
  • 网络Shear thinning;shear-thinning;shear thin
  1. 结果表明,高压处理后的蛋黄酱是剪切稀化流体。

    The results show that the mayonnaise processed by high pressure is a shear thinning flow .

  2. 研究了生物质缓冲包装材料浆料的流变特性,数据分析显示所制备浆料为非牛顿流体,具有剪切稀化的特性,体系的表观粘度会随剪切速率的升高而下降最后趋于稳定。

    The data analysis shows that the slurry is non-newtonian fluid with the property of shear thinning , and the systematic apparent viscosity declines along with the shear rate increasing and tends to be stable finally .

  3. 粉煤灰水泥浆体的触变性表现为剪切稀化,拆散常数B和破坏面积A这2个参数均可用作水泥浆体触变性的定量表征。

    The thixotropy of cement pastes with fly ash follows stress thinning behaviour . Both breakdown constant B and destruction area A can show quantitatively cement paste 's thixotropy .

  4. CCSD在亚浓溶液中呈现非牛顿流体中剪切稀化的特性,CCSD分子间存在疏水性胆固醇基之间的非极性―非极性相互作用力。

    CCSD solution exhibits a pseudoplastic fluid behavior , and the intermolecular non-polar / non-polar interactions between cholesteryl groups exists in its semidilute regime .

  5. 高取代度羟丙基淀粉溶液具有剪切稀化性质。

    Hydroxypropylated tapioca starch with high substitution solution had shear-thinning nature .

  6. 薄膜润滑条件下考虑剪切稀化时温度分布的研究

    Research of Temperature Distributing at Shear Thinning Considered under Thin Film Lubrication

  7. 溶液浓度越高其剪切稀化行为越明显。

    The higher was the concentration the more obvious shear thinning behavior .

  8. 剪切稀化时薄膜润滑特性分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Thin Film Lubrication at Shear Thinning

  9. 泥石流突发性流动和剪切稀化的相关研究&以云南蒋家沟泥石流为例

    Research on the correlation between sudden flow and shearing dilute in debris flows

  10. 泥石流突发性流动与泥石流剪切稀化特性相关。

    The outburst of debris flows are relative to its shearing dilute properties .

  11. 三种增粘剂都表现出剪切稀化的非牛顿流体。

    Three kinds of viscous agents all show a thin shear of non-newtonian fluid .

  12. 当DS>0.0416时,随着取代度的提高,剪切稀化也增强。

    When DS > 0.0416 , the shear-thinning nature was higher while DS was increased .

  13. 剪切稀化悬浮体触变性的研究不同拟薄水铝石胶溶体系的触变性比较

    Study on the Thixotropy Simulation of Shear - thinning Suspensions THIXOTROPY COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT PEPTIZED PSEUDO - BOEHMITES

  14. 利用旋转流变仪考察研究了催化前后生物油的流变特性,结果发现生物油是一种典型的非牛顿型流体,具有显著的剪切稀化特征。

    The results indicated that both types of bio-oil were typical non-Newtonian and strongly-shear thinning liquids in the flow behavior .

  15. 结果表明:该压裂液具有剪切稀化性质,可用幂律模型处理;

    The experiment results show that the foam fluid is a shear-thinning fluid , can be simulated with power-law model .

  16. 高取代度羟丙基木薯淀粉具有触变性和剪切稀化性质,并随溶液浓度升高而增大。

    Hydroxypropyl tapioca starch with high molar substitution had thixotropic and shear thining natures which increased with the increase of concentration .

  17. 通过对两种方法得到的结果进行的不确定度分析,确定了城市原生污水为剪切稀化流体,得出了其本构方程。

    The municipal sewage belongs to the shear-thinning fluid and the constitutive equations can be obtained through system uncertainty analysis and identification theory .

  18. 球磨时间越长的样品,其糊的表观粘度越低,越偏近牛顿流体,触变性和剪切稀化也越低。

    The apparent viscosity of the pastes was decreasing as the milled-time was getting longer , resembled Newtonian fluid in shear-thinning nature and low thixotropy .

