
  • 网络Mentally Retarded Children
  1. 智力障碍儿童特殊体育教学原则探究

    Analysis of the Principle of Children Special PE

  2. 智力障碍儿童生存教育课程建设案例研究

    The Survival Education of Mental Retarded Children : A Case Study of Curriculum Development

  3. 游戏治疗的内涵及其对智力障碍儿童心理发展的意义

    The Connotation and Significance of Play Therapy to Mental Development of Children with Mental Retardation

  4. 智力障碍儿童全纳教育的多元教学模式

    Multi-element Instructional Model in Inclusive Education

  5. 上海市普及智力障碍儿童高中阶段教育的必要性与可行性

    On the Necessity and Feasibility of Popularization of High School Education for Mental Retarded Children in Shanghai

  6. 得出以下结论:(1)智力障碍儿童教师的现场教学认知水平总体较高。

    The main conclusions were as follows : ( 1 ) The level of cognition of teachers of scene teaching was high .

  7. 智力障碍儿童感知觉能力在不同年级组上存在显著差异,在不同性别和年龄组上均不存在显著差异。

    As for children with intellectual disability there is a significant difference between different grades . But there is no difference between different sexes and ages .

  8. 通过调查问卷分析中重度智障儿童的适应能力平均得分不高的原因以及提出了关于学校、家长、社区和体育康复的对策,为提高智力障碍儿童适应能力提供理论依据。

    We analyzed that the severe retarded children adaptability scoring average is not high reason and proposes the countermeasures about schools , parents , community , physical recovery .

  9. 相比较而言,正常儿童的心理推测能力最好,其次是高功能孤独症儿童,再次是轻度智力障碍儿童。

    Compared with them , the normally developed child had the most superior ability of psychological inference , the next was the high-functionally autistic one and the mild mental retarded child came last .

  10. 我国对于盲、聋儿童的特殊教育已有一百余年的历史,而对于智力障碍儿童的教育兴起较晚,始自于1979年。

    China for the blind , deaf special education for children over one hundred years of history , but the rise of the education for children of mental retardation is late , began in 1979 .

  11. 本研究以自编的两个测验故事为测量工具,考察了同是9岁的3名不同类型儿童(高功能孤独症儿童、轻度智力障碍儿童和正常儿童)心理推测能力的水平及异同。

    In this study , two experimental test tasks were employed in three nine-year-old children who were respectively high-functionally autistic , mild mental retarded and normally developed in an effort to explore their psychological levels of inference ability and the disparities .

  12. 近年来,我国辅读学校教育对象趋向多样化,以中、重度智力障碍儿童为主,同时招收自闭症、脑瘫等其他类型障碍儿童,教学对象的多样化加剧了学生间的个体差异。

    In recent years , the students in the schools for the mentally retarded tend to be diversification , mainly including the children with moderate and severe intelligence disability , also including the children with autism , cerebral palsy and others , which increasing the differences among the students .

  13. 唐氏综合征是先天性智力障碍最常见的遗传类型,10%-15%的智力障碍儿童罹患该病,该疾病影响个体智能发育和体格发育。

    Down Syndrome is the most common genetic types of congenital mental retardation . 10 % - 15 % of the mental retarded children is diagnosed with Down Syndrome .