐久性强、轨道平顺性好、刚度均匀性好和技术相对成熟等突出优点。

    Compared to traditional ballasted track , the ballastless track has the advantage of less maintenance , better structural stability , better structural durability , better track regularity , better stiffness uniformity and relative mature of technology .

  10. 在高速铁路有砟轨道中,散粒体道床已经成为轨道结构中比较薄弱的环节,严重影响着高速铁路在长期服役下的行车安全性、舒适性和轨道养护维修工作量。

    The granular ballast bed has become the weak link in the bed structure in high-speed railway ballasted track , with a serious impact on the running safety , comfort and the track maintenance cost under long-term service .

  11. 同时得出行车速度等在不同轨道结构形式下(有砟轨道、无砟轨道)对车-线系统动力学性能的影响规律。

    And the paper also explored the influencing law of the vehicle-line system dynamic performance when the vehicles are running in the different track structure form ( A frantic jumble rail , Ballastless tracks ) along with different speed atc .

  12. 城市轨道高架桥梁分有砟轨道结构和无砟轨道结构两种型式,两种轨道结构型式对城市交通运输起着非常重要的作用,其中无砟轨道结构是未来发展的趋势。

    The urban rail viaducts include Ballasted track structure and Non-ballasted track structure . The two track structure play a very important role for urban transport , in particular the non-ballasted track structure type is the development trend of the development .

  13. 目前世界各国的重载线路基本以有砟轨道为主,近些年来,随着高速铁路、客运专线及城市轨道交通的发展,无砟轨道得到了广泛应用,技术日益成熟。

    The heavy-haul railway track in the world is mainly ballast track . Recent years , with the development of high speed railway , passenger special lines and urban rail transit , ballastless track has been widely installed and become maturer and maturer in technology .