
  • 网络Spring drought;drought in spring
春旱 [chūn hàn]
  • [spring drought] 春天出现的旱情

  • 罕见的春旱

  1. 庆阳春旱的均生函数预测模型

    Mean-Generation Function Model for Spring Drought Forecast in Qingyang

  2. 贵州春旱短期气候预测信号及预测模型研究

    A Study on Forecast Signals and Forecast Models of Spring Drought in Guizhou

  3. 今年时令不正,春旱秋涝,夏天又闹雹灾。

    We have had unseasonable weather all through the year : prolonged drought in spring , hailstorms in summer , and too much rain in autumn .

  4. PP回归在新疆春旱长期预报工作中的应用

    Application of PPR Method in Long Period Forecast of Spring Drought in Xinjiang

  5. 基于Ts-EVI特征空间的春旱遥感监测&以河北省为例

    Application of Ts-EVI character space to monitor spring drought & a case study in Hebei China

  6. 2000~2001年商丘严重春旱成因分析

    The Cause of Spring Drought in Shangqiu During 2000 ~ 2001

  7. 用Pearson-Ⅲ概率分布推算梅州春旱的重现期

    Calculating return period of Meizhou spring dry with Pearson - ⅲ probability distribution

  8. 鹤壁市春旱动态监测及分析

    Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis of Spring Drought over Hebi

  9. 北方地区的春旱从1980年代开始有所加重。

    The dry trend in northern China has become severe since the 1980s .

  10. Y干旱指数在冀东春旱监测中的应用

    Application of Y Drought Index in Spring Drought Monitoring in East Hebei Province

  11. 近年黑龙江省春旱频繁发生的研究分析

    Study on frequent occurrence of spring drought in Heilongjiang Province in recent years

  12. 半干旱地区春旱对春小麦生长发育的影响

    The effects of spring drought on Spring Wheat in the simi - arid areas

  13. 山西南部春旱特征分析

    Analysis on the Features of the Spring Drought in South Part of Shanxi Province

  14. 春旱阳坡荒山造林保活技术的研究

    Study on the technique of survival of afforestation on SUNSIDE slopes during spring drought

  15. 甘肃黄土高原春旱的气候特征及预测方法

    Climatic Characteristics and Forecasting Method of Spring Drought in Loess Plateau of Gansu Province

  16. 气候因受季风交替影响,春旱夏涝。

    Due to the turn of the impact of monsoon climate , spring summer floods .

  17. 青海春季降水的气候变化特征及其对春旱的影响

    Climate Variation Characteristics of Spring Precipitation and Its Impact upon Spring Drought in Qinghai Plateau

  18. 玉米育苗移栽防御低温冷害和春旱试验研究

    Experimental study on defending corn from cold injury and spring drought by growing and transplanting seedlings

  19. 1990年春旱范围大,旱情将持续2&3个月;

    In 1990 , the spring drought will influence the most areas and last 2-3 months ;

  20. 稀播旱育秧对缺水春旱及洪涝地区尤为适宜。

    The spare sowing dry breeding seedling was particularly suitable in water deficient and flooded area .

  21. 河南省麦田春旱的原因及对策

    The Analysis of Spring Soil Drought of Winter Wheat Field and Its Countermeasures in Henan Province

  22. 甘肃河东早春旱和春旱的监测与预测

    The monitoring and forecasting for early spring drought and spring drought in Hedong region in Gansu province

  23. 吉林省西部春旱区的坐水种技术解析

    Analysis and Explanation for Sowing with Water Technique in Semiarid Area in Western Part of Jilin Province

  24. 我小的时候,我们从来没听说过什么‘春旱’。

    When I was a child , we never heard of the words ' spring drought ' .

  25. 春旱日数变化以减少趋势为主,夏旱、秋旱日数变化以增加趋势为主;

    Drought days showed a decline trend in spring , and an increase trend in summer and autumn .

  26. 春旱发生频率较高,并存在地区差异,由北向南逐渐减少。

    The frequencies of spring drought are high and have local difference which gradually decreases from north to south .

  27. 就平均值来看,春旱时期各立地类型土壤水分均可供应充足。

    The supply of soil water of each site types at spring drought period is enough from the average .

  28. 在春旱情况下,提倡蕾期蓄水灌溉,但要注意控制徒长。

    The irrigation at the squaring stage to store more water was proposed , but plant overgrowth should be controlled .

  29. 秸秆覆盖增加春旱年份的玉米出苗率,随着覆盖量增加,作用越明显。

    Mulch tillage could increase seedling rate of corn , and the influence was obvious with increasing of straw amount .

  30. 结果表明鄱阳湖在这三年中,均发生了伏、秋、冬旱连春旱,但是秋旱最严重。

    The results show that in the three years , Poyang Lake has drought in summer , autumn , winter and even in spring .