
  • 网络Universal value
  1. 我们为什么必须批判抵制普世价值观

    Why Should We Must Criticize and Reject " Universal Value "

  2. 泉州海上丝路文化的普世价值及重要启示

    Universal Value and Important Revelation of Sea Silk Road Culture in Quanzhou

  3. 它们是普世价值观,普遍有利于社会进步。

    They are universal , and universally beneficial to societal advance .

  4. 时间决定了一国的发展空间,因为发展越早,越不受普世价值观和国际体系结构的约束;

    Development space of a country is refrained by the time .

  5. 全球化背景下的普世价值观批判性分析

    The Context of Globalization of the " Universal Values " Critical Analysis

  6. 但西方应该对普世价值观表现出更大的信心。

    But the West should show much greater confidence in universal values .

  7. 宪政这一制度文明其实拥有整个人类所共同追求的普世价值。

    Constitutionalism has the universal values which are pursued by all mankind .

  8. 儒家和理念的普世价值

    The Common-Value on the Idea of He in Confucianism

  9. 布什在他们的任期内也同样充当其他宗教信仰的普世价值。

    Bush were equally ecumenical regarding the other monotheistic faiths during their tenures .

  10. 普世价值研究述评

    Review of the Studies on " Universal Value "

  11. 论儒家天命信仰中的普世价值

    On the Universal Value in the Confucian Belief in the Mandate of Heaven

  12. 那么,描写和歌颂这样一群英雄好汉有没有普世价值呢?

    Then , description and praise such a group of heroes have universal value ?

  13. 普世价值之争的焦点:关涉政治与无涉政治

    Dispute Focus of Universal Values : to Concern or not to Concern with Politics

  14. 普世价值再议&兼与周新城教授商榷

    The Reconsideration of " Universal Value " & A Discussion with Professor ZHOU Xin-cheng

  15. 自由是现代重要的普世价值理念之一。

    Freedom is one of the most important and wide-spread value at the present age .

  16. 有关普世价值的各种争论就是在这样的国际国内大背景下产生的。

    The debates of " universal values " produced in such international and domestic context .

  17. 宗教自由是普世价值观。

    Religious freedom is a universal value .

  18. 关于普世价值的几点认识

    On the Universal Value Some Things

  19. 这是一种普世价值观。

    That 's a universal value .

  20. 普世价值是转换型领导的前提。

    Theseuniversal values arethe premisesoftransformational leadership .

  21. 马克思主义认为,在阶级社会不存在所谓超阶级的普世价值。

    According to Marxism , there is no universal value absent of class nature in class society .

  22. 依据、问题及路径:对和谐世界理念普世价值的几点思考

    Foundation , Problems and Paths : Some Reflections on the Universal Value of " Harmonious World "

  23. 另一方面可知被全世界绝大多数人认为是好的东西就是普世价值。

    In view of the latter case , the existence of universal value is not a problem .

  24. 维持稳定要求战略清晰,支持普世价值&即使这些普世价值并不一致。

    Stability requires strategic clarity and an underpinning of universal values , even if they are not uniform .

  25. 全球化使得普世价值的本土化和本土经验的普世化问题日益彰显。

    Globalization has made more distinct the problem of domestication of general value and generalization of domestic experiences .

  26. 马克思主义与普世价值&论析马克思主义是不是时下所讨论的普世价值

    Marxism and Universal Value & An Analysis about Whether Marxism is the " Universal Values " Discussed Now

  27. 实际上他认为现代社会中有很多普世价值。

    His argument is rather that there are many ways of recognising universal values in a modern society .

  28. 哈金作品对人性的关注和对普世价值的提倡对中国当代文学有着很大的借鉴意义。

    His works which focus on humanity and advocate universal values have major implications on contemporary Chinese literature .

  29. 但这些宗教煽动者说对了一件事,我们需要一个普世价值

    But the demagogues are right about one thing : We need a universal conception of human values .

  30. 同时这座校园里的许多知识分子捍卫了人类的普世价值

    In the meantime , a lot of intellectuals at this campus had stood up for universal human values