  19. 剪切稀化悬浮体流变性的唯象模型陶瓷浆料具有剪切变稀及时间依附性,呈现正触变特性,满足浸渍工艺的需要。

    PHENOMENOLOGICAL MODEL OF RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR FOR SHEAR THINNING SUSPENSIONS the viscidity of ceramic slurry can be induced to shear - thinning and depend on time .

  20. 实验结果表明,涂料呈剪切稀化特性,其剪切应力与剪切速率可用修改的幂律方程表示。

    The result shows that the rheology property of paints present a shear-thinning effect , and the shearing stress and shear rate can be expressed in a modified power-law equation .

  21. 工作中润滑剂的粘度变化影响其运动速度的变化,从而影响润滑剂的温升及内剪切稀化的程度等。

    The viscosity variation will directly influence flowing velocity of the lubricants . Apart from temperature rise , the speed change will result in rare faction of the cut in the fluid .

  22. 这种应力过冲特征,与由粘性介质阻力形变初期的剪切稀化和高浓度粗细颗粒相互挤压的内摩擦力共同组成的泥石流体的应力滞后特性(抗剪强度)有关。

    This overstress phenomenon is related to stress hysteresis of debris flow which consists of shear sparsity at beginning of deformation from viscous drag and internal friction from mutual extrusion of granulae with different sizes .

  23. 卡拉胶的流变特性研究表明其在低浓度时可形成凝胶,呈现假塑性,液体具有剪切稀化的特点。

    The rheology experiment of carrageen indicated , in low concentration it could form gelatum , show pseudoplastic , and present shear-thinning characteristics . When added cation to the solution , the viscosity educed , while gel strength increased .

  24. 通过粘性泥石流体阵性流的野外观测和最新研制的泥石流流变仪应用,含有砾石的粘性泥石流体具有明显的应力过冲、触变能量、剪切稀化和双屈服应力等流变特征被得到研究。

    By using the latest rheometer specially designed and observation of surges in viscous debris flows , the rheological characters of viscous debris flow with gravel have such as over stress , thixotropy energy , stress dilution and yield stress were been researched .

  25. 结果发现,双螺带螺杆搅拌桨能使流体在槽内产生轴向大循环;流体剪切稀化性质越显著,搅拌槽内无因次速度及循环量数均有不同程度的降低。

    The results show that , the double helical ribbon and screw impeller makes fluid in stirred tank form large axial circulation . The more significant shear thinning properties the fluid have , the lower normalized axial velocity and circulation number in the flow field .

  26. 对于一种血液粘度质控物进行了连续3年的表观粘度、剪切稀化曲线陡度、卡松屈服应力和卡松粘度的观察,发现该物质随着时间的进程上述参数逐年变低;

    A blood viscosity " Quality Control Substance " was studied for 3 years continuously for the apparent viscosity values , the curve gradient of viscosity versus shear rate , Casson yield stress and Casson viscosity , we found that above parameters decrease according to time going on .

  27. 实验发现:粉体经过表面处理,其粉体悬浮液流变性产生显著的变化,但悬浮液的剪切稀化特性在有机改性后仍然存在,不受温度的影响;

    The results show that the viscosity of modified suspension appear a significant change from the unmodified system , but the viscosity of the suspending system decrease with the rising of its shear rate , even after the mica powder is modified or the environmental temperature is changed .

  28. 流变学实验表明莲藕淀粉糊属于非牛顿假塑性流体,触变性较大,剪切稳定性不好,易发生剪切稀化现象。

    The result of rheology showed that lotus root starch paste belonged to non-Newtonian fluid and had pseudoplastic characteristics . The paste had strong thixotropy and was easy to shear-thinning .

  29. 当温度一定时,半流质高能食品的粘度随剪切速率的增大而降低,具有剪切稀化现象。

    Results showed that an increase in shear rate resulted in a decrease in apparent viscosity , suggesting non-Newtonian and a shear-thinning behavior at all temperature ranges studied .

  30. 随着剪切速率的增大,聚合物溶液显现出剪切稀化的特性,聚合物溶液的表观粘度与剪切速率关系服从幂律关系。

    Increasing with the shear rate , polymer solution shows property of shear thinning . The relationship between viscosity of polymer solution and shear rate obey power-law .