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Cáo Cāo
  • Cao Cao;one of the most celebrated figures in the Three Kingdoms period
  1. 嗬,说曹操,曹操就到——瞧,艾丽斯这不来啦!

    Well , speak of the devil ─ here 's Alice now !

  2. 曹丕与曹植都是曹操的儿子,二者均有才华,特别是曹植更具文采。

    Tsau Pi and Tsau Jr were sons of Tsau Tsau . Both were very gifted writers , and Tsau Jr was especially quick-witted .

  3. 在曹操死后,曹丕继任大统,但他嫉妒曹植的才华,同时也惧怕曹植会谋反,所以一直在伺机杀害曹植。

    After Tsau Tsau 's death , Tsau Pi took over the throne of the kingdom of wei . Jealous of Tsau Jr 's literary ability , and afraid that he might cause problems , Tsau Pi was always looking for a way to kill his brother .

  4. 说到安琪儿你会听到他的飞声。(说到曹操,曹操就到。)

    Talk of an angel and you 'll hear his wings .

  5. 曹操带领300000兵力攻击吴国。

    Cao Cao led a force of 300 000 to attack Wu .

  6. 曹操决定最好先撤退。

    Cao Cao decided it would be best to retreat .

  7. 悲美之音&曹操文学思想探析

    Beauty of Sad Melody & CAO Cao 's Literature Ideology

  8. 《三国演义》中真正的强者是曹操,三家中一直居战略优势地位的是魏国。

    Wei has always been in the strategic advantage in the three kingdoms .

  9. 曹操怒指祢衡说:“你清白,谁肮脏?”

    " If you 're clean ," Cao roared ," Who 's dirty ?"

  10. 曹操大怒,杀了蔡瑁,张允。

    Cao was enraged and he had Cai Mao and Zhang Yun executed .

  11. 论曹操诗歌的写实性

    On the Realistic Description of Cao Cao 's Poems

  12. 论《世说新语》刻画的曹操形象及其发展

    On the Image of Cao Cao Characterized in The New Stories and Its Development

  13. 然而现代历史学家倾向于将曹操视为善战的将军和注重实际的政治家。

    Modern historians tend to view Cao as a skillful general and pragmatic politician .

  14. 论曹操的军事经济战略思想

    On Cao cao 's military economic strategy

  15. 曹操是一为有名的历史人物。

    Caocao is a famous historical figure .

  16. 抑或生性多疑的曹操真有七十二疑冢?

    Or is it just one of72 fake graves built by the suspicious Cao Cao ?

  17. 袁绍、曹操后来走向公开分裂,此次兖州之战也埋下伏笔。

    The battle of Yanzhou foreshadowed the open cleavage of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao later .

  18. 208年,周瑜和刘备领导他们的军队抗击曹操。

    In 208 , Zhou Yu and Liu Bei led their forces to fight Cao Cao .

  19. 曹操的父亲是宦官中常侍曹腾的养子。

    Cao 's father was the adopted son of the chief eunuch of the imperial court .

  20. 曹操说:宁教我负天下人,休叫天下人负我。

    Caocao say : rather I fuck every one , not let every one fuck me together .

  21. 荀彧的人生悲剧,是他自己的人生定位与曹操政治行为冲突的结果。

    His tragedy was the result of the clash between his personality and Cao Cao 's political behaviors .

  22. 这与他自身经历有关,时代环境的因素更不可忽视,同时曹氏集团中众多人才的儒学倾向对曹操也有影响。

    Furthermore , the Confucian inclination of the talented people around him had a great impact on him .

  23. 他多次为曹操出谋划策,运筹帷幄,时人称其有张良、陈平之才。

    He has plans to Cao Cao , strategist , when he has called Liang , Chen 's only .

  24. 如今,考斯-瑞德是中国的一名电影和电视人物,他的艺名“曹操”更为人所熟知。

    Today Kos-Read is a movie and television personality in China better known by his stage name Cao Cao .

  25. 在儒家历史学家的作品和通俗传说中,曹操被描写成一个典型的精明、大胆、寡廉鲜耻的恶棍。

    He was described by Confucian historians and in popular legends as the archetypal shrewd , bold , unscrupulous villain .

  26. 曹操虽向长江流域发动进攻,但都被迫撤回。

    Cao Cao made several attacks on the line of the Yangtze , but was compelled each time to withdraw .

  27. 曹操一气之下,命他立即出征,希望借敌人的刀杀了祢衡。

    Cao , infuriated , ordered him to the Battle front , hoping the enemy 's sword would kill him .

  28. 曹操联接在一起的舰队在河湾上着了火,几乎全军覆没。

    The Cao Cao 's armada , connected together , was caught fired in the bay and nearly totally destroyed .

  29. 正在山上观战的曹操见赵云势不可挡,传令一定要活捉。

    Cao Cao , who was watching the battle from a nearby hilltop , ordered that Zhao Yun be captured alive .

  30. 试论曹操南征荆州及东进江东的战略决策东南亚地缘政治在印度东进政策中的考量

    On Cao Cao s Strategic Decisions for Attacking Jingzhou and Jingdong ; Southeast Asian Geopolitics in Considerations of the Indian East-Move Policy