
  • 网络glp;Prologis;global logistic properties;Global Logistics Properties;Poulos
  1. 安大略伍德布里奇(Woodbridge)监控软件生产商NesterSoft的销售专员伊莲娜•普洛斯库米娜(ElenaProskumina)称,此类软件可以让管理者发现谁需要帮助、谁又在浪费时间。

    Such programs can help bosses spot people who need help , as well as those who are wasting time , says Elena Proskumina , a sales specialist for NesterSoft , a Woodbridge , Ontario , maker of a monitoring program called WorkTime .

  2. 戴维。莱奥普洛斯一家住的地方离我家只有几个街区。

    David Leopoulo 's lived a couple of blocks away .

  3. 澳洲普洛斯本河现代沉积物环境地球化学研究

    Environmental Geochemistry of modern sediments in brisbane , australia

  4. 普洛斯彼罗有一名叫做艾利尔的仆人,他是一个空气精灵。

    To help him he has his servant Ariel , an air spirit .

  5. 它开始更像《暴风雨》中卡利班见识到的普洛斯彼罗的荒岛,光怪陆离。

    It begins to seem more like Prospero 's island as experienced by Caliban .

  6. 2010年,普洛斯在新加坡证券交易所上市。

    Global Logistic made an initial public offering on the Singapore stock exchange in 2010 .

  7. 司马景瀚说,普洛斯在中国的仓库租户有一半都是中国公司。

    Today , half of Global Logistic 's tenants in China are Chinese companies , Mr. Schwartz said .

  8. 但如果中国经济增长继续放慢,普洛斯可能会遇到更大的挑战。

    But Global Logistic may still run into bigger challenges if China 's growth rate continues to fall .

  9. 从哈姆莱特的绝望之死到普洛斯彼罗的信仰的重生,这正是一个真正的人的生成过程,也是一个人走向真正的信仰的过程。

    The process from Hamlet 's hopeless death to Prospero 's new born is the process of the born of a true man .

  10. 亚历山大。科普洛斯向女友求婚时,不怕会掉落戒指,但他确实担心另一种状况。

    Alexander Loucopoulos wasn 't afraid he would drop the ring when he proposed to his girlfriend , but he did have another fear .

  11. 与此同时,一些因素很有可能限制中国市场的扩张速度和普洛斯的增长速度。

    At the same time , some factors stand to limit the speed of the Chinese market 's expansion , and thus Global Logistic 's growth .

  12. 园区海关保税物流中心(B型)由苏州工业园区与美国最大的工业和物流设施开发商-普洛斯公司-合作开发,规划面积3km2,将分三期开发。

    Co-operating with Prologis , the largest industrial & logistics property developer in US , SIP-BLC plans to develop a total area of3km2 in three phases .

  13. 他也曾为电影写过剧本,1984年凭借西奥•安哲罗普洛斯的电影《塞瑟岛之旅》获戛纳电影节最佳剧本奖。

    He has written screenplays for the cinema , and in1984 he won the Cannes Festival screenplay award for Theo Angelopoulos 's film Journey to Kythera .

  14. 但是塔索斯•帕帕佐普洛斯总统有个巧妙的方法:无论什么代价,只要希族塞人愿意加入欧盟,谈判就向那边偏。

    But their president , Tassos Papadopoulos , also had a tactical line : since the Greek-Cypriot republic would join the EU whatever happened , its bargaining position would improve .

  15. 另一些受欢迎的图书包括安德鲁·莱恩所著的《年轻的福尔摩斯》,蒂姆·戴多普洛斯所著的字谜图书《福尔摩斯》,以及心理学家玛丽亚·柯妮可娃所著的《天才大脑:如何像福尔摩斯一样思考》。

    Other popular titles included Andrew Lane 's Young Sherlock Holmes books , Tim Dedopulos 's Holmes puzzles , and psychologist Maria Konnikova 's Mastermind : How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes .

  16. 位于国王高速公路上苹果银行分行对面的麦迪逊鲜花和装饰用品店的老板比尔•吉安诺普洛斯说,直到街道上到处都是警察,直升飞机在头顶盘旋,他才意识到有事情发生了。

    Bill Giannopoulos , owner of Madison Florist and Decorators , across Kings Highway from the Apple Bank branch , said he did not realize anything was happening until the street was swarming with police officers and a helicopter was circling overhead .

  17. 普洛斯股价在2010年10月达到2.32新加坡元(合1.86美元)的高点之后,2011年跌至1.56新元的低点,原因是全球经济形势不佳以及投资者对中国零售额增长减速感到担忧。

    Global Logistic stock , after reaching a high of 2.32 Singapore dollars ( $ 1.86 ) in October 2010 , declined to a low of 1.56 SGD in October 2011 because of global economic jitters and investors ' concerns about Chinese retail-sales growth losing momentum .