
  • 网络pair of galaxies
  1. 这种方法是基于对现在间隔已达4.9亿光年的星系对分离倾向的测定(?)

    This method is based on the preference for pairs of galaxies to be separated by a distance of490 million light-years today .

  2. 随着星系对离我们越来越远,它们之间的相互距离却在缩小,就像一个尺子在远方看,单位间隔会变小一样。

    The separation appears to get smaller as the galaxies move farther away , just like a ruler of fixed length ( right-hand illustration ) .

  3. 这个星系对是红外光波段天空最亮的光源之一,它们喷出由恒星、云气和尘埃所组成的扭曲潮汐尾,而本内部也出现剧烈的恒星诞生活动。

    One of the brightest sources in the infrared sky , the merging galaxies spew distorted tidal tails of stars , gas , and dust and undergo frantic bursts of star formation .

  4. 本文利用N体数值模拟方法,讨论了旋涡星系中恒星形成对旋涡结构的维持作用。

    The effect of star formation on the maintenance of spiral structure has been discussed using three dimensional N-body simulation .

  5. 旋涡星系中恒星形成对旋涡结构的影响

    The Effect of Star Formation on Spiral Structure

  6. 而且大公司的集体能量流允许其它星系的人类对气的榨取。

    Furthermore , the collective energy flow of the corporation allows for the leeching of chi by other humanoid races in other star systems .

  7. 而研究这些问题,一个十分有效的途径就是通过构建一个WR星系的样本,对其进行统计方面的探讨。

    To do this , there is a good way that constructing a WR galaxies sample , and analysing them statistically .

  8. γ爆与星系群、星系对及射电星系的交叉相关分析

    The Cross-Correlations of Gamma-Ray Bursts with Groups of Galaxies , Isolated Pairs of Galaxies and Radio Galaxies

  9. 通过研究半解析和流体动力学两种星系形成模型,我们发现,暗物质晕中的星系分布对晕的形成时间也有强烈的依赖性。

    We find that , in halos of fixed mass , the number of satellite galaxies has a strong dependence on the halo age , with fewer satellites in older halos .