
yǒu xiào hé tonɡ
  • valid contract;subsisting contract
  1. 娃哈哈称,关于商标权的有效合同已在两年内到期。

    The valid contract for the trademark expired in two years , Wahaha said .

  2. 一般而言,为订立一份有效合同,至少需要两方当事人;

    To make a valid contract , generally speaking , we need at least two parties ;

  3. 脑子里装着幼儿园里学到的规则,我气急败坏地和他理论:你开玩笑吧,用Priceline预定过了、也用信用卡付款了,难道不是就已经达成了有效合同?

    Armed with my kindergarten rule book , I began to splutter about having booked through Priceline and paid with a credit card , which made it a binding contract , surely ?

  4. 读载有效合同标签下的列表速度加快。

    The list in the Available Contracts tab should load quicker .

  5. 其构成要件:债务人依有效合同作出了履行;

    Its requirements are : The debtor has made the performance according to the valid contract ;

  6. 新令同法出台前,大量有效合同或有暇疵的合同被确认为无效合周。造成无效合同过多。

    Many valid and defect contract are considered invalid before the enforcement of the new Contract Law .

  7. 按照普通法,未成年人签订的合同除有效合同外就是可撤销合同或无效合同。

    At common law contracts made with a minor that are not valid will be voidable or void .

  8. 合同解除是当条件具备时,通过当事人双方或单方的解除行为,使有效合同关系消灭。

    Dissolution of contract means the termination of a valid contract by one or both parties under necessary conditions .

  9. 有效合同要求当事人、经办人和代理人的资格要合法;

    A complete commercial contract indudes the following important conditions : the party concerned and the agent must be qualified ;

  10. 无效合同的补救,是指对于完全无效的合同,在它成立之后,由于某种正当事由而消除了合同无效的原因,是无效合同转换为有效合同的过程,也即对病态契约的救治。

    The remediation for invalid contracts means that , because of some proper reasons , invalid contracts change to valid contracts .

  11. 缔约过失责任的承担,不以存在有效合同关系为前提。

    One will not take the responsibility on the basis of the valid existing contract for his fault while signing a contract .

  12. “有效合同”标签下能将筛选状态切换到全搜索状态,即可搜索整个星域中的合同。

    In the Available Contracts tab you can change the view filter to global search , this allows you to search in all regions simultaneously .

  13. 可撤销合同在除斥期间,既非有效合同,亦非效力待定合同,更不是无效合同,而是一种相对有效的效力不完全的另类合同。

    Voidable contract , in scheduled period , is not a valid contract , nor are prospect valid contract and voidable contract but a relatively valid contract with incomplete validity .

  14. 笔者认为,除了瑕疵出资致使公司法人人格否认的情形,其他情况下瑕疵出资股权转让合同应为有效合同。

    The author believes that , equity transfer contract in the case of defect contribution shall be valid , apart from corporate legal person gird denial causing by defect contribution .

  15. 明确规定无权处分合同是有效合同,无权处分合同所指的就是无权处分行为,其含义是:行为人并没有处分权而与相对人签订的以转移标的物所有权为目的的合同。

    Stipulating the effect of unauthorized disposal contract is validity . Unauthorized disposition means the subject of unauthorized disposition sign the contract with the third party aims to transform the ownership .

  16. 即对有撤销权的一方当事人来说,合同属效力待定;而对另一方当事人来说,则属有效合同,对其仍有正常合同的约束力。

    To the party having the right of rescission , it is of prospect contract ; but to the other party , it is valid contract and still has a binding force of a normal contract .

  17. 对于有效合同、效力中止未满2年的合同、申请人对出险时有效性存在有争议的合同应该予以立案。

    Not full to break down of active contract , effectiveness contract of2 years , applicant 's open to question to existence of the effectiveness when be or get out of danger contract should give put on record .

  18. 无效合同是相对于有效合同而言的,它是指合同虽然成立,但因其违反法律、行政法规或公序良俗,因此被确认无效。

    The invalid contract is in relation to the terms of the contract , although it refers to the establishment of the contract , but because of their violations of laws and administrative regulations or public order and good customs , it was confirmed invalid .

  19. 无效合同是相对有效合同而言的,是指合同虽然已经成立,但因其在内容上违反了法律、行政法规的强制性规定和社会公共利益而不产生法律效力的合同。

    Noneffective contract is a term which is contrary to effective contract . Although it has been formally established , it cannot function as an effective contract because in content it is against the laws , the compulsory rules of administration laws and the public benefit .

  20. 在充分考虑了公平电子合同协议两个特性即合同双方地位的平等性与有效合同证据的自主性的基础上制定了一个新的公平电子合同协议,并对协议的公平性进行了系统分析。

    Two properties of electronic contract protocol are pointed out , which are the both sides ' equal position and the freedom of valid electronic contract evidence . Based on the two properties , a new practical electronic contract protocol is proposed , which fairness is systematically analyzed .

  21. 仅在WIRTGENCHINA书面确认的情况下,销售定单方能构成有效的合同。

    A sales order becomes a valid contract , only if it is confirmed in writing by WIRTGEN CHINA .

  22. 作者还谈到了与一些其他的人员有效的合同,包括承包人、代理人、临时雇员(包括演员公会(SAG)和非演员公会的演员)。

    The author also offers pointers for working with contractors , attorneys , and unionized employees , including both SAG and non-SAG actors .

  23. WSTK合同服务用来确定服务的用户是否拥有一个有效的合同,之后合同标识符将在评测记录中被引用。

    The WSTK contract service is used to establish whether the user of a service has a valid contract in place , the contract identifier is then referenced on the meter records .

  24. 只有毫无保留地接受要约才能成立一个有效的合同。

    To create a valid contract an offer must be accepted without qualifications .

  25. 如果没有合意,就没有有效的合同。

    When there is no meeting of the minds , there is no valid contract .

  26. 合理的立论;合理的论点;有效的合同;有效的执照。

    A valid inference ; a valid argument ; a valid contract ; a valid license .

  27. 合同有效与合同生效辨析

    Identifying Contract Validity and Contract Validation

  28. 在此基础上,笔者提出构成期前违约必须具备以下四个条件:1、合法成立有效的合同;

    Based on this , the author holds that it requires four conditions to form an anticipatory breach .

  29. 承诺生效时合同成立。当事人不合法的行为无法成立一个有效的合同。

    A contract is formed once the acceptance becomes effective . A contract cannot arise out of an illegal act .

  30. 协议要变成一份有效的合同,缔约方必需具有参加交易的法定资格。

    For an agreement to be a valid contract , the contracting parties must have legal capacity to enter into transactions .