
  • 网络advanced menstruation
  1. 月经先期患者性周期不同时相中舌粘膜细胞化学变化的动态研究青春期月经规律的探讨

    Dynamic studies on chemical changes of tongue 's PERIGLOTTIS cells in different phase of polymenorrhea patients sexual cycle

  2. 西医采用抗菌、止血剂治疗,疗效不满意,此病正属于中医学中的月经先期、月经过多、经期延长、赤带等范畴,因此中医药对其研治具有广阔的前景。

    Western use of antibacterial , hemostatic agent treatment efficacy are not satisfied with the disease are belong to Chinese medicine in the pre-menstruation , menorrhagia , menstrual extended in areas such as red zone , so its research governance of Chinese medicine will have broad prospects .