
  • 网络Amram
  1. SHHHH,妈妈约基别和爸爸暗兰可是没有告诉任何人他们有了一个新出生的小宝宝。

    But shhh ! Mother Jochebed and Father Amram are not telling ANYONE about their new baby son !

  2. 暗兰的儿子是亚伦,摩西,还有女儿米利暗。

    The children of Amram : Aaron , Moses and Miriam .

  3. 暗兰的儿子是亚伦,摩西。

    The sons of Amram : Aaron and Moses .

  4. 妈妈约基别和爸爸暗兰相信神会看顾他们的孩子。

    Jochebed and Amram were trusting God to take care of their baby boy .

  5. 歌辖的儿子是暗兰,以斯哈,希伯伦,乌薛。

    And the sons of kohath : amram , izhar , hebron , and uzziel .

  6. 暗兰娶了他父亲的妹妹约基别为妻,她给他生了亚伦和摩西。

    Amram married his father 's sister Jochebed , who bore him Aaron and Moses .

  7. 暗兰族,以斯哈族,希伯伦族,乌泄族也有职分。

    Of the amramites , of the izharites , of the hebronites , of the uzzielites .

  8. 哥辖的儿子,按着家室,是暗兰,以斯哈,希伯伦,乌薛。

    And the sons of Kohath by their families ; Amram , and Izehar , Hebron , and Uzziel .

  9. 杏仁状眼睛,位置较深,宁可大一些,深褐色眼睛和黑色(或暗兰灰色)眼圈。

    The almond shaped eyes are deep set , rather large , and dark brown with black or slate gray eye rims .

  10. 暗兰的希伯来名字意思为:被高举的人,他和他的妻子都来自做祭师的利末部落。

    Amram in Hebrew means : exalted people both he and his wife were from the tribe of Levi the priestly tribe .

  11. 哥辖的儿子是暗兰,以斯哈,希伯伦,乌薛。哥辖一生的岁数是一百三十三岁。

    And the sons of kohath : amram and izhar and Hebron and uzziel : and the years of kohath 's life were a hundred and thirty-three .

  12. 半重瓣星形花,较暗的淡紫色镶有暗兰色宽边。

    Semidouble dark lavender star / dark orchid sparkle edge .

  13. 男士们习惯穿暗淡乏味的颜色的暗淡乏味的衣服,半重瓣星形花,较暗的淡紫色镶有暗兰色宽边。

    Men were used to wearing dull , boring clothes of dull , boring colors , Semidouble dark lavender star / dark orchid sparkle edge .

  14. 走到半路,天色暗了下来。半重瓣星形花,较暗的淡紫色镶有暗兰色宽边。

    He had gone about half way when darkness overtook him . Semidouble dark lavender star / dark orchid sparkle edge .