
  • 网络organic sludge;Biosolids
  1. 虽然水处理残渣与有机污泥混施可以减少土壤P过量积累以及P对地表和地下水的污染。

    Co-application of water treatment residuals ( WTR ) with biosolids can reduce the buildup of P in soil as well as the risk of P losses to surface and ground water .

  2. 兼氧技术应用于有机污泥的处理

    Study on the Application of Facultative Technology in Organic Sludge Treatment

  3. 研究结果表明,有机污泥制备吸附剂的最佳条件是,污泥与活化剂质量比为5∶3,在550℃下恒温热解60min,所得改性污泥吸附剂具有最大比表面积;

    Results showed that at the optimal condition of the ratio of sludge to activated solution 5:3 , pyrogenation 60 min under 550 ℃, the modified sludge adsorbent has the biggest specific surface area .

  4. 剩余有机污泥零排放工程性试验

    Engineering test of zero discharge of residual organic sludge

  5. 污水厂污泥作吸附剂的试验研究有机污泥改制含碳吸附剂工艺及应用

    STUDIES ON MUNICIPAL SLUDGE USED AS ADSORBENT Use of Sewage Sludge for Manufacturing Adsorbent

  6. 有机污泥改制含碳吸附剂工艺及应用

    Use of Sewage Sludge for Manufacturing Adsorbent

  7. 加热分解是近年来用于处置污水处理过程中产生的有机污泥的一种新方法。

    Thermal reduction is a new alternative recently developed to handle organic sludge derived from waste water treatment processes .

  8. 通过对污泥减量工艺进行理论分析,确定了有机污泥零排放的相关设计参数。

    On the theoretical analysis of sludge reduction process , the design parameters of sludge zero discharge technology was determined .

  9. 根据物料平衡原理,推导出用于估算悬浮物污泥、有机污泥和重金属污泥等发生量的简便公式,并用某市工业污泥发生量的调查资料加以验证,结聚表明,估算值的相对误差仅为6.3%。

    Based on material balance , the simple equation for est mating amount of sorts of industrial sludge were established from which estimated amount of activated sludge has been verified .

  10. 研究了剩余有机污泥处理新工艺,将剩余污泥进行酸化水解后回到废水处理系统一起代谢,基本达到无污泥排放。

    A new technology for treating organic sludge has been conducted . Wasted sludge was returned to the treatment system to metabolize with wastewater after facultative hydrolysis acidification under normal atmospheric temperature and reached zero-discharge .

  11. 城市低有机质污泥的好氧堆肥研究

    Study on Aerobic Composting of Low Organic Sludge

  12. 热处理可用以调节各种混合的有机废水污泥。

    Heat treatment can be used to condition all types of combinations of organic wastewater sludge .

  13. 含有有机固体污泥毯将进行逐步分解消耗氧气,导致有害气体的产生。

    Sludge blankets containing organic solids will undergo progressive decomposition resulting in oxygen depletion and the production of noxious gases .

  14. 结果表明,草屑发酵后可转化为易被微生物利用的外加碳源,有利于低有机质污泥的堆肥;

    The results show that it is favorable for composting of low organic sludge when green grass translates into organic matter by microorganism fermentation .

  15. 利用城市污水处理厂剩余活性污泥,采用先干燥再浸渍于不同浓度活化剂,再于不同温度、时间下热解的流程,对有机剩余污泥进行改性吸附剂研究。

    Modified adsorbent of sewage sludge was studied by drying and immersing sludge in activated solution at various concentrations and pyrolyzing at various temperatures for different hold times .

  16. SBR法处理工业废水中有机负荷对污泥膨胀的影响

    Influence of organic loading on sludge bulking

  17. 城市有机垃圾与污泥联合消化的试验研究

    Urban Organic Waste and Sludge Joint Pilot Study Digest

  18. 超声与碱预处理低有机质剩余污泥特性分析

    Characteristics of waste activated sludge with low VSS content by ultrasonic and alkaline pretreatment

  19. 处理制药综合有机废水活性污泥的特性及其主要厌氧微生物生理群组成的研究

    Study on the Properties of the Sludge in Treating Mixed Organic Waste Water to Produce Medicine and on the Composing of Main Anaerobe Physiologic Group

  20. 在浓缩和处理剩余污泥时,所产生的含高浓度有机物的污泥上清液被回流到污水处理系统。

    During sludge concentration ( storage ) and sludge treatment a liquid containing high concentrated organic matter is produced and will be recycled to the sewage treatment system .

  21. 污泥土地利用是国内外城市污泥主要的处置方式之一,而污泥中的有机污染物是污泥土地利用的限制性因素之一。

    Land application of sewage sludge is one of the main ways of the sludge disposal , whereas the contained organic contaminants are one of the factors limiting the sewage sludge land application .

  22. 分析溶解氧浓度、水质条件和有机物-污泥负荷对污泥膨胀的影响,并从预防、常规处理和应急措施三方面综述了污泥膨胀的控制措施。

    The paper analyses the effect of dissolved oxygen concentration and water quality condition and organic matter - sludge load on sludge bulking Moreover , it summarizes the control procedure of sludge bulking through prevention and conventional processing and emergency procedure .

  23. 无机电解质和有机高分子絮凝剂对污泥表面Zeta电位的影响

    Influences of Inorganic Electrolyte and Organic Macromolecular Flocculant on Zeta-potential of Sludge Surface

  24. 有机物浓度对污泥降解速率无影响,污泥降解速率与降解时间的关系为r∝t-α;

    Organism concentration has little effect on sludge degradation ; the relation between the rate of sludge degradation and its time is r ∝ t - α ;

  25. 通过检测对照桶和试验桶中化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD5)的变化结合镜检结果,得出余氯及五种有机氯化物对活性污泥的最高允许浓度。

    According to the variations of COD , BOD5 , combined with the microscopic observation in experiment and blank buckets , the maximum allowable concentrations of residual chlorine and five organic chlorides to activated sludge were obtained .

  26. 本文研究结果表明该MFC技术可以在降低剩余污泥有机质并减少污泥体积的同时获得电能,在剩余污泥处理和处置方面有一定的应用潜力。

    And it is indicated that the MFC technology can not only reduce the excess sludge in organic matter and the sludge volume but also obtain power so that it has a certain potential in excess sludge treatment and disposal .

  27. 序批式气提生物反应器(SABR)处理氯苯胺类有机废水好氧污泥颗粒化研究

    Granulation of aerobic sludges in sequencing airlift bioreactor ( SABR ) for the treatment of chloroanilines-containing organic wastewater

  28. 余氯及五种有机氯化物对活性污泥毒性的研究

    Study on toxicity of residual chlorine and five organic chlorides to activated sludge

  29. 有机高分子絮凝剂在污泥脱水中的应用研究

    The application and study of the high molecular flocculant in dewatering of sludge

  30. 淀粉能够完全转化为挥发性有机酸、微生物污泥、生物气;

    All starch in the influent can be converted to short chain fatty acids , biomass and biogas in the TUASB reactor .