- 网络magnetic field;Interplanetary Magnetic Fields;interstellar magnetic field

Influence of interplanetary magnetic field b_y on the field-aligned current in the magnetopause
Ions are injected from the magnetotail to the ring current region in a dispersionless mode most probably by enhanced convective electric field that driven by steady southward interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) .
Instabilities in the MD Type Spiral Sector Transition Region of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
By using a six-layer model , the stabilities of MD type spiral sector transition region in the interplanetary magnetic field are discussed .
There is no explicit relation between the rise time of the anomalous SSC events and the interplanetary field direction .
The optical aurora measurements showed that the observational ionospheric region was good response to the magnetopause reconnections . The regions of the aurora brightening were much dependent on the IMF clock angle .
The analysis shows that geomagnetic storms / substorms can occur when the component B_z of the IMF is southward and the velocity of the solar wind increases to above 500 km / s.
A 2.5 dimensional , ideal MHD model in spherical coordinates is used to numerically simulate the propagation of azimuthal magnetic field disturbances with emphasis upon its influence on the spiral angle of the interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) .
IMF sector effect on geomagnetic field at mid and low latitudes
Azimuthal magnetic field disturbances and spiral structure of the interplanetary magnetic field
Possibility of Triggering the Geomagnetic Disturbances by the IMF Northward Bz Component
The spiral sector transition regions in the interplanetary magnetic fields
FACs are easier to exist under strong southward IMF .
The Sector Boundary of IMF and the Geomagnetic Disturbance
Cross-correlation analysis between the solar flares and the southward components of interplanetary magnetic fields
Therefore the study and estimate of the intersteller magnetic field are of great significance .
Ionospheric drift properties and its response to the IMF conditions at Zhongshan station , antarctica
Type ⅲ burst sources in the corona and comparisons with the interplanetary magnetic field lines
Third , it may study the relation of the existence of Be stars with stellar magnetic fields in the interstellar median ;
After creating the magnetosphere model . We change the interplanetary magnetic field near the earth , and observe the physical quantities in the magnetosphere .
The possibility of triggering the geomagnetic disturbances by the northward Bz component of the IMF is discussed using some typical events and statistical analyses .
The solar wind , carrying the plasma and IMF , is slowed down by the magnetosphere , produce the bow shock region and the magnetosheath .
The main results are : ( 1 ) the fluctuation intensity and fluctuation anisotropy of the interplanetary magnetic field are amplified obviously in the magnetosheath region ;
Unlike the magnetopause reconnection , the magnetosheath reconnection can only lead to the topology change of IMF and the acceleration and heating of the magnetosheath plasma .
The results obtained show that an average increase of about 10 degrees is observed in the inclination angle of the interplanetary magnetic field vector from the ecliptic plane .
Under certain condition of the interplanetary magnetic field , a portion of them can reach the shadow region which is usually considered to be devoid of solar wind protons .
Seventeen events of CME between 1978 and 1981 are examined , for 14 events of which ( 82 % ) the kinematic code correctly predicts the direction of perturbation of the north-south component of IMF .
The Enter / Retreat events show a correlation with southward interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ), and the averaged geomagnetic index show that these events occurred under a larger value than that of the magnetotail current sheet .
Recently , the work of many authors in the field of astronomy has shown that intersteller magnetic field plays an important role in the formation and evolution of intersteller clouds as well as in the formation of stars .
The distribution characteristics are controled strongly by the directions of the interplanetary magnetic field , the dawn-side more sensitive than the dusk-side , relatively speaking , the magnetic activity of the dusk-side is more stable than the dawn-side ;