
  • Favorite;Dearest;Love For Life
  1. 我多么在乎你,我最爱的人!

    I care about you so much , my dearest one !

  2. 他是我最爱,最亲的人之一,你知道吗?

    One of the dearest , loving * you know ?

  3. 这家酒吧是艺术家最爱光顾的地方。

    The pub is a favourite haunt of artists .

  4. 他是我一生中最爱的人。

    He was the love of my life .

  5. 他最爱喝的饮料是朗姆酒加柠檬汁。

    His favourite tipple was rum and lemon .

  6. 燕麦麸在去年成为保健狂人的最爱。

    Oat bran became the darling of health freaks last year .

  7. 这些简短而翔实的报告是他的最爱。

    The short , meaty reports are those he likes best

  8. 人们最爱散布流言蜚语,哪怕是自己最好的朋友也不例外。

    What frightful gossips people are , even one 's best friends .

  9. 我们的最爱绝对是超市的自产品牌。

    Our favourite by a long way was the supermarkets ' own brand .

  10. 海峡群岛是英国和法国的帆船运动爱好者夏日最爱去的地方。

    The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike .

  11. “羊绒衫仍是我的最爱,”她承认,“它不会过时,看起来既漂亮又时尚。”

    ' A cashmere sweater still thrills me , ' she admits . ' It has wonderful staying power ; it looks chic and modern . '

  12. 原味酸奶曾是她的最爱。

    Plain yoghurt was her favourite .

  13. 他最爱踢足球。

    He likes to play football .

  14. 他最爱鼓秋手表。

    He likes to tinker with watches .

  15. 她最爱寻根究底,寻求事物隐蔽、内在的缘由。

    She liked to get to the root of a matter and find out its hidden and internal causes .

  16. 这个8岁的孩子是班上最爱开玩笑的人。

    The 8-year-old is the joker of the class .

  17. 就像每个星期四晚上一样,这天晚上心理学家莫德·莱汉恩一次举行了两场法国人最爱的消遣活动,那就是喝咖啡和“谈话疗法”。

    This evening , as on every Thursday night , psychologist Maud Lehanne is leading two of France 's favorite pastimes , coffee drinking and the " talking cure " .

  18. 肥皂在19世纪末成为人们的最爱。

    Soap became people 's favourite in the late 1800s .

  19. 令人惊讶的是,危险来自最爱他们的人。

    Surprisingly , the danger is from the people who love them most .

  20. 他在做他最爱做的事。

    He is doing what he loves best .

  21. 例如,劳拉最爱辣食,塔拉喜欢甜食。

    For example , hot food is Lara 's favorite , and Tara has a sweet choice .

  22. 尽管BBC旗下的幼儿频道“Cbeebies”仍是孩子们的最爱,但其收视率有所下降。

    While Cbeebies is still their favourite channel , its share of viewing has declined .

  23. 我以前在马戏里最爱看小丑

    I used to like the clowns best at the circus .

  24. (七年前,我认识了我一生最爱的人。)

    Seven years ago , I met the love of my life .

  25. 我最爱的电视剧当然是《老友记》。

    My favorite TV show is hands down Friends .

  26. 你最爱的“安慰节目”又有哪些呢?

    What 's your go-to comfort show ?

  27. 我妹妹小时候从没挨过训,她是我父母的最爱。

    My younger4 sister never got5 told off6 - she was my parents ' favourite .

  28. 某一首歌能成为你的最爱可能是因为你把它和你生活中某个情绪事件联系起来了。

    Your favorite song is probably favorite because you associate with an emotional event of your life .

  29. 但直到我们那样做之前,问题是,海洋有跟塑胶一样顽强到能对付我们最爱的材料吗?

    But until we do , the question is , Will the oceans be plastic enough to deal with our favorite material ?

  30. 《你好,李焕英》的“异军突起”说明,这部电影明显是中国观众的春节档最爱。

    The sudden shakeup reflects the extent to which Hi , Mom has become China 's clear favorite among the Lunar New Year offerings .