
  1. 基于PDA操作的智能用电监察系统

    Intelligent electric quantity test system based on the PDA

  2. 基于无线遥控的智能用电控制器的设计

    Design of Intelligent Power Consumption Controller Based on Wireless Remote Control

  3. 一种新型的智能用电抄表系统的设计

    Design of a new type of smart power meter reading system

  4. 最后,对智能用电终端技术的发展趋势进行了展望。

    Finally , the development of intelligent electrical terminal technology trends predicted .

  5. 智能用电系统由多个智能用电插座和一个智能用电网关组成。

    The Smart Electricity System is consisted of some smart electricity outlets and one Smart Electricity Gateway .

  6. 随着S学院办学规模的不断扩大,学生公寓智能用电系统己成为学院后勤社会化改革的基础设施和必备条件。

    As S college education scale continues to expand , student apartment intelligence system has become college logistics socialization reform infrastructure and necessary conditions .

  7. 双向互动电能计量实现智能用电数据的采集,为分析与应用管理提供科学依据。

    The bi-directional interactive energy measurement can achieve the intelligent power data collection and provides a scientific basis to the analysis and application manage-ment .

  8. 在智能用电中需要对主站、通信信道、采集设备等做到全覆盖、全采集、全控制,这就给电能信息采集工作提出了巨大的挑战。

    Smart electricity needs to achieve full coverage of the master , the communication channel , acquisition equipment , full acquisition and full control .

  9. 智能用电小区将集中体现智能用电技术先进、经济高效、灵活互动等特征。

    Smart Power Community will focus on characteristics of Smart power , such as advanced technologies , cost-effective , flexible and interactive , and so on .

  10. 与此同时,简单设计了一种适合智能用电业务应用的应用层通信协议,并简要分析了终端设备的工作过程。

    And then , it simply designs a layer communication protocol for applications of intelligent use of electricity service , and describes work processes of terminal equipment .

  11. 针对学生公寓存在使用大功率违章电器的问题,为了用电安全与管理,设计了一个以单片机为核心能自动识别大功率电器并能限制其使用的智能用电控制器。

    Aiming at the problem of using high-power disallowed electrical appliances in the apartments of student , and for the purpose of using and controlling electricity safely we design a chip microcomputer which is based on intelligent electrical controller .

  12. 重点介绍了大学生公寓在高校后勤工作社会化改革时期新型大学生电气设计的一些思路:包括安全用电,智能用电管理及大学生公寓用电负荷的确定等;

    This paper focuses on some new ideas on electrical design in the college dormitories during a new period of rear-service reform , which include the safe use of electricity , intelligent power management and college dormitories electricity load , etc.

  13. 智能用电系统的基本功能是融合电能实时计量、自动控制、网络通信等技术,实现电能消费的可见、可控、计划性和自动规划等目标。

    The basic function of the Smart Electricity System is to integrate technologies including the measurement of real-time electricity power , automatic control , network communication , etc. And the goals of the system are to realise visible , manageable , schedulable , automatically planned electricity consumption and so forth .

  14. 完成的主要工作如下:首先,本文对智能电网用电信息采集系统中可能存在的安全隐患进行了详细分析。

    The main work accomplished in the paper is as follows : Firstly , a detailed analysis of the safety hazards potentially exist in the Smart Grid electric data acquisition system was conducted .

  15. 地下车库照明负荷曲线与日照曲线接近,因此选择地下车库照明和智能化设备用电为光伏系统负荷;

    Fifth , the load curve of underground garage is similar to the curve of sunshine , so the underground garage lighting and the intelligent system are chosen as photovoltaic power system loads ;

  16. 分布式三相交流智能前端在厂用电计量中的应用

    Application of Three Phase Alternating Current Intelligent Instrument for Factory Electric Energy Measurement

  17. 系统主要包括智能配电网监测设备、通信设备及智能用电信息采集设备。

    The system mainly includes smart distribution network monitoring equipment , communications equipment and smart power information collection equipment .

  18. 再次,从实际应用的角度出发,对智能终端进行了需求分析并设计了智能用电终端的功能;

    After that , based on smart grid capabilities to meet the target , paper focusing on the design of smart power terminal function .

  19. 在各国大力发展智能电网的环境下,我国现阶段有关智能用电的研究性论文比起发电、输电和配电方面来说较少。

    Under the development in smart grid , in China research papers related to the smart power utilization is relatively less than generation , transmission and distribution .

  20. 论文首先总结了国内外智能电网的发展历程、研究现状及成果,分析了智能用电在智能电网领域的地位和作用。

    This paper first summarizes the development process , the research status and the research results of smart grid at home and abroad . Analyzing the position and the role of intelligent electricity consumption in the area of smart grid .

  21. 智能电网是新形势下电力行业的发展趋势,其中智能用电环节作为智能电网的重要组成部分,直接面向社会和电力用户,在智能电网的建设中具有十分重要的地位。

    Smart grid is the development trend of power industry in new situation , as an important component of smart grid , the intelligent power consumption sector faces to the social and power user directly , occupying a very important position in the construction of smart grid .

  22. 以照明灯具用电的智能控制为例,介绍集无线编码遥控技术、双向可控硅技术、单片机控制技术于一体的智能用电控制器的设计理念与设计方法。

    We present intelligent control of power consumption on lamps , introduce the design principle and the design method of intelligent power consumption controller which is integrated with wireless code control technology , bidirectional thyristor technology and single-chip Microcomputer control technology .