
  • 网络Shortest path problem;SPP-shortest path problem
  1. 目标函数为∑和max的双目标最短路问题:算法和复杂性

    One Shortest Path Problem with ∑ and max Objectives : Algorithms and Complexity

  2. 本文将解决TSP问题转化为一种特殊的最短路问题。

    This paper deals with TSP by transform TSP to a special Shortest Path Problem .

  3. 最短路问题的Auction算法在无圈网络中的改进

    Improvement of auction algorithm for shortest path problems in acyclic networks

  4. 带时间和边数约束的双约束最短路问题是NP完备的。

    The shortest path problem with two additional constraints in transition time and number of edges is NP Complete .

  5. 多约束QoS路由优化是当前网络研究中的一个重要课题,而受限最短路问题(RSP)是QoS路由的一个基本问题。

    Multiple constrained quality of service ( QoS ) routing optimization is one of important problems in current network research .

  6. 最短路问题的Floyd加速算法与优化

    Accelerated and optimized method of Floyd algorithm to find out shortest path

  7. Min-max最短路问题的双标号算法

    A double labeled algorithm for min-max shortest path problem

  8. Dijkstra算法被公认为解决最短路问题的最好算法,但它的缺陷之一是不能解决存在负权的最短路问题。

    Dijkstra 's algorithm of solving the shortest path problem of weighted directed graph is still regarded as the best one .

  9. 主要包括建立最短路问题模型,运用Dijkstra算法优化供应链解决方案。

    This part of research is composed of establishing the most short-circuits the question model and using Dijkstra to optimize supply chain solution .

  10. 将交通流量的动态问题转化为静态问题,用解决最短路问题的Dijkstra方法,给出交通流量实时最优控制的可行性模型及其有效算法。

    By the Dijkstra method of the shortest circuit , the feasible model of the real-time optimistic control and the effective algorithm are obtained .

  11. 用Excel提供的“规划求解”功能解决网络规划问题中的主要问题:最大流问题、最小代价流问题、最短路问题和网络计划关键路径问题。

    It is the main objective of using Excel to provide " programming for resolution " to such topology network programming problems : Maximum flux problem , Minimum price flux problem , the shortest path and key path problem .

  12. 然后,本文又将机制设计的标准工具VGC机制应用到解决最短路问题和最小支撑树问题。

    Then , we apply the standard tools of mechanism design to the shortest paths problem and the minimum spanning tree problem .

  13. 本文以甘肃省及周边地区旅游景点为例,利用Dijkstra算法和Floyd算法建立最短路问题的旅游线路优化设计模型。

    This article takes the Gansu province and the surrounding areas of tourist attractions as an example , It uses Dijkstra algorithm and Floyd algorithm to build the short-path problem of tourist route optimization design model .

  14. FLOYD算法是求解网络最短路问题中的一个最重要的算法,该算法在求解过程中以路长矩阵和路径矩阵为工具,通过逐次迭代最终可求得任意点对间的最短路。

    Floyd algorithm is the most important algorithm in solving the shortest route problem in networks . It uses route length matrix and footpath ma - trix to obtain the solution of shortest route between any pair of points by method of iteration .

  15. 研究网络优化问题,如网络的最短路问题、最小费用支撑树问题、最小费用流问题及Steiner树问题等的算法设计与分析,已成为多个学科的一个重要研究方向。

    The research of algorithms design and analysis of network optimization problem , such as the shortest paths of network , the smallest cost spanning trees , the smallest cost flows , Steiner tree and so on , has become an important research aspect of computer science .

  16. 本文设法在原有网络基础上构造出一个新的2维网络,然后利用约束最短路问题的算法给出一个点对数为2时的多项式时间近似方案(PTAS)。

    We construct an new 2 dimension networks based on the given networks , using the algorithm of restricted shortest path problem , we then give a polynomial time approximation scheme for this problem with two pair of points .

  17. 针对物流配送中心选址时需求和成本会随时间的变化而变化的情况,本文考虑了动态选址模式,把问题转换为网络的最短路问题,并用Dijkstra算法求解。

    For the demand and cost of site selection of logistic distribution center should be changed as time moves , the model of dynamic site selection is presented , and the shortest route of network is brought forward to solved the question , then compute it with Dijkstra algorithm .

  18. 通过对大型网络最短路问题的数值实验,在同一网络中,遗传算法的运行时间明显少于Dijkstra算法,求解效率优于Dijkstra算法。

    Simulation results for SP in the large network indicate that the using time of GA is less than that of Dijkstra algorithm in the same network . So the efficiency of the genetic algorithm is much better than that of the Dijkstra algorithm for SP in large network .

  19. 简单赋权图最短路问题的一种新解法

    A New Solution to the Shortest Path Problem of Weighted Graph

  20. 破圈法解动态规划中的最短路问题

    Circle Analysis : Solution to the Shortest Cut in Dynamic Planning

  21. 带多重选择的最短路问题:复杂性和算法

    The shortest path problem with multiple choice : complexity and algorithm

  22. 物资调运时间为区间数的最短路问题研究

    Research on the Shortest Path of Material Transportation in Interval Time

  23. 随机网络的最短路问题

    The shortest path problems in stochastic and time - dependent network

  24. 网络分析中最短路问题的表上作业法

    Algorithm on Table of the Minimum Route Problem in Network Analysis

  25. 改进的进化算法解最短路问题

    A improved evolutionary algorithm for the shortest path routing problem

  26. 网络最短路问题的极小代数解法

    A New Algorithm for Shortest Path Problem by Using the Minimal Algebra

  27. 本文所研究的问题是对网络最短路问题的进一步讨论,由以下3个部分组成:1.网络最短路的最优解邻域;

    The neighborhood of the optimal solutions on the shortest - paths .

  28. 用动态规划方法求最短路问题,要求所求问题具有明显的阶段。

    Application of the dynamic programming method to assigning the elongation coefficient ;

  29. 网络最短路问题的最优解邻域

    Optimal solution neighborhood for the shortest paths in network

  30. 数最短路问题在社会生活中有着广泛的应用。

    The shortest path counting problem is applied in many aspects of societies .