
zēng ɡuó fān
  • Zeng Guofan; key official in suppressing the Taiping Rebellion and creating the era known as the Tongzhi Restoration
  1. 曾国藩文化思想的理论渊源探析

    The origin of Theory of Tseng Kuo-fan 's Culture and Thought

  2. 曾国藩的家庭教育思想的渊源大致有三:一是中国传统家训思想;

    The thought 's origin : First , Chinese traditional warnings .

  3. 曾国藩的礼学与黑格尔的精神哲学

    Zeng Guo-fan 's Propriety and Hegel 's Philosophy of Spirit

  4. 论曾国藩家庭伦理思想及其现代意义

    Zeng Guofan ′ s Family Ethical Thoughts and Modern Significance

  5. 曾国藩是中国近代杰出的军事家。

    Zeng Guofang was an outstanding strategist in China 's modern history .

  6. 因此,在本文的第三部分,笔者对曾国藩的家庭伦理思想进行了较为全面的评价。

    The author evaluated Zeng 's family ethics ideas in the third content .

  7. 曾国藩诗文鉴赏论

    On Zeng Guo-fan Poetry and Essay Appreciation Theory

  8. 曾国藩的治学思想始终贯穿着实事求是的精神和品格。

    Zeng Guo-fans theory in study had a feature of seeking truth from fact .

  9. 曾国藩的文化思想具有保守封闭性与开放进取性同时并存的双重特点。

    Tseng Kuo-fan culture and thought was of a dual characteristic-both conservative and open .

  10. 曾国藩诗学理论平议

    On Poetic Theories of Zeng Gu of an

  11. 迷人的态度(英文)曾国藩人际关系论

    Discussing Zeng Guo-fan 's Attitude Towards Interpersonal Relationships

  12. 曾国藩生长在湘乡,首先接受的是湘乡人的教育、湘乡人的影响。

    Born in Xiangxiang , Zeng Guofan was naturally cultivated and influenced by Xiangxiang people .

  13. 曾国藩的古文观古文运动和山东士族

    On the relationship between the Movement of Ancient Style and the literati clan in Shandong

  14. 他说,曾国藩是湖湘文化代表人物,文化是旅游的灵魂。

    He remarked that Zeng Guofan is the of Huxiang serves as the soul of tourism .

  15. 他曾任曾国藩、李鸿章幕僚达近二十年之久。

    He was an assistant of Zeng Guo-fan and Li Hong-zhang for as long as twenty years .

  16. 曾国藩文学理论体系有其显著的近代特征:功利性、开放性和实践性。

    There were two outstanding characteristics of his literary theory , which are openness , utilitarianism and practicality .

  17. 论曾国藩“商战”思想的时代内涵与历史价值

    On the content of ages and historical value of Zeng guo-fan 's thought about " trade war "

  18. 在阅读方法上,曾国藩对怎样选择书、怎样看书有很多具体的指导。

    On the reading methods , Zeng Guofan had much concrete guidance on how to select and read book .

  19. 80年代以来,学术界对曾国藩的研究逐步深入,对他的评价也相对客观。

    Since the80s , the academic study of the gradual deepening of Tseng Kuo-fan on his relatively objective evaluation .

  20. 曾国藩及其理学宗派,在清政府同治中兴期间,起了重要作用。

    Zeng Guofan and his Confucian sects played an important role during the Tongzhi period in the Qing Dynasty .

  21. 近代湖南绅权势力的膨胀得益于曾国藩创办的湘军。

    The expansion of the modern Hunan gentry forces benefits considerably from the establishment of Zeng Guofans Xiang Army .

  22. 曾国藩家书从读书、做人、理家三大方面体现了曾氏家训思想。

    His thoughts can be summarized from three aspects , i.e.reading books , being a man , and managing household .

  23. 例如,在1870年的“天津教案”中,曾国藩与左宗棠的不同态度。

    For example , in1870 , the " Tianjin Massacre ", the Tseng Kuo-fan and Tso of the different approaches .

  24. 湘乡人吃苦耐劳、敢当道义等独特地域文化精神,促成了曾国藩的显赫功业;

    The unique local culture , such as hardworking , integrity and responsibility , facilitated the great achievements of Zeng Guofan ;

  25. 曾国藩的“礼”与黑格尔的“绝对精神”都是至高无上的本体,都具有无所不包性。

    Zeng Guo fangs Li has the similar meaning to Hegels Absolute Spirit that they are the holy essence including almost everything .

  26. 曾国藩认为读书可以使人立志,可以改变人的气质,使人有长远的发展。

    Zen Guofan thinks that reading can make man set up his ideal , change his temperament and provide him with great expectations .

  27. 其次,曾国藩人才伦理思想并不是难以实践的空想,而带有经世致用的特征。

    Second , his ethical ideas of talents are not utopian , but pragmatic , so his ideas have the character of statecraft .

  28. 曾国藩一贯重视人才,有着颇具传统道德色彩的人才观念。

    Zeng attached great importance to the elite of his time , and his idea was deeply rooted in the Chinese traditional ethics .

  29. 加上曾国藩在晚清政坛上的巨大影响,一大批士人汇集其麾下,使桐城文派出现一度中兴的局面。

    Because of Zeng Guofan 's great impact on late Qing politics , he rallied a lot of literati around him and boomed Tong-city Group .

  30. 争议甚大的历史人物曾国藩,在其政治生涯的各个阶段却都非常重视推行反腐倡廉的工作,并形成了丰富的反腐败思想。

    A strongly controversial historical person , Zeng Guofann , paid great attention to carrying out the policy of combating corruption and building a clean government .