
  1. 日壶j月壶、星壶的下面各有一个滴水的铜嘴,授水壶内有一个标尺。

    The Sun Pot , Moon Pot and Star Pot all have an opening at the bottom for water to drop , and the Water-receiving Pot has a gauge inside .

  2. 水从日壶滴人月壶,再到星壶,最后滴入授水壶。

    The water drops from the Sun Pot into the Moon Pot and then into the Star Pot and at last into the Water-receiving Pot .

  3. 人们把四只漏壶依次放在一个四级木架上,上面的一只叫日壶,下面的三只分别叫月壶、星壶、授水壶。

    These are placed in order on a four-level wood-en stand , the one on the highest level called the Sun Pot , and below.the Moon Pot , Sfar Pot and Water-receiving Pot , respectively .